Duke nukem forever
Meanwhile, George Broussard announced that Duke Nukem Forever will still be released no later than a year later. And "Besides, the guys would all kill me if we changed engines again, or severely altered tech."
Will it be like that? eight)
[url = http: //www.games-tv.ru/tv/exclusive/spec_reportazh_s_prezentacii_igri_duke_nukem_forever] http://www.games-tv.ru/tv/exclusive/spe ... em_forever [/ url]
new video - checkmate murder aunts
[b] Everyone's favorite and respected [/ b],
In the spirit of, damn Duke, you need to follow an example from other games. First Red Dead Redemption, then God of War, then Halo.
[url = http: //lenta.ru/articles/2011/02/16/dukenukemforever/] http://lenta.ru/articles/2011/02/16/dukenukemforever/ [/ url]
[img] http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/img/gmw/docs/442/837/duk12.jpg [/ img]
[img] http://game.watch.impress.co.jp /img/gmw/docs/442/837/duk11.jpg
[/img ] [img] http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/img/gmw/docs/442/837/duk10.jpg [/ img]
[b] Paragraf [/ b], yeah. on commercials as some starting projects for 360. but maybe the gameplay will turn out to be fun. let's see.
zs 26%
For some reason, I can't see the game at all - a black screen and that's it (only the icons are visible. I play through steam
[size = 85] [color = green] Added after 6 minutes 17 seconds: [/ color] [/ size]
[attachment = 1104: DukeForeverDemo 2011-06-03 11-30-18-29.jpg]
[b] ACE [/ b], what a horror:? It's a pity for the fans, to wait so long and get such a thing.
For the reviewer +
[Quote] It's a pity for the fans, so much to wait and get this. [/ Quote]
Why are the fans of this game still alive?
Russian voice acting is simply gorgeous: trollface:: facepalm:
[youtube] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFGcWBYu654 [/ youtube]