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_RedLion_ 10.11.21 07:06 pm

30 FPS Limit (V-sync) (Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag)

Good afternoon, maybe someone knows how in the game you can set a limit of 30 fps.
There was such a question, because in the game in some moments the FPS jumps from 50 to 30 (it is not comfortable to play). Basically, fps is kept in the region of 30-35 and does not fall below 30.
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rimambo 10.11.21


Laysik_One 10.11.21

Turn it off period. And if you want to understand the principle, then Google will help

rimambo 10.11.21

More, comrades, from words to deeds. We go into the folder with the game, find the file uplay.txt there, delete it to hell. Then we create a file with exactly the same name, but empty. And in the properties we put the mark "read only". Voila, the lags are gone)

xCyberpunKx 10.11.21

It's not clear why you only have 30. I have a vert synch incl. During walking and swimming, FPS 60 is stable. During the battle 30.

Kal1m 10.11.21

"(9200.win8_gdr.130531-1504)" what details

andry_gop 10.11.21

it doesn't work, personally checked.

Demaxxx 10.11.21

In the driver settings, set "Adaptive" sync - and enjoy 60fps without breaks

-Al-ex- 10.11.21

You need to go (if you have an Nvidia card) to the Nvidia control panel. And set the Adaptive parameter in the vertical sync parameter (half the purity of the update).

ppppum 10.11.21

In the task manager of the Ac4 process, change the priority from "high" to "medium"

Shimuto 10.11.21

NIPAIGRAT is called. without Vert. Synhra breaks are wildly unpleasant. and with it a lock of 30 fps. I don’t know you need to wait for an off-patch or an amateur one. but REMEMBER THE STUFF Vsync never locks at 30 fps. it makes a lock at 60 fps. the game just blunts

Stryapa1995 10.11.21

if the fps is more than 60 and the game goes with breaks, then the vertical will do a miracle, the game will keep 60 frames and the picture will be very smooth, if the fps is less than 60 but more than 30 then the limit will be made at 30 and it will be also comfortable but not like at 60, all this of course happens dynamically during the game. I personally always try to underestimate the settings from ultra to high and sometimes medium in the game to play with 60 frames, it's more pleasant for me to see, usually it is enough to remove anti-aliasing. by the way, gaps occur when the frequency drops sharply or rises sharply, for example, you look at a house of 60 fps, then abruptly at some field where there is a lot of grass and shadows, and bam 35, for example, and a frame break, such are the things

Shimuto 10.11.21

vertical will not lower fps to 30 and will not lock if you have 45 fps when viewing the city. It shouldn't work that way. But in atsasin it just does a lock at 30 fps. Yes, run the same Crisis 3 on ultra, you will have less than 60 fps. but the vertical did not set the lock to 30

pit80 10.11.21

In general, I experimented. Purely for verification. Exposed 1152x864 75 HZ, with off. Vsync. Everything flies to HIGH. 60 FPS, No tearing (Smooth, no tearing). I thought maybe the matter is due to the fact that the resolution is small. No, I set it to 1024x768 60hz, the image breaks immediately. It turns out that Hertz simply does not have enough monitor to synchronize with FPS. Well it is, my conclusions. Maybe I'm wrong.

Brunobanani 10.11.21

In short, everything that is written here, nichrome, none of this helped. Only off the vert sync and putting the shadows on high, the fps in places reaches 60, in places about 30-35. So far, I've played for 5-7 minutes, maybe something will change further. Playing, of course, is so hard, but where to go. The third assassin, by the way, did not go much better, but nevertheless, there were no such strong and frequent drawdowns.

Alamut95 10.11.21

If you want to play with the included vert. synchronization and without jumps of FPS from 30 to for example 60, just collapse and expand the game, if it does not help, then right during the game, start the task manager (ctrl + alt + del), close it and expand the game. Write if it helped, just interesting myself))

lelikmp 10.11.21

I have 45 - 60 fps with vertical sync, it rarely drops to 30, mainly in strong mixes, or it happens that you look in one direction, it falls by 30, you turn to the other, it rises by 60, you start running 50, the settings are almost ultra. Who cares here's the video posted

Brunobanani 10.11.21

In short, I sat for a couple of hours, in the end I managed to achieve 40-60 in the city (on average 50 fps) and stable 60 at sea. As written here, set the vert synch adaptive in the driver settings (it really helps). I also subtracted one way, also in the driver settings (nvidia) the power management mode to set the maximum performance. It helped someone, but I didn’t seem to have changed for the better. Set the shadows high, you can even normal, there is not much difference, and it is unlikely that someone is sitting and peering into the shadow of every passer-by and every bush) (after the shadows in Skyrim, you can play with any shadows) will also add 3-5 fps. Fog off, anti-aliasing FXAA, the rest is all at max. As a result, we get good graphics and stable (practically) fps. The toy turned out to be not bad at all. Waited for the worst.

LuNature 10.11.21

I strongly recommend setting "vcredist_x64" for - 64 bit systems.
Because many repacks contain only "vcredist_x86". I have 2 versions.

enrikokarvales 10.11.21

who has an invidia set to adaptive anti-aliasing and everything will be good

humanosmexicanos 10.11.21

for those who give out 30fps on steep hardware. I bought the pech980 myself and gave out 30fps. do not mention it