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victorwhite 07.12.19 04:39 am

Is there a way to kill Hidden? (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)

Gentlemen, there was a thought, maybe you can kill the Hidden in the Supplement Blood and Wine? Or at least to get to the place where the gate to the world of vampires? I took the key from Arianna, but went in quest of a Long Night, agreeing with the Regis. After the plot came to the cave of the hidden, the key opens it. But as soon as approach the place where he appeared in the story, start the screensaver and Hidden kills Geralt. I tried to drink before that, black blood, put the mutation of severe damage life, but this does not help for the script in the Intro is still death. Maybe there are some ideas on how to come further into the cave, or who on PC plays may nacitanie something?
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Abrakham 07.12.19

Well, at least you noticed me reading, which is quite flattering, I'm the same I can not say, clumsily expressed thoughts, curve the text, although this school is nitpicking, I'm sorry about that, the most interesting is that your phrase is in principle not make any sense when I read your writings I hurt by the fact that these Imbeciles live on the same planet.....although.....without you it would be boring and you would not be able to feel their superiority

Sergey Antonishin 07.12.19

thank you for an incredibly objective response, I finally realized with whom you communicate.

Abrakham 07.12.19

Likewise, in the SIM, I hope, won't have to do with you, although there.....sometimes for a change would be fun

Abrakham 07.12.19

By the way, buddy, you can not talk about objectivity, I have a General feeling arises that you know this word only from me today, grateful to be

Abrakham 07.12.19

Wait, you dislikes to my comments put? Ahahahah, this is really cool......Oh, you're a monkey

Abrakham 07.12.19

By the way, how do you know the word degenerate? I did not use.....

Sergey Antonishin 07.12.19

the saddest thing is not what you're trying to make me aggression, the sad thing is that you READ down that tries to do it. You love to read, and you fuck. That is the most sad.

Abrakham 07.12.19


Abrakham 07.12.19

If I had a banana, I would have gave it to you

Abrakham 07.12.19

Now I understand why parents are touched when their baby babbles

Kosolapyi1 07.12.19

At the battle of Vilgefortz what you can do to clear that powerful mages spread higher vampires like puppies. Hidden maybe one of the strongest vampires, but he is the same Supreme vampire. So I can see how Avallach'x or Caranthir his counter. Geralt is not a mage, but not an ordinary man. Under certain conditions, and he is able to fight with the Supreme vampire as Datefrom. He just went to the Hidden without preparation - that merged.

Abrakham 07.12.19

Holy truth

Veider16 07.12.19

higher you can't kill vampires damn,just another vampire,just a pathetic Geralt the Witcher and the empty space in comparison with a hidden

Veider16 07.12.19

Detlef much weaker hidden,Geralt is too weak for this fight

Flintstoyn 07.12.19

I wonder if Geralt ate higher vampire that would be
and what would have happened if Geralt wished from Gunter a force that would easily defeat the fanged

Urs 07.12.19

Developed have already answered this question-one cut-scene, so that is the breed butthard? Zoltan Chivay, all the troops Redania and Temeria + Imgur, Yes I guess it would be possible to do something, 1 in 1 not. As it is impossible to save the Vesemira.

pyatnitsa_2017 07.12.19

So, you had a constructive opinion? Well. Analyze each aspect of your statements.

>The main advantage of Stealth is that it moves with tremendous speed, causing a witch, allegedly, can not see, I do not agree that the object is commensurate with the person was elusive to our eyes it is essential that this object was moving at relativistic speeds

No. First, to recognize the visual signal of the organ of vision, you need about 0.1-0.3 seconds. But, I am not able to measure the speed of the Hidden, and I bring objective arguments, so we will not say that the Hidden tear him during this time, oke. The speed of a nerve impulse in the neuron change its electrochemical potential is within 120m/c. This is the maximum speed. Because the setting of the Witcher enhanced reaction, take the maximum result.

In space many objects moving, and we can perceive not only their movement but also speed of movement. The speed of the objects is determined based on the speed of their movement across the retina, the so-called angular velocity. The angular velocity near objects are higher, much higher. For example, if you approach close to the train, we will not be able to clearly distinguish all the details, since its angular speed at the moment is higher than it could be, being a train far away. From this it follows that does not need any light to your eye it did not take. Speed Hidden objectively enough-the moment when Geralt brought him a gift when he leaned over and extended a hand forward, speed Hidden enough to zip around him, taking the gift with enough speed that Geralt wasn't able to recognize. From all the above we can conclude about the superiority of the speed of a vampire on the reaction rate of Geralt.

do not forget that the Witcher is specially created by mages during the pairing of the spheres to fight the various creatures, for the same period is the most active of vampires, I doubt that Magi-the creators didn't know about vampires and their abilities and not trying to instill with mutations the witchers means to counter them

Primitive argument. Should I about it at all to hint? If wizards created Wizards for killing monsters, it does not mean that they possess some kind of conceptual power to murder any member of the monsters.

>In General, Geralt is easily defeated Detlaff whose physical parameters are close to those of the Hidden, and without tension, Geralt drank Imerica, Karantina and Eredine who could teleport

The same physical characteristics have Detlaff and Hidden -- is unknown. But since we are talking about the game, to operate elements of the game mechanics was not forbidden. In battles and Detlaff Geralt, the Witcher showed the ability to Dodge and parry the attacks of the vampire. In commercials with a Hidden, and, remember, Hidden in the bat is not turned, Geralt could not evade its attack, even when he was far enough away to see the higher vampire. Speed superiority is Concealed, and because power comes from speed and mass, it is reasonable to assume that strength Hidden much more than Detlaff. But teleportation does not say anything about speed, they simply foresee.

> As noted in the book, in the case of serious damage to regeneration can go for years, and know in which case the body will not be able to regenerate? If there's no body. You can simply destroy the regenerating remnants.

Only now have Geralt there is no means by which he would have carried out the disintegration of the Hidden that MB would have destroyed him. Since we consider game mechanics as noted by one of the above commentators, the same Detlaff bomb did not cause much damage. And their power is demonstrated in the final game, when Geralt throws them to catch fish. Well, objectively.

> Just answer the question how do you completely destroy a body?, which is sure someone will ask......fire, high temperatures destroy the body at the cellular and , if the temperature is very high and molecular levels.

Since about the bombs I mentioned, is go to the sign Igny. To understand what temperature the heat from Igny, it is worth remembering that when using it, ignited and burned Forest Grandfathers and Goblins, but when you consider that their physical appearance -- a massive tree with hands and feet, then the rate of fire is about 300°C, and the rate of combustion -- 800-1000°C. In one of the books about vampires (not remember the name), Regis went through the fire without damage to his body; he was a Barber, and since the design itself will probably have woven and wooden elements the combustion temperature will be 270-1000°C. 270 -- ignition temperature of the fabric, 300 -- ignition temperature of wood, 1000 -- the combustion temperature of wood. This implies that a higher vampire, and the Hidden part of the senior vampires, will be resistant to such temperature.

To disassemble something from all your scribbling too lazy somehow. From all the reading I can do about you conclusion as inadequate stupid incompetent in all areas of discussion the Russian cattle. And I won't be surprised if this text is not enough for you, it is easier to behave like a stupid animal, rejecting all of the arguments, rather than admit they were wrong.

Artur27507 07.12.19

The plot is impossible, the fight itself is not provided by developers. Here, some argue, could Geralt to win? I think Yes, if he asks for the force at Gunther. But still, why? The world, he is not in danger. Hidden of course ugly to look at, but he's asleep in his cave and did not attack anyone, unless it is disturbed.

Ilya Rak 07.12.19

An interesting topic raised... I was very surprised and outraged by the rule that introduced it developed: kill BB can only BB. This is stupid.
And given what we learn in Troubled fortress from the diaries (breeding humans), it turns out that vampires are supposed to take over the world of people and breed them.
As unscrupulous BB, relating to people, like animals, much more than Regisof. As a result, it is possible to kill these if they can heal each other, and finally killing them will not be a single person...

mp3Hardstyle 07.12.19

So many opinions on this, but for some reason no one wants to look at the coin from both sides.
Yes, Geralt is the protagonist, the hero, strong and experienced warrior, even more, to the world of the Witcher, but every strong man has an even greater power, this law works everywhere. The Witcher Geralt is clearly a level capable of stop/defeat/imprison higher vampire (not to be confused with small sapnay by order or with the elite Hidden) in a 1v1 fight, but to kill - no. If he is not prepared to capture or neutralize higher vampire or will not retreat temporarily stopping it (as was the case with Delafon), death will overtake him without any doubt.
And the murder of senior vampire vampire other the highest acceptable condition for such creatures. Remember how Regis killed Detlaf, biting him like a vampire who bites into the neck and sucks the life. In this case, perhaps the bite of a venomous for of the highest vampire.
Better imagine what would have happened if in the battle the Supreme vampire would turn Geralt into a likeness of itself. That's interesting.