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CharlyTosher 22.11.21 01:37 am

\ "Native \" mf (Diablo 2)

Everywhere they write that the optimal Mf is 300-350. Does this figure include the "native" mf of each character, which, if i`m not mistaken, is equal to 100? 100 native + 300 from clothes or is it immediately with a family? Thanks in advance for your answer, kitties.
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passed 22.11.21

that's for sure?
The probability of dropping charms is not affected at all.

Hav 22.11.21

MB who did not know, but for each type of things there is a maximum value of mf, when exceeded, the opposite effect occurs. 350 is just the average, optimal value for the drop of all types of things without especially damaging everyone (magic, uniq, rare, set's).

Hav 22.11.21

There's just a higher number of mob kills per unit of time.
Mf does not affect the loss of all the most valuable in the game: runes, charms, jewels.

rfgrim 22.11.21

MB who did not know, but for each type of things there is a maximum value of mf, when exceeding which there is an opposite effect.
The first time I hear this. Where does infa come from?

Hav 22.11.21

from "Generating Items in D2LoD 1.10 - 1.11".

rfgrim 22.11.21

It is not written about any opposite effect of the mf, it only says that the benefit of the mf decreases from its quantity.

Hav 22.11.21

If you do not understand what this is about, here is an example: 150 mph> 355 mph for unique items, 400> 1000 for rare items.

rfgrim 22.11.21

Something I still do not understand what you mean.

Hav 22.11.21

just wear 350. I wear 250, since I'm only interested in unique items, 250 is the maximum value for them in the drop generation formula. 251 for them will be equal to 249, 260 = 240, 300 = 200, etc. so clearer?

rfgrim 22.11.21

is like, with large values ​​of mf, a huge chance of rare / magic items will interrupt the chance of dropping unique items?

Hav 22.11.21

exactly. but just for rare, the greatest value is 600. therefore, either dress like rarki or uni.

passed 22.11.21

the opposite effect
: D

Mf does not affect the fallout of all the most valuable things in the game: charms, jewels.
If these items can be unique / rare, it affects.

: D

rfgrim 22.11.21

I haven’t thought about it before, I’ll go pick mpq in order to check and count everything :)

CorvinOk 22.11.21

150 mph> 355 mph for unique items, 400> 1000 for rare items.
Mdeee ..., 4to tyt mogno skazaty: /, bez komentariev koro4e. : D: D: D

CorvinOk 22.11.21

da nepariteci etot obratniy Effekt deystvyet toka dlia Charov dobermn, y nego vidomo kakaeto osoba9 1.13 stoit: D: D

rfgrim 22.11.21

etot obratniy Effekt deystvyet toka dlia Charov dobermn
well then nishtyak, and that I was afraid that I misunderstood something in q2 :)

Guyver1982 22.11.21

... MB who did not know, but for each type of things there is a maximum value of mf, when exceeding which there is an opposite effect ...
... If you do not understand what this is about, here is an example: 150 mf> 355 mf for unique things , 400> 1000 for rar ...

Why think out what is not there. Even if you really want to. If you've forgotten something, you can reread it. Moreover, I suspect that you read this source, but did not understand a thing. rfgrim correctly writes to you, there is no mention of the presence of a "ceiling" (the one that can actually be assembled) for the mf is not in that article. And you took this idea of ​​the ceiling from a source called "one grandma told me", and now you are trying to pass it off as a revelation. And in that article they write about the "factor of recurrent decrease" mf, which does not mean a "ceiling" of mf, but only that the growth rate of this mf, starting from some values, sharply decreases. With an increase in mf, the rate of effective growth naturally decreases, but it does not become negative, it will not even become zero. Therefore, in principle, the greater the value of mf in Persian,

By the way, those who write that with a large MF one blueprint falls out (and, therefore, it is implied in the context that this leads to a decrease in the drop of unique / sets / rars) - they simply do not understand the system of generating things. The quality of the resulting thing is checked in the order of the queue unique-> set-> rar-> blue. If there is a blueprint, it means that mf is not a lot, but a little, not enough for the first 3 steps.
The only thing that reduces the high value of mf is the chance of discs falling out, and it does nothing more criminal.

rfgrim 22.11.21

The only thing that reduces the high value of mf is the chance of discs falling out, and does nothing more criminal.
And then I think that I still can't find an ethereal measure of the blank

Guyver1982 22.11.21

You should not bother with the mf, however, you should not forget about this property on things either. Here the cat's remark is true, although he builds it on not entirely correct reasoning - depending on who to knock out the gear from, and depending on what gear you want to knock out. In any case, the speed of killing mobs is more important than mf. But not all mobs are equally important.
For example, if you run on the same unfortunate mef / andi (I’m not talking about di / baal), then the importance of the speed of killing these bosses in comparison with hanging the mf on yourself somewhat decreases, tk. you still need to get to them, which also takes time. Yes, and during the race, you can change clothes immediately before killing them.
If you set yourself the goal of knocking out something, carrying out crowds of privates and not very mobs, then even a small mf is enough here. In this case, the speed of killing crowds becomes very important, because the lack of quality of a single generation is easily compensated for by the number of these generations. A player who endures only one and a half times faster than mobs, on which, roughly speaking, up to 200 mph, has a much higher chance of catching the right thing than a player with 300+ mph, but clears a location one and a half times slower.

PS There is no optimal value of mf, to be more precise, each player has his own. This is the mf value that the player can hang on his Persian without noticeably lowering his combat potential.

kewelldkny 22.11.21

It is not necessary to scoff at a specific number MF, be it 364 or 511. Dress comfortably and ride.

* In d2 they decide: the number of wounds and luck.
** You can make thousands of wounds to red eyes, while some pauer will drop zod on npl1.