PvP Propaganda Congress. (Diablo 2)
I bring up the topic of attracting new players to High PvP.Under High PvP, I propose to mean Fair PvP, as well as power options for unfair PvP. Under the power types of enfeira, I propose to understand any types of duels and hunting, in which the subject of the process seeks to be in an active and dominant position. Thus, we will exclude from consideration the problem of propaganda of all kinds of fisting for bow-forty, even if they are dressed in jahis.
Congress does not set the task of finding out who is stronger. We set ourselves the task of rectifying the degeneration of PvP on the peg by attracting a stream of new blood.
In general, sometimes I don't understand pg players, they yell that everything is bored, and when you start talking about pvp that does not belong to fair rules, which could introduce some kind of variety, no one even wants to think about it ...
Several people are thinking. That's enough for now. In order to think in general, a lot of people are not required.
and when you start talking about pvp that does not belong to fair rules, which could introduce some kind of variety, no one even wants to think about it ...
go to the pvp game and you will have pvp there not according to fire rules,
you say no about "pvp that does not belong to fire" but about pvp according to some of your rules, different from fire,
in other words, you try to impose your own rules,
naturally, few people will like this
firkax go
to the pvp game and you will have pvp not according to fire rules
there they play practically without any rules ...
you are not talking about "pvp that does not belong to fire" but about pvp according to some of your rules other than fire
it is they are not my rules, they are written elsewhere, but if anyone knows about them, they despise them, because they are accustomed to fair and do not want to know anything else.
in other words, trying to impose your own rules,
naturally, few people will like this
Impose? no ofc. It all started with a post by T-fox where he reasoned with the thoughts of the pg fair player about other rules of another server, which is not entirely correct ... And I tried to convey that bvn on fair are different from those rules. And at the same time, I was surprised at how much people are attached to fair, that they do not see or do not want to see that they can play differently ...
ninada go
to the next topic, there they are just discussing builds for those who, for some reason, do not want to spend time farming several jahs for top gear,
and in general, runes can be raised quite well without wigs
It all started with a post by T-fox where he reasoned with the thoughts of a pg fair player about other rules of another server,
well, yes, I probably got
it a little confused, although I still don't know why they were to be discussed
there are played with practically no
moderation rules there, of course, but has not yet come a thread inadequate with the desire to "kill all" play quite norms rules - not pkshit, steal, Gold, do not be rude
in fact the first rule gives you the ability to opt out of pvP with any player that you think is wrong dressed or plays incorrectly, as well as agree not to use any thread of skills or gear according to your mutual consent
For example, I played without any fire without bone prison if it became uninteresting with him (i.e. when the opponent had no chance with him) and without full abs if I played against forty pvp and not "test abs / dmg" or not a pc of some thread inadequate for forty
The desire to kill everyone is quite adequate, if the enchant and the player have the appropriate potential. Inadequate appears from accompanying insults, etc. By the way, they are usually bred by the victims, not the attackers.
do not pkshit, do not steal gold, do not be rude
This is what I meant when I wrote "practically without any rules"
And these are not rules, since they are not written anywhere ...
bd_sm [TDPG]
The desire to kill everyone is quite an adequate
desire to kill everyone - a sign of maniacal inclinations and just aggression (sometimes hidden)
And these are not rules, since
rules are not written anywhere for those who do not have enough adequacy to comply with them without it (as I have already written, they are all observed until inadequacy comes)
there are laws (if you do not fulfill it, you go to jail), there are unwritten social norms, and this and that are rules, the first to pacify idiots, the second to ensure order among reasonable people
there is no moderation there, of course, but until some thread comes inadequate with the desire to "kill everyone", they play according to quite the rules of the rules - do not pkshit
firkax, remind me how you pkshil my amku?
At open pvp, the starting point is too weak for the emergence of all respected morality. Respect for some rules only out of fear, sometimes hidden, that retribution will follow. If in real society, no matter what a person achieves, no matter who he is, no matter what weapon he carries, he can still be punished, in extreme cases with death, and his own people, then in diablo everything that goes with him will be treated with a quick relogin. And if the char and his helmsman have the potential to wind 7 pp on boots, then, quite objectively, he is outside this morality, even if he often observes its rules out of habit or by virtue of personal inclination.
There is no inadequacy in violation of someone else's morality, since the situation that gives rise to morality has no effect on the imba. Inadequacy is the inadequacy of the situation. Imba, doing pvp vs all, not only is not inappropriate for the situation, she creates this very situation. And already trying to subordinate imba to certain rules, appealing to alien morality, would be inadequacy.
He will now start to drive that he didn’t poke your amku, and if he doesn’t give a ride, he will say that it was not a sign of maniacal inclinations and just agra.