Play "Captain Obvious" v6
The user sets any question. Captain Obvious (which can be any) gives your authoritative answer.The previous part
Put on the shelf and every three days to wipe the dust, but don't forget the Robin)
How to wear a gas mask?
Without a tremor in his hands and, necessarily, with a smile.
Is it worth it to change something in life, if you have time to think about higher (not education)?
You can get rid of stupid quote, which walks on the Internet? I hope Yes. Here it is: If you think it's time to change something, don't you think.
How to get the crowd?
To persuade them to follow you and to get you where you need
How to persuade?
Needed: a table, a chair, a writing implement and the knowledge of the language + a legible handwriting (if writing by hand)
Why in the winter the sun does not warm as warm in the summer?
The pipes using the sugar and the principle of fermentation.
How long, comrades, will continue this outrage?
By hand, scissors, glue, fancy or soft drugs.
How to allocate more free time? The dismissal does not offer.
Write your paper for you free time and highlight it with a marker the desired color with the help of hands.
How to talk to a girl if she is in the company of friends?
Preferably in a wheelbarrow, garden wheelbarrow!
How to pull a prank?
Have prizes and come up with tasks for the implementation of which will be given these prizes
How to explain to her that you're not a little?
Body hair better than any beliefs!
How to understand that the porridge ready?
It becomes edible. Or slow cooker produces a characteristic sound.
How to understand that the game definitely will allow you to recapture the cost of the candles? I mean, it's worth the risk?