Help in passing. (Bulletstorm)
Lidi has such a problem: in action 3, chapter 2, where you run with Ishu on some kind of platform and he is blocked by some kind of crap enemies behind her and a helicopter in the air after you kill several of them, the platform collapses and Ishu asks " What to do?" and I fall with the platform into the textures and that's it, I have to reboot.Question: What to do next?
I have a person who somnolent in the chest raion weighs air and there is no fucking thing there can be a glitch.
This place is passable (if not a glitch), you need to take a closer look around and an action will be offered to move.
I replayed the chapter again and everything worked out, probably there was a little glitch
Give someone a save file of Chapter 5 .. you can email:
[email protected]
or post a link from where you can download it. A huge human thanks in advance !!!!
Sorry, but I'm late. By the way, maybe the saves are stored somewhere on the site.
People, help111 in action 4 chapter 1 after the video where Ishi does not allow Trishka to escape, in theory he should move the cars and clear the way, but after the video he appears already behind the cars111 HELP111
help plizz in the 6th action chapter 2 as I go up the elevator after you slip through the door and fly out at me !!!!
Mot who knows how to solve the problem I have a pirate on a mission philosophy of corpses I get stuck in a room with a tank sorano runs away There I need to open the grid with a whip, but it does not open for me
Such a bug: it began in chapter 5, when the elevator with Trishka got stuck, the main character knocks down the door, crawls along the crossbar (tree), then she says something to him and he lowers the weapon. And then he does not pick it up, the whip does not work, the weapon does not switch. What to do? I reinstalled, took the saves and settings from another computer - dully.