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g_n 29.12.19 09:55 am

Transliteration (Diablo 2)

The game has a lot of people are writing some characters (like }|{, JI, and the like), which, as it seems similar to Russian letters.
Also found the spelling of these characters but all the same letters, clearly not matching the sound, but something not much resembling the form of the appropriate Russian letters.
So, to read such texts is much more complicated than the usual transliteration, and it's not just my opinion - I've heard it from other players.
Perhaps someone knows the normal transliteration, although I think it and know it is not necessary, as all the letters quite naturally match each other

so I will write here the approximate correspondence of Russian letters to Latin

a - a
b - b
in - v
g - g
d - d
e - e
W - j or zh
z - z
and - i
K - k
l - l
m - m
n - n
o - o
p - p
R - r
with the - s
t - t
u - u, sometimes y
f - f
x - h
C - c or ts
CH - ch or 4
sh,u - sh or w
b,b - ' (apostrophe)
s - i or y
e - e
Yu - yu, or sometimes ju u
I - ya or 9, occasionally ja or a

PS I'm not trying to get to write so suddenly to someone it will help
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Torum. 29.12.19

You are poorly written. Absolutely not, as required by transliteration.

Torum. 29.12.19

Fritz is not needed.

R2 Saygakov 29.12.19

lychwe bi translit sokrawenii terminov igri d2 raspisali ) tipo ar - atak reit, sc - smal charm i t.d. And even I sometimes do not understand about what speech)

MyatKO. 29.12.19

R2 Saiga will do.

R2 Saygakov 29.12.19


Aleksey047 29.12.19

what do you mean mp in the description of the armor in the chat? can not doperet

Kib_org 29.12.19

Most likely mana point

Onaga1988 29.12.19

mp - magik plate (blank under Eni)

nafania19 29.12.19

Thank you! But I could not find myself

ssd2 29.12.19

Yes really met the characters. To understand them to me was extremely difficult. Had to be done in places that I feel like I know the opponent. Well, for nesica. Head is beginning to happen operation for the operation for the substitution of correct letters under the next character in the word or something. Because of which my head gets tired quickly from such communication. I try to write normally. But where, in my opinion is better, then write this: S - bl; u - u; I - i; iy - b; s - 3 (digit); CH - 4;

I will also add that in order to play on the D2 server of PG. Need to download the file for the roster and to bring him back data. Here I was wondering. All are talking about. If you have Russian support - this does not mean that other people have the same will the Russian version and it will parse what you write in Russian. Ahahaha! Here it is the insights, yeah. Because the installation of such a file is required (and therefore forced). What do I care where they swing there this Diablo??? I can not understand in any way? That is not next to the reg file on the page to attach 1. It will crack. Or at all. To make 1 exe to execute 2 tasks simultaneously. It's easy! But why? After all, we're all smart (and I think to myself probably the admins). Say rhetorically all. Guys - let us all together into a dull 2nd decade, we will also write on translit. Because we like to degrade and is in such a state, but not grow to get smarter and improve. That would be the explanation. Another important issue, but the theme with a new unwordly much more important. And most important of the main. Understanding the problems of administration and sympathy for the players they are expressed in the bath. If you're not used to the game and you have goes to his head from this nonsense for gameplay. Then you get to the forum. You're already confused do not understand, do not understand the difference and begin to write on translit. And they are for this ban. Thank you! I bow to you! P. S I love when people do things that you can understand what these people are.

MOWHOCTu 29.12.19

Almost all play in the English version and use only the transliteration. Trade tied to only the original names. To buy the item, the name of which, depending on localization, differs, it will be problematic.

minovalo 29.12.19

Cyrillic in the chat (would be) easier to communicate when you need deployed to Express thought or catchy words for transliteration. Terms and names - in Latin, OFC (even if you write Russian letters, transliterary, not transferred). To write in translit and on the forum - brederis, show-off or the dumb keyboard.

Obsessed 29.12.19

After all, we're all smart (and I think to myself probably the admins)
Understanding the problems of administration and sympathy for the players they are expressed in the bath
spot stung kid! )))

evolve to get smarter and improve

ssd2 29.12.19

Yes, I certainly agree with everything. I should add that many games without support of the Russian language or of one language of many. Many programs and games created at home respectively support only their own native language. But there is one thing! There are Ukraine, Russia, Belarus - a country with a Russian population. Have you noticed how many around you are shops with English names? Do you think if you contact the seller in English you can answer the same? I doubt very much. And brands in advertising on TV. Know? A long time ago already reached the point of absurdity. That its just creating the foreign names for sale at the same at home. Don't know who thinks - and I know for sure that it's gone too far. All this because of human debauchery, indifference and stupidity. And this game is just one of the many faces of global degradation of the population. Look at the things and equipment at home? Didn't notice the fraction of words in a foreign language? I strongly believe that it is bad and it is an obvious degradation. It is very sad. After all, everyone is satisfied. I never found like-minded people. But only heard in life that knowing English is prestigious and all that. And I hate it. Recognize a common language. Why do I need 2, 3, 5, in the end know 10 languages. I'm not a schizo? I only need 1 - that which I speak.

That was probably before translation and all that. To the masses in a foreign language - never would have got.

Regarding trade - the same will agree. Unfortunately, the game was written not thought out and there is no intelligent shop for buying and selling. Players wild trade, creating cards or sitting wasting time in the chat. And I could throw things on the Board to go out, to go through the day and see what I bought and what not. And for the price you could put anything you like. Armor runes, gold and so on.

minovalo 29.12.19

So there's the trade on the forum. With the current online more than enough for sale rare/expensive gear, and seller and Krafcik snapping in the game (when the demand is there).

Before the real... Russian is such a hodgepodge, in search of something native you can come to the archaic, in a living language, neurotrauma, words. And many modern terms and analogues-no sane.

firkax 29.12.19

That its just creating the foreign names for sale at the same at home.
only here the game D2 was doing an American company, obviously their language

Because the installation of such a file is required (and therefore forced)

visit the website to attach 1. It will crack
And localization on the website there are even many different to choose from and they are also not mandatory and certainly not be so. You may help others to put localization (I do sometimes), but to force others to play necessarily in your version - it is bad. Many players want to play in the English version, and it is their wish should be respected. Not to mention the fact that some of the Russian language do not know.
And since the MAJORITY of D2 for various reasons, the transliteration, then make up for them have you, not Vice versa.

Unfortunately, the game was written not thought out
all there rules
Players wild trade,
how else to trade in the middle ages?
or sitting wasting time in the chat.
don't want to waste time - delete the game and go to work

Obsessed 29.12.19

There are Ukraine, Russia, Belarus - a country with a Russian population.
ssd2, zapadinsky ukry wait offended )

That its just creating the foreign names for sale at the same at home
this degradation artificial. roughly speaking, we pricked, we are not treated, bleeding, and we complain about the consequences. It is convenient that all the world spoke their language, and we have a balance of this that the sushi or paste the restaurant can sell more (every debilam) if they are to be called pontovo. but the question of how to deal with it, is not so simple that it is better to hammer and not to worry, in my opinion. :-)

And this game is just one of the many faces of global degradation of the population.
then you are wrong. the game is good, but there are many different translations Rusik (because they were willing to weld on a product Blizzov). because of this, it did not happen standard, a single translation. plus, the influence of those who tends to everything English. as a result, we have a transliteration of o homy za pyl, but all good, we understand each other.

Obsessed 29.12.19

ssd2, in short: the game bourgeois, in their language. and you live in a country where everyone loves to SOMEONE organized. outputs are three: 1) suffer, 2) teach English, 3) to go live in Mongolia. )

xsonyv 04.10.20

I love latin.