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Bitard 09.05.21 08:19 pm

Take a break from discussing pvp, postroykas and other bot bots for a second. (Diablo 2)

Haven't played here for about six months. Not so long ago I came in, made a golder. And it was enough for me for exactly 3 days. For 3 days I haven’t pulled out a single hoop even slightly useful from the gambling, and I have something to compare with. About 2 years ago, I could easily pull out a hoop in a day, even a maroon one. And now there is one blueprint with krapomodami. Frankly speaking, I got the impression that, besides sitting and chatting, there is really nothing to do on this server: to catch a pvp game is a whole event, pvm, due to the lack of a drop, is not of interest after level 89 (the amulet requires, although I reached 97 six months ago).

And chatting comes down to:
- Ty% ^ &
- Nekul'turnaya i agressivnaya molodezh ', kotoraya vo mnogom opredelyaet lico PG, v goryachej diskussii poroj upotreblyaet vyrazhenie "Ty% ^ &". Like pravilo dannaya fraza oznachaet, chto lyubaya popytka dialoga s opponentom obrechena na proval, ego moral'nye kachestva ne vyderzhivayut nikakoj kritiki, a prakticheskoj pol'zy ot spora ozhidat 'ne prihoditsya. YA, sobstvenno govorya, k chemu, Bitard ... Inogda mne stanovitsya zhalko, chto ya ne prinadlezhu k chislu nekul'turnoj i agressivnoj molodezhi, ved 'togda mne ne prishlos' by pisat' dlinnoe pis'mo.
- Nuhai pesu

Am I right or wrong? Maybe there is a separate sub-realm, where everyone is doing something interesting?
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Sweety_Mustard 09.05.21

bd_sm [TDPG]
I see no contradictions, the party presidium will always exist - but this does not negate the fact that the trade will be more lively, there will be more games - and all this will possibly attract players.
Prices are limited by demand - a shortage of shak due to the lack of PCB is unlikely to threaten the server, and normal things should cost just fine - and not how much they will give, as it is now.
About enigmas and patience - this is what the firk keeps talking about - no pain no gain.

Archon guard 09.05.21

bd_sm [TDPG]
another stupidity, then this zod was not only mine, but also partly a shish, we bought it together to take a share in Uber from the Masons, then there were thrown out windows on Uber and in the end it did not even pay off, but the very fact that I gave it to the shishik while I was leaving for the season only so that if they called him he could take part for me, and when he returned and there was no uber yet, they returned me too, these were the times of honest people, not like they are now being thrown on stones with hf on normal, and then the drop was the same and in the chat they were also whining about the SD

bd_sm [TDPG] 09.05.21

so this is no longer communism, but the stratification of society on monetary steroids in the general consumer frenzy,
conditional 40+ skillers will become no more, but less available

T-fox 09.05.21

Archon Guard
already had this when the 1.13 patch was released.
From this place, is it possible in more detail?

Sweety_Mustard 09.05.21

bd_sm [TDPG]
why suddenly - there will be no more buyers.

In general, there has already been a real example - a decrease in the chance of dropping from hf high runes - it definitely did not get better from this.

FludoTron 09.05.21

Gospada, stop tormenting the poor old man PG, he wants calmly and in silence to decompose into dust, mold and lime honey.

bd_sm [TDPG] 09.05.21

It seems to me exactly what will become, in the example above I described the logic of demand growth.

ROMCHA1994 09.05.21

I read .. conclusion. The essence of all the messages was something like "no runes and gear = no pvp", plus they used to stink about the drop cut, but the old men sounded the alarm and scribbled "-The drop is the same as in the single! Lol!", And now they take it for granted. .. guys can you play on Median huh? In general, you can see the whining of the old people, so they have come to the firm with their brows beating and whining "- Oh great! Cut the drop! Let the server turn into a server of homeless people and masons where pvp will be dead and will be reduced to whether you have enigma or not!"

Obsessed 09.05.21

FludoTron, +1. so many clever words and analysis, with a firm at the helm and for the sake of bodies, not even playing, but writing Ty% ^ & in the chat. those who need q2 with people will find it. those who like to "sit and chat" © - let them continue. what problems?

zulin_ru 09.05.21

Yes, no one needs a conditional drop of runes. Everyone is just tired of the "injustice". Those. for cold sorts, you need clothes on Vex, so that the norms are. Fire magpie should be on Gul. And light magpie is necessary for Ber Ber. Hamer should fall for Gul gear, smith for Ist, and zil for Lo. Amke with a bow is necessary for Jah gear. Etc.
Those. for different classes and construction sites you need a radically different number of runes. And if on off the conditional Ist stands as Vex, then the PG has its own atmosphere. And there is simply no point in collecting some construction sites. And so I would like to run around with a fight. Or a bear-sorkoy. But this is not for PeGe.
But there is a rookery ...

PS. Normal game - I mean at least the farm of keys and the ability to go through hell "with sweat and blood" - mother through mother.
Construction is a build, it's over.

stip_one 09.05.21

Archon Guard
, imagine what happened, a miracle, the drop was raised and in some fucking month you collected everything you wanted, you have every single ditch, and the season - it has just begun and everyone has everything around, you are flying by blood moor in pivipy or just arrange a pc for each other for how long it will be interesting and what will you do in the game if there is nothing left to look for?

Ummm, isn't it right now? The wig leaders have everything as you described. For a month and a half, they collect all the main ditches for themselves. And what about those who do not like to play the classics? Trade 24/7? Cooking skiLors? Sitting in the bushes, waiting for some novice player to sell a state item for a pool, cleverly buy and resell for a lo? Can sell soul stones to mephisto? There are, of course, ways to make money for an experienced player, but how much is it equivalent to running mules through the classics? But what about not the most experienced players ???

But what about those who want to feel the thrill of the fact that after 400 painful races on the Countess, he finally got East? Everything as he was promised in his favorite YouTube videos or which he read about in the gaids on MF forty in Tal Rash? What about those who want to practice at least a little pvp with at least non-basic things without a hint of perf or rarity?

If you increase the droparun, this does not increase the drop of rare things, from this gamble will not give you a 3/20/2 or 3/30 hat from every 1kk, which is now the turn, not to mention rare rare or druid pelt, etc. things that will take a long time to find. And besides the headgear and the moats, there are also other positions. An increase in the drop of runes does not mean that in a month all noobs will have Jah chests. For example, if during the day of the game you get a pool-small from the mobs, and in a week or two you caught some Ohm-Lo in xx for 6 + ppl. And at such a pace, for example, in a month of playing, I collected some Sur or Ber purely in runes, without trade. In terms of time spent, wouldn't that be fair or is it out of balance? Considering that experienced wig leaders make a stable ochm per day (a month - 15 Lo) without straining too much.

What kind of acceleration of the game are we talking about, if the wig leaders and even the masons with a bunch of runes do not collect all the desired things in a year due to their rarity and demand, and this despite the fact that the competition for rare things is not even 100 people, but much less. The trade is funny and broken at the root, again mainly due to the drop of runes.

If the administration thinks that "everything is working as intended," then it is crappy!

Obsessed 09.05.21

stip_one, year after year opinions are heard here. what's the point? )

Bitard 09.05.21

Greenaa Morningstar
leeeeeeeeeee, Assalamu alaikum has a phone number who can be thrown fraternally. Quvartiran
Obsessed wrote:
Year after year, opinions are heard here. what's the point? )
catch the extremist!

Archon guard 09.05.21

stip_one wrote:
what accelerations of the game are we talking about
about universal, about virtual communism, which is not the one to which they went under the USSR, when the wig leader leads a wig, he has no chance to drop the zod, from the word at all, when he gets ohm per day he does not receive a drop of things from the lod per day, it turns out either pull wig and have stability like under Yanukovych, or farm on Loda and be like in Europe under Zelensky, and all at once it’s not like that, it will be like in a fairy tale you farm like that for three days on okhmu + a couple of armor armor + hz the battalion commander fell 30 hp , and then you also get a berth on the fourth besides this oohma ++ and this is not only for you, this is so for every player, why tell me then all the garbage will be colorful if everything is so chocolate, and they already have no one does not use, by the way, everyone strives to get dressed quickly in the ditch, this is what acceleration it will be,and it’s not just those Masons who always collected for themselves, but just those Nubas who always cried because in the new realities they will also lag behind the clever Grineas and Bitards, I give you a guarantee, otherwise this Temko would not have been here. nada jolly they are tired of just folding the enigmas
stip_one wrote:
everything works as intended ", it was conceived crappy! Of
course, crappy because everyone and everyone who dragged it over and over again bothered to drag the wig, you need an alternative to the wig, understand that the alternative is such crap so that the runoks are like this, but not so dreary and vomit like from a wig
and then you keep talking not about the alternative, but about the fact that the drop is nada komunyatsky so that everyone and everyone,
and I always try to talk about the fact that there is an alternative,
and Obs always says that we are always saying all this in vain
and the administration does not interfere at all times, because it is written in the rules that the administration does not interfere

Bitard 09.05.21

Archon Guard
I'm sitting here reading about communism and that's all. Let's start not with communism, but with the previous step - socialism. Communism is also capitalism, but a capitalism in which class contradictions are excluded. The final stage of socialism, so to speak. So, if we talk about socialism, we have here, according to Marx, the following situevina: there is a proletariat (mefa is trampled 24/7), a working intelligentsia in the worst sense, dragging wigs (no brains, the same action is repeated by the normos, I am the Pope such, and my grandfather seemed to be shifting papers to the Politburo and seemed smart (I don't mean anything bad, I'm from here myself]) and the bureaucratic apparatus (the nomenclature represented by the current administration).
The bottom line is the powerless upper classes, unwilling lower classes and the resulting liver: repression, the oligarchy of the bureaucracy, deficit, Igor talc, balls, beauties, lackeys, cadets, and Schubert's waltzes, and the crunch of a French roll. This is all I need: the main difference is that the Revolutionary Tribunal is limited to a ban for a week, a month, a year (I was given 10 years). And that's all, they sailed. I will start the fireworks right from the balcony when the administration announces on the air that it will calculate the unwanted ones by ip and beat them $% ^ & * & ^% $.
SpoilerTse is food for thought. More pluralism, peace, work, May!

Obsessed 09.05.21

You farm like that for three days on okhmu + a couple of three
Archon Guard armor , and if on the TP belly (and in general) the important properties were "varies"? if there was a varik to change the unique / set not only with socket and apom?

Bitard 09.05.21


zulin_ru 09.05.21

Obsessed wrote:
what if on TP belly (and in general) important properties were "varies"? if there was a varik to change the unique / set not only with socket and apom?
TR set sharpened to +8?

Archon guard 09.05.21

Obsessed wrote:
what if on TP belly (and in general) the important properties were "varies"? if there was a varik to change the unique / set not only with socket and apom?
and if someone would have answered in Temko about cooking jouvelles, then I would have to come up with something with an answer, but for now I’ll go to the cook of jouvelles, you never know that "day of the harvest"

stip_one 09.05.21

Archon Guard
and all at once etozh nizza so, it will be like in a fairy tale you farm like that for three days on okhm + a couple of three armor + hz the battalion commander 30 hp fell, and then on the fourth you also get a ber in addition to this okhma ++ and this is so not only with you, this is the case with every player. They

tell you about meat, but in your head there is a chair. They tell you how cool it is to walk in the park, you are afraid that your legs will break while walking, so you keep banging your head against the wall.

Briefly for you what I wrote about:

Increase the drop of runes - YES. But wisely! What kind of Ber on the fourth day are we talking about, where did you find it in my message?
Increase item drop - NO. I also did not talk about this, if you look closely at my previous message. I understand, the letters, you have to read it, you also need to understand the essence. Complicated. It's easier to write "you're all wrong, I'm right!" Or do you consistently have a skill-battler 30hp every 2 days and your armor drops, just such things that are not particularly difficult to sell? Are we talking about the same server?

and the administration does not intervene at all times
If she does not interfere, then it is necessary not to interfere initially. And then the version of the game is 1.13, the drop of runes from 1.12 or from where it is, there are suspicions that in more than one original version of the game such a drop of runes was not even close. When you run on norms in a cowshed or hks, Shael, amn, raly falls. You run on a helle 8 pp in hks - Shael amn rali. And if you interfere, then wisely, so that users would not have the desire to skip the game after a couple of months of use. What actually did I do, including - skipped. Because playing with such a system of getting runes is a useles for many. Therefore, 90% of the server's people (or even more) is a turnover. People do not stay there for a long time, a few who join dozens of people who have approached such gameplay, whose names could be found in the chat 10 years ago and today. Therefore, online is here, compared to ... - extremely small. Because a trash heap.

Of course, it's crappy because everyone and everyone who dragged it over and over again bothered to drag the wig, we need an alternative to the wig, understand the alternative is such crap so that there are runes like this, but so that not so dreary-vomiting as from a wig then
and you keep saying not about the alternative, but about the fact that the drop is nada komunyatsky so that everyone and everyone
and I always try to talk about the fact that the nada is an alternative

Here's a plus. Only "you all" do not shove one size fits all, I did not say a word about communism, Alternative, yes, a completely suitable word for what this server lacks. And the most reasonable alternative, as it seems to me, is a thoughtful rune drop in a lod. So that Diablo would look like Diablo with all its charms, including runes and drops. and not a hybrid of the great game we all love and extremely inadequate decisions of the administration to cut the drop of runes to almost zero, roughly speaking, remove the runes from the mobs. And the very idea of ​​communism is nonsense and fantasy, in any case it is not possible in implementation, a utopia.