Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
for fanatics[url = http: // v = 5QGaMXKVFMw & search = ps3] [/ url]
[url = http: //] ... 3_0001.jpg [/ url]
[url = http : //] ... 3_0002.jpg [/ url]
[url = http: // images / gallery / public / 7408 / 963_0003.jpg] ... 3_0003.jpg [/ url]
[url = http: // /gallery/public/7408/963_0004.jpg:5 ... 3_0004.jpg [/ url]
[url = http: // /7408/963_0005.jpgâ–ª ... 3_0005.jpg [/ url]
5 new screenshots, the graphics seem to have worsened or just bad screens
links do not work
on gamerside blocking without cookies
here is a normal link
[url = http: // G = 7408 & N = 1] = 7408 & N = 1 [/ url]
I feel she won't come out before autumn. In the spring-summer years, yubikas will cut money from Fisher 5 and headlights of the edge 2. And for the soybean they will stock up on Brothers.
[b] Dan4MerC [/ b], it is clear what works for you - since you have cookies from the gamerside, since you have already viewed these pictures and we have not, so it shows for you, but for us,
I have already written about it a hundred times
it still doesn't work for me by the way
And in my opinion, excellent screenshots. I'm not worried about the game itself, Gearbox knows their stuff.
Somehow sluggish. I remember at one time in the videos the graphics were much better.
[url = http: //] [/ url] a
couple of new screenshots, enjoy!
[b] Daikatana [/ b], but it seemed to me much better + destruction of everything and everything and positional shooting.
Somehow not very:?
I remember after the first videos appeared, the impressions were much better ...
Delayed with the release, after May 9, all the WW2-themed subjects are already boring for me.
In general, it's good that there is a lull in the WW2-shooter genre now. They got it already. Let the brothers-in-arms come out next year - just by that time the people will have a little rest from the dominance of such games.
[b] Eurogamer [/ b]: [i] At this point, Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway represents little more than a solid evolution of the original, as opposed to being a game which takes strategic World War II gaming to dizzy new heights ... With an engaging but ultimately repetitive playic at its core, it's a game which deserves a decent amount of respect, but whose charms wane rather than grow as the game progresses. With little more than a rooftop sniper interlude and a trio of tank driving segments to break up the flow, Hell's Highway is short on surprises after the first few hours. It's by no means a failure, but simply lacks the inspiration to make it a must-have. [/ I]
[color = # FF0000] [size = 150] 7/10 [/ size] [/ color]