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- DILOR- 11.12.19 03:09 am

How do you like the ending? (The Evil Within)

NOT QUITE a happy ending
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Constant1ne 11.12.19

You watch the film Hussar Ballad watched? If watched, you will understand what I mean.

Nemezis 11.12.19

- who killed the staff at a mental hospital?
- as SEB connected to the common mind?
the goal of these Stem what he wanted Ruvik do?
- the Central part of the machine was the real brain of Ruvik? Killed him?

You have to go through again and look for the docks, missed a lot, only a biography of myself all gathered

Ishamael 11.12.19

Anyway, I passed it. And, to be honest, I do not understand what this game is. I would be grateful for clarification.

That is, they arrived at the hospital at the beginning, and was somehow at the head of the man who put experiments on them? If so, why did he do it and what you wanted to achieve?

Pelmen dobra 11.12.19

As already mentioned, Vick says that Leslie 25 years. Well this is how much of Seba in his/her patched?)
But in General, what for to do as much osvetleni (daughter, wife) and not to allow development as something serious for the Japanese.

Constant1ne 11.12.19

Galactic morsel
Was not there before the dlc. And all opened at once)

demonvandal 11.12.19

And I have here some opinion....
SEB is not disconnected from the car, because if you accept the fact that he's out a lot doesn't add up:
- Who killed everyone in the hospital
- When he was generally attached to the machine, etc.

No one noticed the similarities between Ruvik and SEB?? Both were burned close to the fire...
And that brings me to bredouw maybe the idea, but...
What if all this is not accidental? The wife of SEB because something was dug up and gone...
The experiment is not very good....Ruvik is unstable and needs to be replaced and how to do it? To create man with a similar fate...so that minds are interchangeable, in the end, the house of SEB on fire he is killed with grief, starts an investigation, digging too deep to shove in the car! And lo and behold, he wins the Ruvik and SEB's mind becomes Central, in the end, we just in it and Wake up! First Wake up in the real world for a couple of seconds, but Kidman cuts off us again....

SLAVTIM 11.12.19

The final actually is not one. The reference is clearly to continue. I generally thought that the mind of Ruvik moved to Leslie, so we see it right before the credits roll, and as it disappears. Connected GG was after he saw the Ruvik in the monitors, when he killed the cops. Well, the game was conceived so that each one think up the plot.

Anton Suslov 11.12.19

I'm talking about the finals can only write so wtf. Wtf? WTF?????!!!!!

Already beginning to enrage that without DLC the game's plot wouldn't understand. Will have to buy.

medved335 11.12.19

demonvandal , Yes, this is what it is

Dakota 11.12.19

- When he was generally attached to the machine, etc.

He was to sleep at home when he slept in bed, then transported to the hospital. And the morning and day were modeled.

GreenHand 11.12.19

Many do not understand. Campaign creators are not particularly steamed about the disclosure of the plot, sometimes tossing us hints.
So, Ruvik us what kind of server to connect other people. The ball of crazy and their consciousness remains in his head (the most zombies and other enemies), but there was Leslie who can connect without problems.
1) what feature of these three detectives and doctors that they are crazy so slow? (and after the second half of games is generally forgotten and not remembered)
2) Why would Ruvik do all they needed? In the hell do you have to pay the hospital a massacre? (and how, if he cannot penetrate into reality)
3) If Ruvik wanted to kill everyone...what's he waiting for? We are in the head of this lunatic, who controls everything, if he wanted to kill everyone, it's all over for 5 minutes would. Why didn't he killed when he had so many chances?

OrangeHead 11.12.19

passed just now with a friend. what can I say, I like all what is happening:
Experiment on synthesis of consciousness continues. The fact that Sebastian has woken up is only a dream about him (it's clear by the way he first woke up in front of Kidman, and how he was glitched at the end). Brain Ruvik is the main host (in the end it was not), and many other people connected to it, because it is the strongest (because he's a genius, this is especially clear during a trip in his childhood memories). All who die in this world are disabled. Perhaps, as in the experiment generally involves hundreds or thousands of people, it may well be that a future where all live in this artificial world (the environment, when SEB woke up before Kidman, it seemed futuristic). Just so happened that in the mind of Ruvik entered infection from the crazy Leslie, because everything started to fail, and to fail. Because Kidman was trying to kill him to restore it all and to protect it from glitch.
in addition, it should be noted that while all the other local went crazy, mutated, and started to head in, Sebastian was able to cope with everything and slapped off the cogs to Ruvik. Perhaps it was changed mentally so it's better it came to sync - after all, he had died in the fire daughter (sister of Joseph), he lost his family (wife gone, and himself Ruvik family was killed), and killed them both (Ruvik for the sake of science, SEB for the sake of the law) and so on. Probably it and was saving it to throw in such a situation when he can all such razgrebsti. And all the ads about the disappearances - people just died, or they were cut off, and ceased in reality to appear. SEB found the alert about the disappearance of his partner - but he was present in the dream, and in the end was dead. Most likely it was specifically to throw it to Cebu when he is not able to handle himself (partner appeared exactly when the next will need his help - for example, to clear the door). In addition, such a partner - one of the friends for whom he would have grieved or worried, but someone he could trust and with whom to perform the task. In the end he just kind of formatted for Ruvik to work fine.
And Leslie, he in the end saw a few seconds and then he disappeared after the sound. Most likely developed I noticed that I forgot to remove it from the artificial world. As for the nurses - a kind of guardian of their own identity SEB, he has a crazy (you can see how it collapses and in the end even she herself disappears). Sebastian most likely was given this opportunity to improve his mind in the course of its mission, and had somewhere quiet to rest (don't know how the others, and I have a nurse caused a warm feeling, a state of peace, even when all consciousness has eurogoals - still feel safer looking at what the nurse remains, if it meant that the shelter is still a shelter, and while she's here safely). Thus, Sebastian and Kidman to resolve such failures, only Kidman sent to kill the cause of failure, and Sebastian is to restart the system, the only difference is that SEB wouldn't have to kill innocent Leslie and developed they knew, because then sent Kidman, which was originally in the system probably was not. And Sebastian himself lives in the system, and unbeknownst to him chose this crap to clean up. That would explain how he finds weapons, ammunition and strange medication in two different places (especially at the end had fallen right beside him the soldier with the rocket launcher) - sent it to him so he could continue his mission. In the end it seems like everything is fixed, and the artificial world again began to live in peace.

.Beauty. 11.12.19

Read The first(baseline) scenario of the Matrix and understand everything.
This game in this scenario. To and from, until the very ending.
The ending by the way is hopeless.

Ekaterina Petrova 11.12.19

Bone, have You heard of such a thing as androgynous? Maybe You're somewhere in the wilderness live... Otherwise, no way to explain the fact that in modern society, a BULK of EFFEMINATE MEN!!! Especially here in the game all look younger than their age. During the in the walls of the psychiatric hospital he was able to acquire.
If You do not fit the fact that Leslie was voiced by a man, then please go to this link: https://www.google.ru/search?q=%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%8B&newwindow=1&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=643&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=rQNlVNjhOqP6ywOekoGIBw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ

DeadManWalking 11.12.19

I considered the announcement about the missing girl, whose name is crossed out - the name of Kidman and the name was never examined. Like Juls or July. So it's most likely a sister Julia. And perhaps Julia herself.
When in the beginning all in the car ride to the hospital, they are already connected to STEM, Because, judging by the diaries and Newspapers - Sebastian Castellanos disappeared when investigated the case of his wife. Most likely when I was sleeping, he was kidnapped. There is a comic on the game - there are two characters - Dana and Paul. The missing friend Kate and she, after half a year, decided to leave the place where she lived. The Floor nurse at a hospital in Krimson city. Fell asleep on shift, and when I woke up was already in the diner. That is, I mean writing all this, that they have been kidnapped, without realizing it.
Ruvik was trying to go to Leslie, because In one of the memories we are shown that he and Dr. Jimenez worked together, but the latter decided to assign the entire experiment himself, ordered the arrest of Ruvik, and most likely (this is my opinion) - Made a brain of Ruvik in the STEM Machine. ie it turns out he's dead in the real world, but in the car STEM he still lives, so he tried to take Leslie because it is completely suitable to move the mind of Ruvik. It is written in one of the notes. In the end, Ruvik absorbs Leslie gets out of the hospital. Kidman trying to kill Leslie because he knows that Ruvik can return to the real world through it.
There are still many questions, but I hope the three DLC will give us answers.

Darvo Enterprise 11.12.19

Have you noticed how Leslie walk out of the hospital? His body sure Ruvik is gone, besides somewhere near the end, when Sebastian saw him in the rain, in the courtyard, Leslie strangely he grinned as if it was sitting in a Reuben.

Bully3run 11.12.19

It won't came out,played for the atmosphere and story,gameplay is horrible)that the ending didn't quite remember what she is muddy, if paid off probably prodolgenie will be there and passkazhet history Castellanos on)

Bully3run 11.12.19

All DLS came out last cavography was

DeadManWalking 11.12.19

look when I wrote the comments, and when DLS went.

Bully3run 11.12.19
