bd_sm [TDPG]
30.11.21 12:51 am
Crazy Train Thread vol. 1 (Diablo 2)
We are discussing the changes that have affected steam locomotives, developing the tactics of the optimal steam locomotive under the changed circumstances.In this regard, I will express a number of hypotheses and recall a number of circumstances that must be borne in mind.
Circumstance 1: the admin can change the drop as he wants, according to any amount of pasta logic and at any time, so all our attempts will go to waste.
Hypothesis 0: MB admin is stupid, and now I gave him a brilliant idea.
Circumstance 2: the admin is slow, so everything is most likely done once and for the next 10 years.
Hypothesis 1: The hfdrops dropout logic is both clumsy and efficient. Hypothesis 3: The wig through the LOD is unaffected. The main working hypothesis is that the drop of runes to an ordinary aka "not normal" steam locomotive is cut 2 (two) times.
Hypothesis 2: I assume the dropout is related to the envelope level: envelope below xx lvl: capdrop (rune 1); envelope below yy lvl - capdrop (rune 2) ...
what level of craft do you use and where do you get the blanks?
I heard that to take blanks from Anya and get 2sk (90alvl), you need 93 lvl, although 92 was always enough for me
93, it doesn't matter where to buy.
93, because with gambling, the spread of ilvl received from amules [-5; 4]
and ilvl of craft will be 0.5 * ilvl + 0.5 * clvl = 88 * 0.5 + 93 * 0.5 = 90
On amulets 2skills start to appear with ilvl = 90
Naturally, all this is provided that the admin did not think it was some sort of guarantee of a jach chest and he did not decide to add randomness, which I try not to think about.