What changes have occurred over the year?
Hi, guysI'm back after a one-year ban
me, hardly anyone remembers has, I'm sure, more than half oldafagov ever left this place, or just died
Such a question:
What happened in the year to Board? Which changes?
I don't know how to live in this new world, because I spent a whole year locked up
Such is the case, guys
the chatter is practically dead. I have nowhere to recruit inadequacy like a year ago.
Live as you did here a year ago. But you better leave before you get used to it.
It's time for the chatter to rest.
and what changes have been in the chat room (and on the site as a whole) in the whole history? who remembers? divide and rule! (Renata), "Reflection" of clones, the attack of nanoposans and the dominance of pecafeys / anime people, goodbye to the old lamp design and the death of the overwhelming number of oldfags / removing crackers (but stay), the era of timelessness: boob galleries / conveyor shit games ... the
article needs to be updated
They can threaten with an annual ban for flooding. Flooding means writing more than 2.5 messages per month.
Bleeding verbal diarrhea is ignored in individuals who have it systematically. Their ordinary state, so to speak. But at the same time they are banned for the daily fatness of quite adequate users, here.
Various masturbators have completely fucked up the gallery. Apparently the local authorities do not order them.
I won't say anything for the bumpiness, because it seems that only her old lovers hang out in it, according to a long-formed habit, and Vitalia, in comparison with the rest, is humanly loyal.
But you are registered in 2014, what can you know about that chatter that was in 2010?
rPeBoJL Ceremonial
? Anniversary? Which one?
Greetings to my fellow countryman. I wish you a proper resist in this abnormal heat.
I remember you. Why did you get banned?
Here, lately, the school-moderators have gone berserk at the end. They began to rub normal comments, but they left flooding and comments like "nice" or "nichosi". Apparently, comments longer than 2 words are difficult for
Masturbators in galleries for almost every game - the overwhelming audience of the site
But you can fatly troll lalok-pirates, lalok-schoolboggers, lalok-school video bloggers.
I rarely go to the PG, Hryas hello, I remember those words of support and apparently someone deleted my comm
Anomel Suna wrote:
Masturbators in galleries for almost every game - the overwhelming audience of the site
Actually, the main stream of characteristic picches is launched by two or three poor people like Uruz
- now he leads the top honorary masturbators of all PG.