Thanks for the good news, this is good news! Otherwise, it’s time for new cards to appear ..
Developers are generally happy! Constantly something new appears in the game. That's who definitely does not stand still!
what is the difference between BF4 Premium edition and just Premium is there any point in paying more than the game really deserves?
The "Premium Edition" includes the game itself (bf4) + premium all "DLS. And Premium is only DLS (add-ons). If you take the premium separately, then the game must also be bought.
Who knows why China Rising does not start, constantly asking me to buy it? I have an extended edition which includes China Rising !!!!!!
tell me how to improve your dude. If it's not difficult to give any advice, I play on the network, I do not have enough weapons, the rank of junior corporal. I do not know how to use the earned points or how they are there. in general, advice is needed. thank you.
do not need to use anything) you kill with a carbine - you open new carbines. you kill with a pistol, you open your pistols. you play as a scout - you open the scout's equipment. I think the logic is clear? And what is the problem to go to the battlelog and see what is needed for which piece, fluff, garbage for equipment, and so on ...
4, will the battlefield:
Intel pentium (r) [email protected] 3.00GHz
4.00 gb
Nvidia Geforce 630