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Stanislavich 27.02.20 12:42 pm

On what basis do I think the game is ARPG? (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)

Good night.
I can even say more than wiki - Roleplay.

In fact, on what basis, what criteria and aspects of This game (the Witcher 3) relate specifically to the genre of RPG, falling into ARPG?

In 2017 came Horizon. Out successfully, it is even.
The structure of the Horizon - almost a copy of the Witcher, very similar game.
Differences of course exist, but it is similar in these two games very much.

But at the same time, the Horizon refers to Aksen games (adventure game), the same awards, The Game Awards the 2017 Horizon in the games category was nominated *Best adventure game*, along with the Assassin, Zelda, Uncharted.
At NAVGTR Awards the 2018 Horizon was also nominated in gaming category best original Aksen

And perceived it in a circle reviewers and critics as is Akshen game and not an RPG. And without any subgenres, such as ARPG.

I would even say that the Horizon in its structure - combat mechanics - that slashers are extremely demanding on the skill of the player who dominated the player's skill (his skill) on the characteristics of the character (which in essence is not present, there is skill. equipment and overall level).

But the Witcher - the combat system is a complete slashers, in a simplified form, much more simple than the Horizon.

Yes, the Slashers are the same in a subclass of RPGs (at Least for some prizes smart enough to determine Nier Automata even in some category, in an RPG, although some awards automate did not found the genre, and applies it to the slashers), but unless someone in the conscious mind will perceive Bayonet and DMC as a RPG games?

So why is the Horizon. which is essentially a copy of the Witcher, relates to Adventure games\Axenum, and the Witcher belong to the RPG, though the RPG part of the Horizon and the Witcher have the approximate equality?
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No more drugs... 27.02.20

And why did you decide that the side effects should affect the main plot of the game?
And jobs that affect the world and NPCs in the Witcher the car. For example the quest with the Baron starts the whole chain of events and it is important your actions. And the ending of the story in the game depend on owned your actions. Also about the battle for kaer morhen you wrote above. Lots of other examples. You either don't see them, either stoned.
And I have a feeling that you are in the horizon not played....

OldLis 27.02.20

Do you seriously think that roleplaying of Geralt has no effect on the plot? Well, let's see.
1) Land under the rule of Nilfgaard/Radovid/Sigi.
2) CRIS dies/becomes Empress/vedmochka.
3) Lambert and Keira survive/die.
4) Gera chpokaet Triss/Yennifer/bordel girls. You can all together, but the choice should do is affect the ending - who is with him is in Raven - Triss,, Jennifer, CRIS, or Buttercup.
5) the Bloody Baron survives, but witches eat children/Gera unleashes an unknown crap that saves children, the Baron is hung.
6) Gunther expelled, the soul Algirdas saved/Gunther had Shamkhal Algirdas and made Hera suspicious of the gift.
7) Anne-Henriette killed/Sylvia-Anna murdered/both princesses are alive.
8) Who will rule on Skellige.
And dozens of less visible and important decisions that affect the state of the world: to kill/not to kill the wood elves, goat-footed Madame sociable trolls, etc.
Or do you think that enough? What should have more impact on the plot? Right on the ending?
Okay, let's take other games that are considered standards of the genre. For example, the same Skurov. Whatever faction we choose, anyway, the plot boils down to the battle with Alduin. Or dragon Age origin - we can even kill GG after the main battle with Arhidemon, but it still is the culmination of the plot, that we would not have chosen. Even take a mega-variable Vedmak2, where the choice Jorvet/Roshe depends on the fork on two completely different passage, all the same, all branches end with a meeting with Summer. Or Mass effect, where you can influence decisions at many things - from the lives of the members until the fate of the krogan, the Geth and fresher, the story still boils down to the traffic lights.
So the Witcher RPG has, and very pronounced. Now playing in addition to the Assasins creed Origins - at all external similarity with Ведьмаком3, it is pure action, where you cannot select anything, the plot is rails. Yes, interesting, Yes, beautiful and cinematic, but rails. Variability - only methods of murder. All crumble in the cabbage or cut quiet. Shoot archery with flaming arrows or poisoned. FSE. Therefore, the AU and the Horizon, with all the visual appeal, it is the games at once. None of it makes sense to replay, it's interesting. And Vicera you can play and play, experimenting with different solutions and their combinations.

Siniy Kot 27.02.20

and mess is finally over...
summarize:as such pure genres of games there for 15 years, the vast majority of games can be attributed to different(sometimes very different) genres and even more subgenres
and the funny thing is that the game publisher and is not obliged to specify all genres of their game, as their list may be extensive, usually the main point(in the opinion of the publisher but not the players) and 1 max 2 secondary(see previous parenthesis)
and often these same genres listed in the description of the game rely...on fashion...so for example if the Witcher 3 came out during the prevailing hype about the simulation of survival-then he would have had it listed as the main genres(I would add in haste the need is there and everything)
pure Commerce, it and look for logic
but thank you to all participants of forum showdown))have fun