Lookup Failed (Fallout 4)
Welcome, comrades.Nobody faced with such a problem (see screenshot). And this is only on the cages and poles with tents and other buildings no problem.
hi all, came across this same problem and after disabling fashion at the dialogue, the game just crashes after launch. What to do?
After disabling the mod should return the original .*STRINGS files. Normally, when you install through NNM of these files to bachelis - should find and return. Fallout 4\Data\Strings.
Help? In General, nesse already have the Board Russian Thong. With all DLS.
Yes, helped. it turned out that in the Strings folder and not missing a single file
Could you PM me a reference on strings files throw the same version?
For earlier thanks.
I have over fashion Better Item Sorting changed to Valdacil's Item Sorting and all the rules
Hallelujah! you could solve this problem! So throw off the reference to me!
PS I have version 1.5.157