Writing Stories Together v. 7
A long time ago, in a distant, distant galaxy ...and the wildest winter came. The frost was minus 50 degrees. Kindykuka Bylymberdyn von Khynykh did not have time to buy a winter coat and froze. But it was like this ...
shocker for pacification. Kindykuk Bylymberdyn von Khynykh found his old documents. It turned out that he was not a count, but simply ...
... called "Red October". At the very beginning, this collective farm was rich. Kindykula bought 200 tractors and 400 combines. But soon the evil Ksaxiksyuls came and bankrupted him and Kindykul himself was sent to jail under article .....
.... "This fucking country" - as Kindykula himself said to the reporter of the "Chetagdeta" TV channel, which was controlled by the Anarchists of This Country, and personally ...
... Andrey Povelitelev, leader of the political club of Alcoholics Anonymous ...
... to overthrow the Roman Empire. And when they, moving away from drunken delirium, finally realized that the Roman Empire had long been overthrown, they were already thrown into the monkey house ...
lobes! "But alcoholics have forgotten that the Republic of Turkey has not yet been overthrown. Therefore, one dark night in the monkey house, the whole collective of Alcoholics ...
But there were few seats and they stood in line until dawn and the plan to escape to freedom fell through ...