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Dmitry Mihaylichenko 10.11.21 07:18 pm

HELP! The game does not start! Accidentally deleted \\ content \\ content0 \\ bundles (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)

Deleted The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt content content0 bundles, the game stopped starting, where can I download this folder (I don't want to reinstall)
GOG version. If anyone can share the files, I would be grateful.
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Dmitry Mihaylichenko 10.11.21

With my computer, reinstallation takes 4.5 hours. Moreover, during this process, the computer turns into a "brick" because all resources are spent on installation.

Ksardex 10.11.21

Accidentally deleted the Windows folder, now the computer does not start, what should I do?

PS easier to put the computer at night and reinstall the game.

Dmitry Mihaylichenko 10.11.21

This is where it goes. Today at 6 am I finished reinstalling.

Marlock4441 10.11.21

Dmitry Mihaylichenko
The fact remains that for GTA you saved up money from breakfast, and you pirate the Witcher.
PS than spending money on games, it's better to update the hardware

Dmitry Mihaylichenko 10.11.21

Sanya Gladyshev
bought GTA on pre-order, 1 5 of the salary was enough. And the Witcher, in the current state of affairs, is a little expensive. And the lack of multiplayer in the game makes the purchase of litsuhi a business that is not worth paying off. For example, I bought the second witcher purely for the collection. But I’m not ready to pay that kind of money for the third. I suppose you sit on a pirate yourself, and you teach me what to do ...

Marlock4441 10.11.21

Dmitry Mihaylichenko
I have all 3 parts in the incentive and I did not go through all the parts once. I understood you, 2k was enough for pre-ordering GTA, but for pre-ordering The Witcher, which cost 450 rubles, no.

Someone like-you 10.11.21

The rogues were crowed, spent on faces, despite the fact that there is no difference between faces and pirates