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illyaz 16.09.19 02:22 pm

Completing the race (RAGE 2)

the car explodes is there a way to avoid it....
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Viktor22222 16.09.19

Damn can complete the race...make a cheat that would the fucking car was and I drove!!

atmaROZ 16.09.19

Grandfather Mastday
The PM threw its centered on race, or has already deleted from the hard drive and will not help?) Race not mine. That masochism hell.
Spoilerphobic pirates, the more folders 548570 of C:\Users\Public\Documents SteamCODEX\548570\remote (although if the game creates it as a copy in addition to the first way, then you need produced a new patch to throw in both folders, as do the saves the same?)
People, let's save game after the race. If repak from hatab as indicated, for piratok saves in two places at once. New saves to throw in both the ways, or what? I'm here this time not quite catch up, although it is clear that it is possible experimentally to find out, but still I would like specifics)

atmaROZ 16.09.19

So if not broke, then be so kind)
Referring first to the folder of id Software (one of Rage 2) C:\Users\Имя user\Saved Games\
The second in the duplicate game saves folder 548570 of C:\Users\Public\Documents SteamCODEX
If this is essentially the same, if we are talking about pirates, you understand, after you should replace the patch in both folders with save game with a single race (if I someone organizes their kindness). After all, if you replace the saves in only one way, surely there is a conflict when loading the game (probably) Figs knows, on what way the game saves is selected as the priority...

SkyraX 16.09.19

Well you just wrote,just Sutra uninstalled the game

atmaROZ 16.09.19

Today I tried a dozen times to pass this fucking race... the Car when landing from a jump stupidly explodes, management and unjustified drifts a separate issue... in Short developers for the count, I'm not involved, I'll wait for some kind person to my saves will host the race and will throw back.
I hope that this will not be burdensome and will help me. I actually got this idiocy with constant explosions of the machine, and continue to conduct the further process of the game, not after the race, as it does not roll.
Better while doing other things.

Ded MastDay 16.09.19

Keep the Save after the race
There files two save files, the AutoSave, the other hand. Files throw into the first folder in the path
C:\Users\username\Saved Games\id SoftwareRage 2\ Saves
And folders C:\Users\Public\Documents\Steam\CODEX\548570\ remote, delete all the files. The game starts with all the same duplicates there new.
In the games menu, just pick continue and the game should load the last save game.
Spoiler. Here honestly don't understand what the problem is. How many times have already passed this race and the first come first and never crashed))).While the game was not uninstalled, maybe the new content will be delivered, but now all passed and the game has just nothing to do but to Rob korowai.

atmaROZ 16.09.19

Grandfather Mastday
So much! Going to try. If everything is OK then you have no idea how rescued...)
Spolecnost RACE NOT MINE. Not my topic.
Though burst, only perematerilsya and Claudia almost gouging)

atmaROZ 16.09.19

Grandfather Mastday
All super. I can't believe what a nightmare with the race behind us... Thank you by the way for a separate manual saves, did as you have written and everything is OK. Very helpful, no words) Thank you friend! Rescued so rescued.

Tolstiy_stalker 16.09.19

Grandfather Mastday
Thank you ))). Myself. Tired , but passed. ))))

BORMOGLOT1966 16.09.19

Grandfather Mastday pass me, and then the whole game, I already unlocked almost and the race is really oak to me. https://dropmefiles.com/d5VZo

Nikola1957 16.09.19

Well, until my grandfather somewhere, I walked.
Put in the folder with the save with replace. But! If steam, then the incentive to do the same...

Ded MastDay 16.09.19

o_o Accidentally went, so I hadn't seen it. To whom are you writing received the notification, not need nick to write, and click on the button [reply]

kimych5700 16.09.19

Such misgovernment and physics are not met. Just no words....his life lives car....complete crap.

kimych5700 16.09.19

Grandfather Mastday
Help with the race please

Ded MastDay 16.09.19

OK. After about an hour. I'm not at home.

kimych5700 16.09.19

Grandfather Mastday

Ded MastDay 16.09.19

Sorry bro, I completely forgot about you. Here https://yadi.sk/d/ZgRHVBB7aVkP2w

kimych5700 16.09.19

Grandfather Mastday
Thank you, bro!

natrogrii 16.09.19

Grandfather Mastday
sorry, couldn't help with the race, something I was afraid after reading the topic?

Ded MastDay 16.09.19

My friend, in your save game you haven't even gotten to the Luz Hagar, I won't for you to pass this story missions, you're missing the most interesting. When I get her the job Celebrity of the wasteland, do a save before the race, then call me. Or download this save game, with the passing of the races at the beginning of the game clear save file after the race
But in advance you shouldn't be afraid)) First try it yourself. Difficulties with the races did not occur at all.