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[atp] 25.12.21 09:48 pm

I dreamed that you had a RESET here !!! (Diablo 2)

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Archon guard 25.12.21

duck because I said that I would make many slaves, it does not exclude the fact that this is somehow not so now, that is, slaves are slaves and will remain and reset will not change anything in this regard, and everything converges here and there was no contradiction initially,
but from you no justification for your thunderous statements has ever been made

Mandelbrot 25.12.21

Archon Guard
Okay, don't make excuses ...
what contradictions are there - peace
You and I are in the same boat ......... I hope ...

WinterSadness 25.12.21

Archon Guard
Yes, I didn't think ... Then the key item is Tyrael Might.
Well, you are just like an administrator, only a firm.
Quote of the year.

Archon guard 25.12.21

you are a noob!
did you begin to lay softly ? Have you written that the reset will not change anything? ... But above you wrote that the reset will make many slaves?
You decide ... first by yourself ...
Okay, don't make excuses ...
what kind of contradictions are there - the world
You and I are in the same boat ......... I hope ...
you see what you want instead of what is real, a distorted perception of reality can lead to inconvenient situations for you and, even worse, with very unpleasant consequences.
re-read the messages, understand what seemed to you not what was discussed and draw conclusions about your perception .. if you are of course a sane person)

Obsessed 25.12.21

WinterSadness, hc Tyraels might.

reset will make many slaves
go with the flow like everyone else ...
I read and tears well up in my eyes .. :-)

WinterSadness 25.12.21

Let everyone go with the flow today
And become pitiful slaves
along the reset I save up, Zoda, Perfect Emerald
To see Uber - suddenly Aler will take pity on us.

Obsessed 25.12.21

WinterSadness,: D

lait_one 25.12.21

well, if you really zadrotit, then you can become a mason yourself, or you can just make good acquaintances, and get free-for-all top gear. in a word, everyone plays the way they want. someone raises the runes on the trade, someone with wigs, someone flies to the mefa. the choice is made by everyone for himself. it is easier for someone to collect suras and buy themselves a pretty decent anich, if that's what you mean. so who's the slave? everyone decides for himself how to play. pure democracy! )))

Obsessed 25.12.21

lait_one, if you really zadrot, you can become a patient of an ophthalmologist and an osteopath. ;-)

lait_one 25.12.21

Obsessed well that's why you taught me how to drag wigs back in 2008? now don't complain - it's your own fault! ))

Daniil Khasanov 25.12.21
