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victorwhite 07.12.19 04:39 am

Is there a way to kill Hidden? (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)

Gentlemen, there was a thought, maybe you can kill the Hidden in the Supplement Blood and Wine? Or at least to get to the place where the gate to the world of vampires? I took the key from Arianna, but went in quest of a Long Night, agreeing with the Regis. After the plot came to the cave of the hidden, the key opens it. But as soon as approach the place where he appeared in the story, start the screensaver and Hidden kills Geralt. I tried to drink before that, black blood, put the mutation of severe damage life, but this does not help for the script in the Intro is still death. Maybe there are some ideas on how to come further into the cave, or who on PC plays may nacitanie something?
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Playersaharan 07.12.19

Well, Gunther is also Geralt not to kill. To exile - Yes (and something tells me that the second time this method did not ride), but not to kill.

Mercurionio 07.12.19

The fact of the matter is that he can cast. And hidden just like something dumb happened. In General, the residue remained)

Flintstoyn 07.12.19

Sergei Antonishin
it's me for you pretend to be on the same level with you to be

GeRR_Praetorian 07.12.19

How can you kill God thought a fool, blah, did, on.....th stuff to carry!!!(((( It's almost the most powerful enemy after Lucifer (Lord of time( the mirror) and Gerald, of course he's not tough, it just simply is not trained in this and it is in order. Yes, Gerald is a strong and great warrior, but against his hidden abilities if in melee and using all sorts of spells, in short street fight kid vs the boy - he will lose.
As written Mercurionio. Well, Gunther is also Geralt not to kill. To exile - Yes (and something tells me that the second time this method did not ride), but not to kill.

Revivo 07.12.19

What do dispute? Anyone who has read the books about the Witcher, knows that Gera himself admitted that the senior vampire he could hardly fill up, Regis was flattened (as it turned out, not completely) by Vilgefortz, who was one of the strongest magicians of his generation, Hera way from him the first time he got kicked such that little to no thought.

MilliarD 07.12.19

then explain me why Geralt did not arise that the higher vampires to kill people can not when fighting with higher vampire, posing as a coroner in Novigrad, or the higher a vampire sleeping in a coffin in the dungeons of Novigrad? Those two vampires still able to Katakana to develop, he quietly filled up, and not a word was said that he won them to the end, and no sign of regeneration was not visible, just the bodies. And by the way, when Geralt with Anna and Damien goes to the winery on the main campaign mode Blood and Wine, asked him if he fought ever before with a Higher vampire, he responds that no, although in the original campaign mode 2 times they cut down. One I can this inconsistency be explained?

BioGen 07.12.19

Like in the game is the explanation that killing the Supreme can only be one higher, and therefore that he Skryty to kill him is only one of Skryty. And the meaning is, he did not kill anyone and live quietly in a cave as a hermit.

Revivo 07.12.19

All right, Hera with higher vampires fought, because as you can see, the higher vampires don't turn into a low type Katakana.

MilliarD 07.12.19

nothing is right, Geralt in addition, he says Anriette that some of the higher vampires can turn into huge bats - this time. Further, in the bestiary, the enemies States Supreme vampires, and nothing else - that's two. In the dialogue with the coroner last personally called himself the Supreme vampire is three.

Sergey Antonishin 07.12.19

But alas, you're not pretending, you really still can't understand what brad said.

Revivo 07.12.19

Yes, indeed, I forgot, Regis himself in the book in the form of a bat appears, I confess.

And here's the wiki a bit of information:
Spoilers the game the Witcher 3 wild Hunt in the description of the vampire katakana says "Katakana and its more formidable cousin, the Nosferatu...". Since katakana is considered the ultimate vampire, the Regis - or the katakana, or the Nosferatu, however, in the game Geralt easily defeats several of the katakana characters, as with the Regis at the time to fight is frankly not resolved. From this we can assume that Regis is updated - more powerful higher vampire

That is, the higher there is also a certain gradation.

MilliarD 07.12.19

I think this is all too weird. In the bestiary about higher vampires stated that the Katakana do not refer to them, and to more primitive forms. However, the wiki about Katakana is listed as a higher vampire. It is not clear at all. I understand that some of the higher vampires can turn into a katakana, but the Katakana themselves to those not included, and therefore quietly killed. However, I doubt that one of the senior Vampires turns into Katakana, and some Nosferatu, and from this one can kill and the other not, is insanity. About graduation among the Highest of the Vampire is not a word, only about the hierarchy. At the same time it is said very clearly that if the Vampire is Higher - to kill him is just another BB. But the game clearly was two Higher vampire before additions, and both Geralt killed, and no trace of regeneration, as Detlaff in the final battle, it was not. Most of all similar on banal blunder, especially as Anriette and Damien during a trip to Castel Ravello he said that all BB never fought.

Mercurionio 07.12.19

Sergei Antonishin
The Witcher is a sign Yrden for nimble lads. Yes, and bombs and other garbage. The same black blood. Clearly the case that in a pure Polushka without training 0 chance. But wizards are always random, so what? As an option you considered?

Faertes 07.12.19

I will try to discuss in detail about the kinds of vampires.
Fleder, Garkain, Akima
We have lower vampires - they can be considered huge bats, who are guided only by instinct. Blood is their main source of food. Mentioned that Akima and Fleder tear his victim to pieces. Other vampires are more sensitive. Garcin - fiction game, about there is no mention in the book. In other words, the lower vampires are animals.
Transition team - Alpes, Katakana, Brooks, the Nosferatu
The second group of vampires. All these vampires need blood for sustenance, they can not, as Regis abandon it. Some vampires can live as an inferior vampires: Gel ' (the katakana of the Witcher 3), Brooks vereena of the story Last wish. Other vampires may socialize, as did the Queen of the Night (the Witcher), and Hubert Rake (the Witcher 3). Note that if you want to read only described the battle with the vampire (bruxos) Sapkowski read the story a kernel of truth. For Geralt fight with broccoi was incredibly difficult. The vampire turns into katakana: Geralt could kill him as it was with Regis in his youth. Regis was torn to pieces and he recovered a couple of decades, so it could be by Hubert Raked the gel'. In the human sense - it can be equated to murder. I want to note how great the difference in lifestyle between Hubert Rake (reasonable person) and Gehl (the vampire with the beginnings of the human mind). Although both belong it would seem to katakana. But actually the katakana is the only Gel', and Hubert the higher vampire can turn into bat-katakana. The same ability is and for one week only. About Added information, almost not - there is nothing even to discuss. I repeat once again - typical representatives of the transitional types of vampires Veerana and Gehl.
Regis, Detlaff, Hidden, Hubert Rake, Oriana, Queen Of The Night
They do not need blood for sustenance, they can eat other food. Reasonable, often their intelligence is much higher than the average person, often due to the fact that they live very long. We do not know whether human blood for the life of Oriana and the Queen of the night, or she just enjoying it. Regis also previously abused chelovesky blood, and then quit. Perhaps female vampires are better in control, so sometimes you allow yourself to drink the blood of children or clients without killing them. I note that Detlaff not typical, even for the higher vampires,regeneration - it is superfast, which is contrary to data from the books of Sapkowski.
To summarize, the Geralt in the books have never fought with higher vampires, considering this thing is deadly to yourself, in the game he killed Hubert Rake and the unknown vampire in Novigrad.

Revivo 07.12.19

Everything is clear and understandable, thank you.

MilliarD 07.12.19

really well painted, but it only confirms gaffe developers - Geralt says Anriette and Damien that didn't fight with the higher vampires, but in fact he won two. And let blooper with the murder of these CENTURIES you have tried to justify the fact that they are two decades to regenerate, in fact, developed just miscalculated this time, in the original game, Geralt says not a word, fail to the end to kill, and quietly enters the fray. May not have enough resources (man-hours) to do BB in Novigrad such as planned into the Blood and Wine.
P. S. Orianna - no EXPLOSIVES, it Brooks of the cinematic trailer for the game.

ZeDsDead 07.12.19

Fuertes really painted everything clearly. Easy the Killing the two Supreme in the game to the latest additions also think the mistakes of developers. Implementing Vilgefortz killed by melting it, but the developers who brought him back, and it is a huge mercy, sir! They invented the condition that the EXPLOSIVES can only be killed by another BB, and on the basis of this Regis with us again. Therefore this ceiling final killing vampires and a witch in the game really is Brooks, or the Alps(the same transition level vampires), all the above is only a delay of the regeneration, although there is a nuance: hand Detlaf, which remained alive in. it didn't burn, but judging from game theory BB should have it at least to gnaw or eat. Well then BB can just burn until it regenerates, right?
PS: Brooks from SG-video is the prototype of Arianne, and is the last specific bruxas, you can still argue. But given the mistakes of developers in the bestiary, I think, in this case, each think up how he likes. I like to think of it that bruxos(in the video exactly Brooks - the response of the developers), for which Hera eventually came.
The specific question according to the method of Covert murder is a way anyway is, only nobody knows it, or silent, but purely on game mechanics he doesn't kill.

Sringi 07.12.19

Sergei Antonishin
He thinks that Geralt will win and not who is no match for him). And apparently he is annoyed by the fact that someone stronger than Geralt).

Abrakham 07.12.19

Quite an interesting topic for discussion, I also believe that Geralt is able to defeat Stealth. The main advantage of Stealth is that it moves with tremendous speed, causing a witch, allegedly, can not see, I do not agree that the object is commensurate with the person was elusive to our eyes it is essential that this object was moving at relativistic speeds, I doubt that even close to hidden can get close to this limit, however, the speed of a vampire is impressive, and the man certainly not able to timely respond to the actions of a vampire, but Geralt is not human, but a mutant whose reflexes are significantly superior to the reflexes of the person, don't forget that the Witcher is specially created by mages during the pairing of the spheres to fight the various creatures, for the same period is the most active of vampires, I doubt that Magi-the creators didn't know about vampires and their abilities and not trying to instill with mutations the witchers means to counter them. Also, if I'm not mistaken, in zagashnike the wizards have a potion that increases the reflexes. And anyway, Geralt easily won Detlaff whose physical parameters are close to those of the Hidden, and without tension, Geralt drank Imerica, Karantina and Eredine who could teleport. Someone above mentioned the inadvisability of applying mark Arden, well, maybe, but why no one remembered the Quen sign, able to withstand enormous damage, even shock(and rasskazana and a few bumps) Golem? Also the Supreme vampire has incredible regeneration....so what? As noted in the book, in the case of serious damage to regeneration can go for years, and know in which case the body will not be able to regenerate? If there's no body. You can simply destroy the regenerating remnants.

Abrakham 07.12.19

Just answer the question how do you completely destroy a body?, which is sure someone will ask......fire, high temperatures destroy the body at the cellular and , if the temperature is very high and molecular levels.