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VityanyaCFC 15.03.20 01:47 pm

Patch 1.03 + Further patches? (Kingdom Come: Deliverance)

The Lord heard there was a patch 1.03? Do not prompt where it is possible to download on torrented?
Or if you download the updated torrent, can save to transfer?
Thank you in advance for your help.
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Bupycop 15.03.20

So you imposed sanctions? I always thought that turnover at Russia they imposed another thing is that in some industries, to their own detriment. And about what kind of enemy you say? Where do politics and game developers? To release they will, only not as good. Decide, just do not want to pay, will get the same product, luchbox and so that will force to game or not to play at all.

_Mahoney_ 15.03.20

Can someone explain what the patch 1.2.2, the information from the developers, no, and here is not the old who about him threw!

fominviatheslav20 15.03.20

We are the pirates,everyone contributes.And yet-bought the game-enjoy,the pirates leave you alone unlike you.For developers, don't worry,not poorer.

legusor 15.03.20

for the game just came out 3 hotfix: 1 adds DLC armor in a chest at home GG (the other two are the digital soundtrack and the extras, but they are not needed); 2 is a hotfix; 3 is the latest current hotfix build release_21_260756.
no positive changes these hotfixes are not particularly.
links to the patches look in the comments on the forums hands with the game, where they are updated or just buy the license.

dro123n44 15.03.20

throw in a PM a link to PTC last pliiiiiiz

Bupycop 15.03.20

What lol?) The fact of the matter is that you do not make, and only create threads bug how to what and so on. And about not poorer, then you are wrong, at least they will get nothing. But in fact, like you, still dissatisfied with the game and have the nerve to criticize.

fominviatheslav20 15.03.20

I use a pirated Windows(and I think you too).Come on tell me how poor bill gates is going through due to the fact that the place is constantly changing from 1st to 2nd and back to the list of the richest people in the world ,probably on the brink of bankruptcy.So the producers of games,only cry-if it was so bad,it would have long ago abandoned the gaming industry.And again, you just don't mess with a pirate theme,it's not for you,pass go ,we do not climb in your discussions.Oh,by the way,this game is already almost repulsed by the statement of the producers themselves.

Bupycop 15.03.20

Windows unlike games, are forced to put public workers in hospitals, police, offices, everywhere off. cost the Windows, otherwise bill gate does not become so rich and ordinary housewife, will not be able to put a pirated Windows, it is easier to buy in the store and 2 clicks to install. And game developers, there are no other options, there is so much cool company that made great games, they either went bankrupt or were bought up and shawnalee employers. And the fact that the game's been recaptured, I know, it is wonderful, but again, thanks to whom? So how are you? You have not answered the question, what contribution you made?)

Abarmot90 15.03.20

This patch will be 27 when the gog version will be released

NoneOne2010 15.03.20

This game is impossible to buy. To do such a hack and even in 2018. In 2000 the game was doing better.

fominviatheslav20 15.03.20

He then bought the game pirates, or continue working?Well no wonder you're in pirate topics panessa.Normal people,if you bought the game,played quietly, and not interfere in their Affairs with his homilies.And again, ask the nurse,what ishomeless,it will explain to you the meaning of this word.As for the comparison with doctors is also not entirely successful.The current doctors what?if you came to free,100% healthy-if pay-to-five minutes to the dead(in the news:a dentist has removed 22!!! a healthy tooth the patient,for what they pay?).And another question dogonku,you movies via torrents too the test?Make a preliminary conclusion:an ordinary pirate,but a NOBLE.

chaplihmen 15.03.20

Those who requested the patch separately (1.2.2) - that is: http://disk.karelia.pro/0Dtq5Fq

CandyBear 15.03.20

thank you-Oh-Oh-Oh!!!!

Dias Daulbaev 15.03.20

Link to the 1.2.5 patch separately (includes all previous versions) http://disk.karelia.pro/ngpXyDs/

[CYBERPUNK] 15.03.20

Launched steam version of the game was 125, updated was 122.. what is happening ?

Jay C 15.03.20

Patch 1.2.5 krašit the passage of the main quest, so it temporarily rolled back to 1.2.2

AtomaTb 15.03.20


Between 15.03.20

Patch 1.3 came out, search for in the Internet. Ng fill figure

xSaimanx 15.03.20

Mdaa. Naturally I began a new game with the new patch.
Some cut scenes will not load. I for example, don't start the video showing the escape of Raziga refugees from Skalica. Ie roughly speaking, if you play for the first time will not understand half the dialogues. On the steam forum also wrote about a similar problem, and this movie is not the only one.
FPS has not changed, but overall the game seems to have become more stable download between conversations decreased significantly but not completely. Glitch with periodically hung that says Game saved is not fixed.

In General the game is still patching and patching. And then on each patch to wait for this certification? :)
They would be better what-thread legal loophole to find, they say it is not a patch and a hot fix. What they say certification? :)

Horardric 15.03.20

That is, I for example, don't start the video showing the escape of Raziga refugees from Skalica. Ie roughly speaking, if you play for the first time will not understand half the dialogues. On the steam forum also posted about similar problem, and this movie is not the only one.
But, you know exactly what you need to start a new game. Just wonderful.