Issues (Endless Space)
Email questions, how can I help you...and others too I think will support))Read the comments here and wonder. You haven't discovered the bliss of SEARCHING FOR TECHNOLOGIES in the research menu in the bottom left?
So the population grew faster, it is necessary that it is the most loyal to you. Open the window Imperii and look in the column POPULATION, under this column diamond watch. Hours left of triangle (red and looks down - extinction/depletion. Green looks up - growth), and the right figure shows the number of moves until the next growth of populations.
I do not understand one thing: that there is an improvement CENTURYSCIENCE AGENCIES. She gives the increase dasta + 1, but she eats 2. When improved three of its colonies, my profit increased by 7 units. Hnya some.
Profit dasta is highly dependent on the population of the planets: the larger the population the greater the profit. It would seem +1 dasta from the PLANET instead of -2 with the SYSTEM in early may to drive some systems to the minus, but with the development of the system will get a good profit.
+ The right pumping systems in the end gives very big profit dasta ( in one game with the possession of 50 % of the space and tax of 80% on mine at 33 dasta per turn ).
Endless space is very similar to Space empire V (only played in the fifth) Master of orion while in eyes did not see. Space empire wins Endless space capabilities and technology tree. Space empire is possible, for example, create ion storm on the cage with the planet and watch as its population and ships in port suffer distress. And you can clean up the system in which settled down hordes of enemies, just blowing up a star or turning it into a black hole. You can build the real Halo around the star, or destroy the entire system and create it again. But, but, there it is not there, unlike Endless space, as the normal AI.
I found, watched attentively tree research.
Another question:we Need any special resources to build ships(titanium, for example), where are they?
Tab click the type of karabliki where pokazyvayutsya current fleets. There choose modernezirovat, climbs the screen of modernization the modernization of the auto press/(or personally choose the gadgets for merchant ships) and enter the Name of the Ship(required) and keep ->is presented in lists built models Corolla on the planet
If you select an existing ship model you can modernezirovat and keep not mnenja name, then the ships built under the same name, you can modernezirovat for denyuzhku in their system.
Titanium-70 is required for certain types of ships(e.g. cruiser) (see tree technology there is a corresponding inscription. Battleships for example do not require rare resources during construction.When changing/trading with the AI, you can sell all keysize resources and then construction will not be available.
All the resources scattered across the planet, but if luxury is visible at once to locate the resources you need to explore the right branch of the tree technologies (its lower part, mostly)
There are a couple of questions:
For a large number of planets are constantly leaving negative on happiness and money, why?(if you stay, try to choose a planet the smallest indication of unhappiness or effects fortunately(blue mold, or drag stones{ACC tehi studied under them}), planets under specialize money(except for 1st which specialize under the Chow for colonization) standing plant+lab+the conversion industry in denyuzhku). There is a suspicion that the number of profit falls from number systems(such as corruption). About the special buildings(pink tehi)+lowering of discontent from a number of systems(branch of study of planets)(except as to tehi down with the battleship impossible to walk).
Why is the AI not want to trade or stupidly requires resources with me.(if agree then to have to throw a lot Tekhov)
How to create and use trade routes(I read somewhere that 1H trade route may drip to 100пыли/100науки).
Depends on what difficulty the AI(can't win on the 2nd difficulty first rasselas on the floor kalachiki and then primodal kakieto lahouti 3 4звезными systems and pass me(although the first clashes 3-4 first battle I win) it seems that he very quickly podstraivaetsya under me.
Endless Spece ver. 1.0.5
Evengar Salladorski
About money and contentment\discontent:
To reduce the discontent need the system to have a positive population growth (in the box near the planets of the Empire should be a green triangle, not red), when the expansion will be positive - attitude self gradually improve when the loyalty level will rise, and profit dasta also increase.
+ To improve the attitude of one particular technology, this is what I wrote above - look.
+So not much to go in the negative - do not rush with the colonization of the planets: for example, I colonizing new planet in the system only when already colonized at least have half the population from their peak.
+the"planet under specialize money(except for 1st which specialize under the Chow for colonization) I personally all the planet, will not clog, improve the planet for their type - see what improvement would be best for this planet, but regardless of the type of planets first colonizer specifically for food (one planet in the system will be possibly with food).
In the still itself did not understand as peace is not concluded, and lead the expansion.
Not faced, moderately saapuu the galaxy and no problems. Perhaps a quick style of colonization's destructive.
The opponent really quickly enough adapts.
I hope my of mnogabukav help :)
the game doesn't run! poke the icon, appears the main screen saver, the mouse can move but no more. the menu is not visible. help. ATP
the problem is this, runs and hangs tightly
before you start to set the resolution? in the file config MB or XS
Please explain why the enemy fleets appear? I'm on every system put on your vehicle, i.e., had imposed a blockade of each system of the enemy, and he is still randomly in one of the systems each turn the ships appear.
solved the problem with running the game (or rather it solved itself). launched from the game directory, installed in standard D.
another question: if the game is downloaded, it is possible to play online? tangl? Hamachi?
H. O. M.
With the currently known information you can play with lamane trims only. If not to take into account the license :)
Explain to me why I can't create colonizers-ships? 3 times already parenchymal, does not work. Just after a couple of created the icon of the colonizers becomes dull and reclinabile...