Duke nukem forever
Meanwhile, George Broussard announced that Duke Nukem Forever will still be released no later than a year later. And "Besides, the guys would all kill me if we changed engines again, or severely altered tech."
Will it be like that? eight)
Great tale! ! ! ! You have a talent: lovebeer:
Thanks. : roll: What not to write in the middle of the night. : crazy:
By the way, if Duke comes out, I will definitely buy it. - Painfully, the hunt will see what they have been doing there for so many years ... Perhaps that is why they pull so much? They lure you understand ...: mrgreen:
very high expectations ... oh, they are unlikely to be justified. We've all seen Daikatana.
ZY By the way, about long-term construction - is Vseslav still alive?
Yes, it seems alive. By the way, he began to be called Vseslav Forever, it seems. Do you understand why they did it? :)
[quote name = "Sh @ man"] I think if it comes out, then only a year or so after 3 ((([/ quote]
It was written in 2003.: gigi:
We wait! if it is only on the pc - for the sake of this game, upgrade the computer to the fullest!
[b] Cart_Man [/ b], the game will be multi - read the latest news :)
[url = http: //www.gamemag.ru/news/22103/] http://www.gamemag.ru/news/22103/ [/ url]
[b] ACE [/ b], in Duke you need to gamble only on the PC: razz:
And don't argue, let's not flood in this holy topic: wink:
clue on the previous page: clever:
[quote] Duke Nukem: Forever - will never come out !!!
The ego was named Forever - because we will wait for it forever !!! [/ quote]
[b] Lain [/ b],
since the teaser has been released ... it means that the game will be released soon, maximum in 2010: razz:
[quote name = "Lain"] clue on the previous page: clever:
[quote] Duke Nukem: Forever - will never come out !!!
The ego was called Forever - because we will wait for it forever !!! [/ quote] [/ quote]
Waiting for Duke Nukem Forever is the game of it =)))
So, enjoy the process! =)
[b] Miles-Tails [/ b], Let them first announce the date of the game, and then you will dream: wink: