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Cheburashka 20.09.19 10:21 am

Impressions of the game (Shadow of the Tomb Raider)

Well my dear freaks of the gaming industry :))) , the long-awaited hour when Miss Lariska in a hurry to re-obradyvat us with their mysterious adventures.She became more experienced , she became more agile , it was daring , Yes my dear it marks the final formation of the main character of the title of Miss Croft. Whether ekona video games to cope again with the world's evil let's to discuss ? :))))
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Jetto 20.09.19

Lara Croft forever

giga18 20.09.19

5 out of 10
Lara was the same as the balance beam, ion was transmaterial of the Negro in Latin. NPS are the same and not enough of them, I laughed when on assignment for the old fart investigated the tomb and came to report at the next table sat the same old man-clone, didn't even bother to attach another there, in short all the same.
The plot is twisted, but not stupid and intelligible, of the tribe of civil war , and all are not the ear. This is if the Nazis SS and the red army lived in the same town, and walked freely wherever he wanted, drank vodka and then extinguished each other with machine guns, and an hour later were friends again as if nothing had happened. IT'S INSANITY. Time began direct confrontation, and it is necessary to show it in our village, and through the woods hanging around, the cultists, cannibals, but not all live together in one place and the bodies lying under the feet.
I almost forgot , the father of the Lark Indiana Jones made a bold bun guy, just puzzled me as he climbs tombs or had a different method, I brought the dough to the natives and him on a stretcher as a Sultan for all the tombs and carried all the goodness of the tombs in the bag and put directly to the aircraft delivered.
About the bullets without damage - THAT's ALL they KNOW.
In short, not much stuck, the last part was better

akarma 20.09.19

Best game from a new series. The spirit of adventure, excellent and beautiful location. Less stupid Sutera. In General, a return to basics, and that's good.

RaptoR BTR 20.09.19

Very tedious game, does not carry something new. In General, half the game has passed, and any emotions felt. A game without a soul. Passed forgot.

DruiD21 20.09.19

The only part of this nonsense that I went,it was the first of this series.And the interference fit.Horrible,horrible parkour.Those scenes where she samoubivatsya,stringing itself, on a stake or hitting a rock or stump...And watch it again and again,as the game just sharpened to see it over and over again.With it from the beginning.Horror.Such a nerd I haven't seen This part was no exception.Troubled scenario,muddy Lariska.And anyway,how is hudyka can ride on rocks and vyrezat a bunch pianov???In the furnace, and this part!Better DIN in Occasin kriid Odyssey than in a corner.

Next-gen2015 20.09.19

Just finally passed. Honestly, no emotion. Trash. Sadly, on this note ended.

farwaterbsg 20.09.19

Disgusting game!!!! Disgusting optimization!! Cardboard characters! Daring dialogues! Crazy, boring story! The tomb does not pull and is not fun. Complete crap.
FURIOUS that she slows down!!!!!! In the village of drawdown up to 30 fps with terrible lag!!! And it's on 1070! In the furnace these games! Burn in hell!
Previous parts passed at 100% climbed to the last poster and document. And then... even those not hunting to do. Brake soulless piece of code.

MLShadow 20.09.19

A secret order seeking to capture ancient artifacts, somewhere I've seen... the Whole game did not let the feeling that you play in some half-assed assassin, only with a curve camera and control when climbing and jumping the Lark, the camera, always off somewhere to the side, a play, hit the jump that sitting on the wall to get above - 0 reaction, after 20(no joke and no exaggeration) taps the spacebar just let the clave, and only then run, periodically when jumping just not activated, ice axes, Lara can't shoot from the hip and when aiming occurs moronic zoom with a catastrophic fall Fowa why some enemies just jump out of the frame, idiotic ku-te-e, especially with enemies who are cutting Lark-type Jaguar, it says press A and D, but it just doesn't work, they need to press with a certain rhythm and delay of sense camera switching from shoulder to shoulder just a nightmare. In General, the game tons of small stocks that don't make it more interesting, the plot is primitive, the gameplay consists of climbing walls and caves to hide from the fucking piranhas in algae! in some underground caves, well, at least the eels can simply be cut using a dull qte. Remains only more or less decent graphics, but everything else was pretty boring.

aist16 20.09.19

If Lara climbs mountains and ruins, as Cassandra the Assassin, it would be much more fun to play, and, in fact, she holds only prescribed her the hump, and prescribed them a little strange, and it is often the twitching is annoying.

boss__2003 20.09.19

Was Lara a couple of evenings. In the tomb of the additional not yet climbed, but I think I will try the other day...
About the game:
+ good graphics. Animation, nature, especially the tombs - beautifully made and spectacular! Credit!)
+ acrobatics. To climb is pretty nice and I have problems with the management not there, I would even say that moments all too easy to given.
+ locations. Such things as tombs and puzzles in them are done well. Everything is simple and intuitive. No problems at all and looks spectacular! Here are the standings
+ stealth mode. The stealth is okay, murder is colorful and pleasant
+ bow. A good implementation of the bow as a weapon, to shoot adequately and conveniently
+ videos. Cutscenes done well!
+ scuba diving. Swimming under water is done quite efficiently and there are moments that cause tension (if have time). This is one of the few real I've been in this game and I liked it)
+ story idea. Story idea is quite adequate and the topic has not yet managed to override. It rules, especially liked the moments with wild people. Did not expect such a development at the end)
And now the disadvantages
- rezhisura. Here is a good idea and a good movie with a nice camera. But giving some points out of place. Where it was necessary to add the dangerous moments has not added... Where you had to escalate, not so bad... Everything is evenly distributed and little climaxes, sweeping turns. Rezhisura about****on!)
- dropped by plane in the jungle, and in different parts of the plane and all survived!) They all survived... It's just so epic hole in the story that ...................
- useless loot. At first I began to collect everything and carefully... Waiting for what resources are needed. But by the 2 hour game, pockets full of rubbish, the utility of which is only in modification of weapons. You can buy an improved version of trunks, bags and even a couple more useful items, like a muffler. The money was enough for me for all the roof and the second half I scored on the loot, just collecting things up, what lies directly in my way. This point clearly requires balancing
- rain. In the game there are moments with rain and with such a schedule the rain's sound stupid and drop on the background of the characters. Everything!!! It is not clear how the drops fall on the characters. Clothes and hair don't get wet in the picture!) It's just so wildly at this level of technology is not to make elementary wet. When it is put in every second major project... Potential solutions very much!
- do not get wet hair and clothes. Again, you clamber out of the water and everything that makes Lara is indicative of the type removes the excess water from the hair))))) But hair does not get wet and do not stick together and the clothes are not getting wet and dripping from the model of character there... It so disrupts the flow of this game that just annoys
- it was all in the previous part. Almost all the chips of the game was Rise of the Tomb Raider, I even hard to remember that they really court added. What is really new?)
- useless pumping. Generally so useless that grief is grief. There is only useful quiet double murder and acceleration skills. (Longer breathe faster tetevo to pull more loot). Is this grid could leave 5-10 basic skills and would be standards.
action. Action little. Well, just very little. For the entire game 5-6 locations with enemies and they are held on time two. Fights are built crooked. Most often, you can safely choose a good point and aim at the aisle and just lay down all who climb it (and they all climb in one scheme). There are good solutions with onions, but I used only once) Because the interview was basic and there was no need to use special tools... It's so sad, really sad...
- where are the shorts? It's Lara Croft))) where are the shorts???
Summary: the game overall is good. But several key challenges are spoiling her. Bad rezhisura, defects with wet characters, basic action and a low amount of active fighting is just sad! That's not from this game wow emotions), not at all... For me the best part of the new trilogy remains Rise of The Tomb Raider!) There are only more and more interesting within the story campaign... Sorry

djficher 20.09.19

Error in CDRM stream, expected 'NEXT' marker what the problem was playing 63 percent and then Bang and fly

Alex Kayfoviy 20.09.19

Finally passed, I have to say the worst game and all of the last three games. The story is not hooked. Among the color gamut is not easy to find loot. Pumping is such that there's nothing interesting. Optimization disgusting. This game is that after playing a little postponed and is already making himself something all the same has passed through nehochu. While past games have twice passed with pleasure. Well, nothing new we haven't seen before. Fortunately, the game is very short out.


Marongo 20.09.19

The game went a little better than the previous, but only at the expense of the good of beautiful locations, and the plot and drive inferior to both (first and second). In any case, has not yet managed any of the to beat the start of the reboot, despite the seemingly more advanced technology. The story is not hooked up and it seemed to dull, and certainly not mysterious in contrast to the first part. These pompous dialogues with her friend and other characters can't compete with the adventures of Drake, and being it for them. Or to recall the adventures of little Lara in childhood, like beat the same moment in Uncharted 3.
As a result, 7 out of 10.
p.s. The tomb did not all pass, though there have been a couple. After the story it's not interesting.
Supplement echoes of the past is not passed. Well, okay))

rambling 20.09.19

I have to say - I Croft Edition and I passed the game with all DLC. Impressions? This blueprint Rise of the Tomb Raider, only in the jungle - from the beginning to the end of the game. In fact, one location in copy/paste style. I'm disappointed. The costumes are almost the same from Rise of the Tomb Raider. The main villain was some guy from the jungle. Trinity troops some unsightly - and that's after the elite troops in Rise of the Tomb Raider. In General Trinity is a kind of disappointment.
The story is absolutely uninteresting. Again, in Rise of the Tomb Raider was much more interesting.

I probably go through the game again on New Game+, but in my opinion - developed leaked game. I went into a creative dead end and began to copy themselves - even the wild water of the flood and the chase helicopter - and those from the previous parts.

Marongo wrote:
The story is not hooked up and it seemed to dull, and certainly not mysterious in contrast to the first part.
Me too, the story absolutely hooked, and I would say Rise of the Tomb Raider with an interesting plot, but in the first game, then what's the mystery? Almost from the very beginning telling you what the spirit of the Chemical causes storms and does not allow anyone to leave the island.

Alex Kayfoviy wrote:
the worst game was and all of the last three games.
I agree. I have been reluctantly.I discovered a New Game+, it is again only going through the campaign mode and everything.

giga18 wrote:
Jonah was transmaterial of the Negro in Latin.
Ahah, I also noticed when passed.

Antisocial 20.09.19

rambling wrote:
I have been reluctantly.I discovered a New Game+, it is again only going through the campaign mode, and all
A masochist or what?

vstorspb 20.09.19

Now just going through Lara. So far only intermediate experience. But just couldn't resist. What a beautiful game! But I was just amazed. In the heart. This is awesome! Very recently I believed that the best game in AC:Odyssey (from past games). Did there is a bunch of screenshots and then upload. Also hooked Grifoni last Metro, also a bunch of screenshots after it. But Lark is something with something! While doing 3D screens Ancel, in the hope that then going and drinking of them for yourself watch 3D HSBS. In short - I found it (I'm somewhere in the first third came to a Hidden city). As some of the reviews - must have! And puslike cool. Anyway, went to play again...

killycrok 20.09.19

As for me, new Lariska was suitable. Painfully beautiful location, the gameplay is not boring, and the principle of the game is interesting, I am glad that now it's not stupid buffoon, because the firefights in the game a little. Of the minuses can be attributed to the current soap graphene, and poor plot. Actually, I went)
PS - Optimization also fit

manshuhamdam 20.09.19

TR 2013 - 7
Rise of the TR - 7.5
Shadow of the TR - 7
Fall of TR (2021) - 6.5

Nemesis 15.01.21

TR 2013 comes out. Fans shout that this is not TR, but Rambo in a skirt, killing hundreds of enemies.
TR 2018 is out. Kills to a minimum, some tombs and riddles. The fans are yelling that there is little action ...

Will you decide, or what? The game was frankly fucked up out of the blue. Yes, the plot again lacks stars from the sky, but in general it was sketchy in all parts. But the research of the terrain, what should be worked out best of all, is just a carriage. Obelisk puzzles, small crypts, huge tombs, platforming, climbing, swimming, secret locations ... Damn it, this is the real TR, why are you cheating the game for?

npss 15.01.21

Well, you need a balance that would be, so to speak, 50/50 and everyone will be happy, you won't be able to please one person and wait for gratitude from others