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Carmen Electra 16.03.20 11:59 am

Women should serve in the army

If you have a family, more boys than girls, but in other families, for example, some girls, why your kids need to serve and be cannon fodder, what are they guilty? In being born the wrong sex? Unless you are less invested in them energy, money and love than the parents of the girls?
Think about your children's children, and if they will also have the boys? If, in some countries, for women a quota in Parliament, then they should be and the quota of the units participating in the fighting. Why do men agree to be lower than women's, except it is in history, unless a man should have fewer rights and more responsibilities? After all, before blossom on the contrary, for example, for killing a woman, the fine was in two
times less than men. If some men believe that women are more important than them, then let them serve in the army in the first place.

It is believed that in past times women were property of men. Property can not fight, so in those days women did not serve. Today, men and women equal rights - and rightly so, so the man no longer has to protect women, as their property, and the woman needs to protect herself, as a personality equal to a man. Actively fought women of the Celts and Sarmatians, Scythians, Norse
Valkyries also appeared out of nowhere. As well as the Cimmerians, from whom was the Slavs, they have a woman could not marry until you bring the enemy's head. But women who fought, and had the equal rights, thus, in history there was always a direct link between military duty and citizenship rights.

Of course, not every country has military conflict, but there are countries where such conflicts can arise. And even in peaceful countries, where forced recruitment is not planned, there are still discriminatory laws, giving privileges to women in matters of recruitment. The question arises - why do they exist? Yes then, that in case of emergency to put men on the meat. And to you, Lord of men, do not put on the meat,
you need to protect your rights today, and not when it is too late, and there will be time to change something. In the wild, for example, in most species the males and females live the same and have the equal rights, responsibilities and survival, and the distribution of people, like cattle, when the majority of males are naziboy is clearly fascist.

Imagine if in the army only women, do you think they would have tolerated or demanded equal rights and responsibilities with men? The worst thing is not that men diskriminerad and let the meat on the basis of sex, and the fact that they do not even require equal treatment of both genders. They do not understand that having children is just a job, with it, much easier and safer than, for example, the work of a miner, and no one should get exemption from the army or any special privileges other than financial incentives. Yes, the delivery sometimes can be painful, but no one is exempt from army service those who have passed, for example, through a painful visit to the dentist. After major hardships for growing children lie, again, in men who work in child care usually do not so work, and men are more hard-working, earning money for children. Do not forget that women who do not have children and are infertile, or even those who claim that giving birth and never thought - childfree - also do not serve in the army. Is this normal?

Even if to imagine that the gender discrimination can be economically beneficial to the country, as, for example, once slavery was profitable, it does not mean that such discrimination is permissible. Neither slavery nor the conscription of men into the army, in the absence of conscription for women, cannot be justified by any economic or demographic benefits, because above all that are human rights. Besides, likely to appeal to women on an equal basis with men, only improve economic and demographic indicators of the country. Therefore, any men's rights needs to be significantly expanded, and we are not talking about the benefits of travel, or land, or women should be deprived of many rights and given additional responsibilities, or women should be drafted into the army.

The magnitude of the threat to Israel, North Korea and Norway is not so great as for our country, but even there women are conscripted into the army. In Georgia, also introduced a bill on compulsory military service for women. Some places already subjected to this practice that men and women live in the same barracks, and bathe in the shared bath, that is, no additional infrastructure for the recruitment of women is not required. Of course,
the recruitment of women must not be a sham, as it happens in some armies of the world, when they just pushing papers, and then get military pensions and apartments, and the woman should fully participate in the fighting.

Called women and the Kurdish militia, where they constitute 30%, and after a month of training in their efficiency in combat is not inferior to men. According to the latest scientific research as well as experience fitness trainers, muscle women often grow even faster than men and, as a result of physical exertion during pregnancy, childbirth, then, are even better The reproductive cycle of women, though, and may suffer from
stress, but even women past the concentration camps or world war II, in the majority, then successfully gave birth. It is believed also that, psychologically, women are more sustainable and Executive than men.

When women lost their duty to marry and bear children, men have not lost their obligation to serve in the army . Women acted very cleverly, and they got equal rights, but forgot about equal responsibilities. We must understand that equality of rights implies equality of obligations, because of obligations limit the rights and thus make them unequal. It is impossible to consider society as two separate sexes, the society is one whole, and if some citizens can bear, it does not mean that they should have more rights and fewer responsibilities
than those who can't. If women take equal part in the elections, that is, affect the policy of the state, should bear equal responsibilities, on the battlefield, if this policy is, for example, led to the war. Just because of equal rights and opportunities of women abroad and suffers demographics, but equal rights is right, but with equal and duties, so men and women have par to serve in the army.

It is not clear why men are obliged to serve by force, not women. As among men, enough volunteers and contractors, and, therefore, the male half of the population makes a much greater contribution to the army than women. Therefore, the force necessary to urge, in the first place, women. The lack of appeal for women is positive discrimination, because it discriminated against those men who go to serve instead of women. If, for example, some citizens are physically stronger or better know how to fight, it does not mean that they are obliged by force, for free, to work in Shahadah on those citizens who are physically weaker or die for them on the battlefield. Stronger citizens are not worse weaker, and all citizens under the Constitution are equal. Some people say that the call of women in the army is geneenvironment. It turns out that some citizens believe that it is only necessary to call men mugenhentaistages.html? Why do women not even serve alternative service?

So demographics were not injured, you can call women after 30 years old to participate in active combat, children have to be their father, and the child can be fed a special formula. Suffice it to say that many women are not breastfeeding my baby, so she won't lose shape. The demographics can be stimulated by the fact that women who gave birth to two children up to 25 years, it is possible to call for participation in combat not 30, but 25. By the way, and the right to education of child's father should be the same as the mother, because the genetic code
the child is half the father's. And more young women to call for the protection of the more secure parts of the front, as well as for logistics and engineering work.

To prevent pregnancy, women can set a special spiral to use oral contraceptives, and in case of failure - the woman herself is responsible, and her pregnancy is regarded as negligent attitude to military service, and punished accordingly with imprisonment. However, if a pregnant woman can continue to perform combat tasks, the punishment for her might be cancelled. There are examples of women who were involved in kickboxing in the ninth month, and it does not harm the child. The vest can be replaced by larger, there are soldiers with excess weight and stomach, and can also be purchased special vests for pregnant women. In the case of death of pregnant soldier population may be affected, but in peacetime, women use contraception and make millions of abortions, and does not see any problems.
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MU-admin 16.03.20

A. Soldier of Light

I agree, but I like it to the level of Papua New Guinea has not seen fit to fall

A.Soldier of Light 16.03.20

Shinsuke_Michishita wrote:
he forcibly imposed, and are not naturally inherent in the mind sane, conscious human being and society
Contradiction. In order: society as a collection of individuals, by definition, imposes on each member (of the society) a clear installation, that is, laws and concepts, ideals, etc. Speaking about society, you can't tell on the freedom of members of society from any imposed or is not a society anymore, but just a mass of people United, except that a passport and a single border state, which has no ideology, party line, that is, has no internal policy. It would be pretty funny to see a society where it's every man for himself )) I would love to see what would happen if such a state attacked by the enemy ) as the mass of people consists of the nihilists, so smart that they do not need a frame and other people's rules, they would likely have fled, or found a compromise with the occupier and lived under the new system, spit on the former. What an interesting society ))

Shinsuke_Michishita wrote:
one does not need neither the state nor consequently the army, police, and other structures used throughout the history of civilization, conquest, enslavement, fool and punishment.
Well, let's abolish the police, army, state organs, courts and other state institutions. So, did nothing. Then what will happen? 8) do You have any idea what fun will start?
It seems to me quite natural, emphasize that even under anarchy there will be order: a group of stronger people will create their own system, their own rules and laws and force all others to follow them. For a reasonable person with rules and laws - a completely natural phenomenon. And it is necessary for the survival of society, by the way. Anyway, it does not change, the order restored in any way, but at what cost when your desire the abolition of the army, police and government agencies?...

Shinsuke_Michishita wrote:
and that cosmopolitanism is bad?
What do you see wrong with socialism /communism, only with the opposite. Dispute does not make sense ) There are two groups of people (one two groups of people, because a lot of them): liberal and conservative. Liberals can easily be cosmopolitan, while canned foods have traditional views, the established views. It's just so and not otherwise, and to argue it makes no sense, there is only one best solution: let the cosmopolitan all live together in the state, and canned for not going to war with each other, and everything will be fine!

Rupreht Klinsman 16.03.20

How to serve in the army, I can say that women in the army on a par with the men not needed. It will create an unnecessary collapse and stabbing.
I was in the woods where there are no women and every 2 months we could see them(well, and to communicate closely), and who behaved badly – I couldn't. So calm without them, the army is like a monastery, but with the desires. Will women – will not order.
Are you some kind of cerebral Masturbation then divorced. They should give birth, heal and support the men, if a man takes on that responsibility naturally.
The fact that deferral to serve not necessary, so this is only the opinion of those who have not, I thought so too, but after getting there and realizing that to merge I will not be able to, adopted and absorbed a huge number of experience, which was one of the best periods in my life. Learned a lot about people from all over Russia, not sorry(when you see a person sleeping on the next bunk, then you know a lot more if what you will find from the same Internet). In General, quite an interesting adventure happened, I do not regret that loot on pussy clamped.

Gauguin 16.03.20

Young virgin Imbeciles, screaming Moussinac oscillat swimming at Bappoo is, and obyazannosti no or some sexist-nowakowska nonsense cause a strange feeling - like contempt, and the like, and a sincere pity.

A.Soldier of Light 16.03.20

Ruprecht Klinsmann wrote:
The fact that deferral to serve not necessary, so this is only the opinion of those who have not, I thought so too, but after getting there and realizing that to merge I will not be able to, adopted and absorbed a huge number of experience, which was one of the best periods in my life.
So you're writing about myself, you liked it, it's part of the soul, so to speak. I understand you. Exactly like you - with such a positive attitude to military service and should be in the army, as just like you and can most effectively serve. That's what it's about. To serve was only those willing and able. For if a man chose the path of the geek/scientist, it nafig do not need an army well just not needed, a waste of time he could spend on scientific work and science studies at the University to become a scientist.

RussianQuaker 16.03.20

A. Soldier of Light wrote:
A sensible proposal. And bullying should not be, and this is probably more difficult...
All the bullying, again, with the permission (and to some extent even from the filing) of state-VA And the army is consider that a reflection of society. There though not all are from the citizen, but also not aliens. Just any scum, apparently, under certain conditions manifests itself to the full.

Cerabyte 16.03.20

Carmen Electra
Women serve, but not at the call. Anyway, the man is much stronger, and as a warrior and, potentially, as a man (sorry, this is not always so).
And I think that from the male side it is not good to make such claims.

0Bers0 16.03.20

Perhaps so.

Mag Otshelnik 16.03.20

For this there are contracts in Israel
Uh what?We have girls serve in the deferral.

Zamkadysh 16.03.20

Support, now all the women with balls, a finger in the mouth is not smooth surface, rocking the shit out in the gym and eat aminopterine, so for nothing, then let him go and serve the Fatherland, and we drysi and soplezhui lie on the stove))

Int0xicate 16.03.20

Don't know how you got there, what you are there the planet you live, but we have girls swinging in General in a few cases. Other girls like girls.

Voksi 16.03.20

---Women should serve in the army---
So they should , and the man need only fishing , beer and a guitar around the campfire ... -)))

qwertylol 16.03.20

These articles here on PG influence the formation of ideas from people!

A.Soldier of Light 16.03.20

No, not affected here people are not so suggestible, who sits in the shoutbox and even more talks on the topic of politics and society. There is no reason to worry about this -)

MesyacMay 16.03.20

I can't stand militant women, that is to say in the army they have no place.
also hate the overly political women, that's not for women sorry))

the place of the aunts in the kitchen!the ability to create comfort and cool soup is priceless, and from there you can slowly lead)

PS the woman herself if that)

Int0xicate 16.03.20

As self-critical. Okay man-sexist would write this, but the woman to belittle. Type but of a MOP or a ladle in the hands do not need, because they do not fit to another.

RikoChiko 16.03.20

Of course. Everyone should be equal.

A.Soldier of Light 16.03.20

But all are not equal: externally, physically, mentally, spiritually, by race and skin color, talent, desire, experience something... alas, it is equality is just a blatant myth ^_^

MesyacMay 16.03.20

the word sarcasm did not catch my words?))
and a hint of something from the kitchen to supervise, but even easier than at the post to sit :)
by the way, for any meaningful and strong this world is worth more than a strong woman who is - as a strong personality.

Pilat. 16.03.20

S wrote:
which it does - as a strong personality.