Fatigue,apathy,depression fashionable.
No interest to nothing,not to the games might be interested in their innovations,though there are none,not to read ,but all the same ,about open a book and from the first pages you know how it will end as a new game.Also the movies,videos.What is depression,indifference, or desire to participate in action which you know for earlier,routine? Noticed in the village people are more inventive and more than austere in some areas,than urban.The village is more fun than perceive life,the city,although the city it is diverse.What's wrong,why everything becomes like deja vu,books ,movies,games?
Although there is one music and for whom music is not an inheritance.
The only thing I like wondering,is the life of old people,how they lived, what did they think this account their opinion,I do not know why,but listening to their answers,know all the same they are right,although not fashionable.Their life,creating a sense that they are happier than us or is it the spiral of history.