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Stifler's mom 28.12.20 03:01 am

DLC Battle (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)

So the Witcher 3 has ended. The last addition "Blood and Wine" has been released and now we can take stock. We will not touch the main plot company, but simply decide which of the two additions was the best. In other words, we will vote either in favor of "Blood and Wine" or "Stone Hearts". Only in a dispute is truth born.

PS It is clear that DLCs are equally good and have already become a quality mark for players around the world, but nevertheless, write your preferences in this topic. If possible, indicating what exactly prompted you to choose this or that supplement. And in a month, a preliminary, and possibly a final, result will be summed up.

Current vote: Blood and Wine vs. Hearts of Stone (8-7)
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Nemesis 28.12.20

Difficult to choose. Each DLS has its own advantages. The first is sinister, with gorgeous bosses and a great storyline. The second - with a bunch of content, knightly tournaments and vampires. The storyline of the KS is definitely better, the characters are more colorful. But in KiV there are new monsters, new skills. It is impossible to choose between them, they are different. It's like choosing between soft and red. ))

adam_Bulgakov 28.12.20

My vote is for Hearts of Stone.

Garrus-1994 28.12.20

For Hearts of Stone. As mentioned above, Gunther looks like Satan. And I love Satan: D Yes, and the subject of the CS, for me, is better than KiV.

Stifler's mom 28.12.20

Guys vote! There is little left and let's summarize. Finally, pick the best DLC (although they're both great). The fight is pretty fierce. So far, "Blood and Wine" wins by one vote

Mescaline 28.12.20

well, even the fanboys themselves admitted that it was DLS, well, what the hell did it do in the top of the best games

Stifler's mom 28.12.20

As promised, I will sum up the voting in the "Best DLC" controversy. First of all, I would like to thank all users of the site who are not indifferent to this survey. And those who still managed to make a choice and vote in favor of this or that supplement. It is a pity, of course, that the voting did not turn out to be so large-scale, but this was enough to determine the winner. So, with a margin of only one vote (in a very stubborn struggle), the DLC - "Blood and Wine" won. And before adding a laudatory ode to the winner, I will say a few words about the DLC - "Hearts of Stone".
If you still compare the game with a book, remember Pan Sapkowski, canonicity, and so on, then of course you need to pay tribute to the scriptwriters of the COP. Their story is like one of the stories that came down to us from the first two books of Sapkowski. And the developers themselves were right when they said that KS is for those who cannot master the main game (due to its scale and lack of time for individual players), but nevertheless wants to imbue with the world of The Witcher. "Hearts of Stone" is a fast, addictive, mystical, a little funny and emotional story, which one wants to go through many times, as if turning the pages of a novel. Soon, for the third time, I will go to solve the mystery of the Everek family, meet the mysterious Mr. Mirror and spend an unforgettable night with dear Shani.
I gave the Hearts of Stone DLC

Well, now the next step is a large-scale winning addition, not only in the world of The Witcher, but also among the entire gaming industry. "Blood and Wine" is first and foremost an addition that only the lazy and indifferent to Geralt's adventures did not expect. For almost seven months, players clung to every news, every screenshot, or just another rumor about this DLC. And so when it came out, there was a certain sense of peace. Here he is handsome Toussaint! The land of wine and love! This is exactly how, according to Geralt himself, he remembered him. It was just like this, sitting by the fire for a sincere conversation, that we remembered Geralt himself in this addition. Frankly, KiV became the best also because it became the last. I will not write about all the charms of Toussaint, the variety of fauna and flora, the many side quests and enemies, but I will simply say - beauty! This is how you can express yourself, with just one word about the KiV DLC. And thanks for the great ending of all the stories and for the opportunity to meet old friends in your home. In the house that Geralt dreamed of. In the house that the players dreamed of.
As soon as it snows and it gets noticeably colder outside my window, I will definitely go to warm and beautiful Toussaint to warm up a bit and meet old friends of the Witcher world!
Thank you all for your participation and attention. The winner has been revealed. The poll is closed.