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Carmen Electra 16.03.20 11:59 am

Women should serve in the army

If you have a family, more boys than girls, but in other families, for example, some girls, why your kids need to serve and be cannon fodder, what are they guilty? In being born the wrong sex? Unless you are less invested in them energy, money and love than the parents of the girls?
Think about your children's children, and if they will also have the boys? If, in some countries, for women a quota in Parliament, then they should be and the quota of the units participating in the fighting. Why do men agree to be lower than women's, except it is in history, unless a man should have fewer rights and more responsibilities? After all, before blossom on the contrary, for example, for killing a woman, the fine was in two
times less than men. If some men believe that women are more important than them, then let them serve in the army in the first place.

It is believed that in past times women were property of men. Property can not fight, so in those days women did not serve. Today, men and women equal rights - and rightly so, so the man no longer has to protect women, as their property, and the woman needs to protect herself, as a personality equal to a man. Actively fought women of the Celts and Sarmatians, Scythians, Norse
Valkyries also appeared out of nowhere. As well as the Cimmerians, from whom was the Slavs, they have a woman could not marry until you bring the enemy's head. But women who fought, and had the equal rights, thus, in history there was always a direct link between military duty and citizenship rights.

Of course, not every country has military conflict, but there are countries where such conflicts can arise. And even in peaceful countries, where forced recruitment is not planned, there are still discriminatory laws, giving privileges to women in matters of recruitment. The question arises - why do they exist? Yes then, that in case of emergency to put men on the meat. And to you, Lord of men, do not put on the meat,
you need to protect your rights today, and not when it is too late, and there will be time to change something. In the wild, for example, in most species the males and females live the same and have the equal rights, responsibilities and survival, and the distribution of people, like cattle, when the majority of males are naziboy is clearly fascist.

Imagine if in the army only women, do you think they would have tolerated or demanded equal rights and responsibilities with men? The worst thing is not that men diskriminerad and let the meat on the basis of sex, and the fact that they do not even require equal treatment of both genders. They do not understand that having children is just a job, with it, much easier and safer than, for example, the work of a miner, and no one should get exemption from the army or any special privileges other than financial incentives. Yes, the delivery sometimes can be painful, but no one is exempt from army service those who have passed, for example, through a painful visit to the dentist. After major hardships for growing children lie, again, in men who work in child care usually do not so work, and men are more hard-working, earning money for children. Do not forget that women who do not have children and are infertile, or even those who claim that giving birth and never thought - childfree - also do not serve in the army. Is this normal?

Even if to imagine that the gender discrimination can be economically beneficial to the country, as, for example, once slavery was profitable, it does not mean that such discrimination is permissible. Neither slavery nor the conscription of men into the army, in the absence of conscription for women, cannot be justified by any economic or demographic benefits, because above all that are human rights. Besides, likely to appeal to women on an equal basis with men, only improve economic and demographic indicators of the country. Therefore, any men's rights needs to be significantly expanded, and we are not talking about the benefits of travel, or land, or women should be deprived of many rights and given additional responsibilities, or women should be drafted into the army.

The magnitude of the threat to Israel, North Korea and Norway is not so great as for our country, but even there women are conscripted into the army. In Georgia, also introduced a bill on compulsory military service for women. Some places already subjected to this practice that men and women live in the same barracks, and bathe in the shared bath, that is, no additional infrastructure for the recruitment of women is not required. Of course,
the recruitment of women must not be a sham, as it happens in some armies of the world, when they just pushing papers, and then get military pensions and apartments, and the woman should fully participate in the fighting.

Called women and the Kurdish militia, where they constitute 30%, and after a month of training in their efficiency in combat is not inferior to men. According to the latest scientific research as well as experience fitness trainers, muscle women often grow even faster than men and, as a result of physical exertion during pregnancy, childbirth, then, are even better The reproductive cycle of women, though, and may suffer from
stress, but even women past the concentration camps or world war II, in the majority, then successfully gave birth. It is believed also that, psychologically, women are more sustainable and Executive than men.

When women lost their duty to marry and bear children, men have not lost their obligation to serve in the army . Women acted very cleverly, and they got equal rights, but forgot about equal responsibilities. We must understand that equality of rights implies equality of obligations, because of obligations limit the rights and thus make them unequal. It is impossible to consider society as two separate sexes, the society is one whole, and if some citizens can bear, it does not mean that they should have more rights and fewer responsibilities
than those who can't. If women take equal part in the elections, that is, affect the policy of the state, should bear equal responsibilities, on the battlefield, if this policy is, for example, led to the war. Just because of equal rights and opportunities of women abroad and suffers demographics, but equal rights is right, but with equal and duties, so men and women have par to serve in the army.

It is not clear why men are obliged to serve by force, not women. As among men, enough volunteers and contractors, and, therefore, the male half of the population makes a much greater contribution to the army than women. Therefore, the force necessary to urge, in the first place, women. The lack of appeal for women is positive discrimination, because it discriminated against those men who go to serve instead of women. If, for example, some citizens are physically stronger or better know how to fight, it does not mean that they are obliged by force, for free, to work in Shahadah on those citizens who are physically weaker or die for them on the battlefield. Stronger citizens are not worse weaker, and all citizens under the Constitution are equal. Some people say that the call of women in the army is geneenvironment. It turns out that some citizens believe that it is only necessary to call men mugenhentaistages.html? Why do women not even serve alternative service?

So demographics were not injured, you can call women after 30 years old to participate in active combat, children have to be their father, and the child can be fed a special formula. Suffice it to say that many women are not breastfeeding my baby, so she won't lose shape. The demographics can be stimulated by the fact that women who gave birth to two children up to 25 years, it is possible to call for participation in combat not 30, but 25. By the way, and the right to education of child's father should be the same as the mother, because the genetic code
the child is half the father's. And more young women to call for the protection of the more secure parts of the front, as well as for logistics and engineering work.

To prevent pregnancy, women can set a special spiral to use oral contraceptives, and in case of failure - the woman herself is responsible, and her pregnancy is regarded as negligent attitude to military service, and punished accordingly with imprisonment. However, if a pregnant woman can continue to perform combat tasks, the punishment for her might be cancelled. There are examples of women who were involved in kickboxing in the ninth month, and it does not harm the child. The vest can be replaced by larger, there are soldiers with excess weight and stomach, and can also be purchased special vests for pregnant women. In the case of death of pregnant soldier population may be affected, but in peacetime, women use contraception and make millions of abortions, and does not see any problems.
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MesyacMay 16.03.20

well, he is basically saying there is an ancient husband - head, wife is the neck, where the neck will turn there head and look at will.
men, please do not be offended :)

about the army, and when sorry to the girls to serve? us to bear and a house to keep is your rear and the Motherland.
no, well, if girls want to serve, why not, their choice. only the female body works in mysterious ways,
played late on the motherhood for a strong sportiness and deterioration,
take the same athletes, they long for the completion of a career restored.

Samyy krutanskiy krutan 16.03.20

S wrote:
for any meaningful and strong this world is worth more than a strong woman who is - as a strong personality.
John Edgar Hoover, Alexander The Great, Julius Caesar...

RadM0nd 16.03.20

The author apparently in the new wolf beat simple)

MesyacMay 16.03.20

Krucinski the quiet badass
uh.. the theme of course scrupulous hurt, and for such persons, too, are oddly enough women, be it your own mother, which probably humiliated hating their child or did not protect against violence;
whether it's the first bad experience with a girl. Yes to a heap of the reasons
and anyway a man is driven by a woman, even here with such a bad hand

RadM0nd 16.03.20

The author is a bit washed-up. As far as I know, in the event of war all, regardless of gender, should go to the recruiting station, where you will have to decide where you'll go. Ie you mobilize in any case.
Can certainly need to make the call and women, but only a 18 year old fools will prefer to fly, in order to hang.
And why? At the forefront of many will be of little avail, and staff positions and the lack of those who desire to come.

GariK Hunter 16.03.20

A. Soldier of Light wrote:
But all are not equal
You sho in a separate dimension mathematical signs live? Equals and not equals everything that is under the tongue will fall? There is a section for mathematics as probability theory. So, according to her, may not be in our world two 100% identical objects. However, with a clone of several genetically identical organisms, we achieve similarity of appearance 99%, and the fact that their appearance happens to be, then the chance. Physically, more or less to achieve convergence by genetics and similar training programs and physical development. Well, that would equate mental ability, you need to have the overmind. As sufficient for objective assessment of human intelligence does not exist, so the person with savant syndrome and has a phenomenal memory, in different cases within the same IQ test, showed different results. Equality is about spirituality - how to understand it? Basil, the spirit is bigger, deeper, more contrast and is calculated in other units than in Anatolia? Race and skin color is a barrier, that would be the same(equal) to treat all of humanity? To talent me the same position as to intelligence. Desire is difficult to measure, and how do you know that desires don't match? As Freud said - the world is ruled by power, sex and hunger. Well, it turns out that all these desires are the same. Mean we are all equal in their desires! Experience I think it is not correct to compare, as different experience may be the same skills and Vice versa.

DRIFT2010 16.03.20

you yourself campaign woman just so clever to paint there are little things about menstruation, and so only a woman wrote this

RikoChiko 16.03.20

by the way, for any meaningful and strong this world is worth more than a strong woman who is - as a strong personality.
This is usually written in his memoirs, widows, significant for the history of the people. For whether the man is alive weighed would have kicked the arrogant young lady.

Samyy krutanskiy krutan 16.03.20

well sobsna, all the people of the women climbs... so, what, baby, you right.

MesyacMay 16.03.20


For whether the man is alive weighed would have kicked the arrogant young lady.
weigh kicked - a lot of extremely weak and frustrated uncles, so your true)

RikoChiko 16.03.20

Lady you're avoiding the truth.)

Int0xicate 16.03.20

Well, if sarcasm.

MesyacMay 16.03.20

the truth, what? from cuff chtoli?)) my reaction norms, so that'll work)

if I do that fully for harmony, love and understanding between a man and a woman, but not for equality..
this is simply the nature, physiology,
and against violence from any side

Pilat. 16.03.20

S wrote:
a man moves a woman, even here with such a bad hand
well, well... not so loud) irritant - possible. even the definition of genius, strong highly conditional. in each case it all depends on whom to compare

MesyacMay 16.03.20

for me simple and happy family indicator ( not necessarily the same geniuses, financial and political. the movers and shakers),
and there really are rules woman, that is, creates absolutely everything to her man wanted to run home from work and makes it so that he considers himself the head.
well, there where a woman openly rules and the brain makes men usually run, or the opposite - where a man trying to prove their superiority to beat up a girl here.already she is.
I do not have ljudevit consensus
.oops relations comes in, so the war begins

Pilat. 16.03.20

a second. need to clarify a couple of points)
1) how much do you know concrete examples 100% families with female wheel.
2)financial status. which of the spouses was originally provided and who earns at the moment.
3)the age of both spouses and experience of marriage

MesyacMay 16.03.20

why do you need all these names?))

Pilat. 16.03.20

all these fictional characters?)

MesyacMay 16.03.20

well, if you so it is convenient to consider, please.
forget it.. better you answer me a question - why are you on the avatar man, if this isn't you?

Pilat. 16.03.20

heh) you might think that you on your avatar... on the left or right?)

and nickname in the masculine gender also)