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Lord of nord 04.09.19 04:07 pm

E3 2017

So, ladies and gentlemen, That started E3 2017. Throw here your impressions, notes, theories, in short, whatever you want.
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BioGen 04.09.19

High hopes for the exhibition of PC Gaming, from EA seen it was no use - the new game is disgusting, and the conveyor just gushing stream. The rest I think are rotten.

Ingalyator 04.09.19

Wang, the largest announcement this exhibition will add to Killing Floor. Else - VR, not the masterpiece indie, not the juicy shooters, some more VR.

Janek1337 04.09.19

Well, about EA, we can say that the conference was pretty average.I was personally intrigued by the project A Way Out,a rather unusual project, and the scene acts as a prison that in the first place is unusual,and secondly, interesting.Anthem of Bioware's hard to say, I was expecting something similar,but this teaser trailer just intrigued all for me,can be a little Anthem about to say because the game is really about the unknown,but I can add that the setting is quite interesting. Me personally, every sport is somehow not really impressed,and especially even a little type was when, after the Anthem showed Nba live.NFS Payback proved,there's really nothing to add.All about sports I have to say,it's not mine,so I do not particularly like to watch,and besides, EA at every E3 show their sports games so intrigue and wonder in this simply no.DLS to БФ1 can say that a good trailer is not even bad.And lastly SW:BF 2,and a few words about the conference itself, the SW trailer was awesome,I liked it,but damn, I thought it is almost the same as the first part,only the setting and the scene changed,and new characters added.But instead EA on a beautiful note to finish his press conference,they decided to stall time by showing somewhere 10-20 minutes of gameplay ,which for me was to watch but pretty boring,in the end much all broken off.But the main feature of the press conference was supposed to be unexpected announcements,there is A Way Out even less rules then
Anthem is quite controversial,this conference turned out lengthy and boring for sports projects, etc. So it is not unambiguous, the conference frankly speaking, I was even disappointed or something,though , it's EA,I do anything from them super - super cool was not expecting.

FallenGhost 04.09.19

EA always find A Way Out. Also waiting for the gameplay NFS the impressions - Burnout of some kind. But it may be for the best, because I really even went. I wanted to see the storyline trailer for Battlefront 2, but it seemed only I don't need multiplayer.

Watched the Microsoft conference. As for Xbox One X - it was more talk, saying the next-generation console, etc was only the analogue of the PS4, only from Microsoft - with support for 4K resolution. But backward compatibility with the first Xbox I think is a cool feature.

As for the games - waited gameplay of AC: Origins, and I liked it. Always wanted to play in the setting of ancient Egypt. The last 2 parts of the assassins I have not mastered, so their hopes for Origins. Liked the trailer of the new Metro, although not a fan of this game and did not pass any one part. Well, wait for Life is Strange-2. Only I realized, it's not a full second season, with an interim episode. Because we were promised new characters, but this part will generally develop other people. And honestly, I don't quite understand why we need a prequel, because the ability to rewind time, there still will not. And that you can say built the original story.

Conference Bethesda, Devolver Digital and PC Gaming - no comments.

Ubisoft fellows. By far, their conference was better than the previous ones. The biggest surprise is undoubtedly Beyond Good & Evil 2. AC:Origins we already showed Microsoft, but 2 Crew surprised their planes and boats, but I'm not sure it'll make a great game. But I'll believe fit for arcade racing are long gone. Also being a fan of South Park, was delighted to see a new part of the game, but especially experiences of it not. Skull & Bones at the cinematic trailer looked cool, but when they started to show gameplay, I have not seen much differences from AC:Black Flag. Plus, I thought you will explore the land, so this game by. Far Cry 5 not interested at all. Like only the setting, but to play the same from year to year tired.

FallenGhost 04.09.19

From the Sony conference, I certainly expected more, but overall not bad. I would like to see the gameplay RDR2, TLOU2 and the announcement of a new game from from Software. But the last probably not even there yet. Very upset with the transfer of GoW, still hoping for this year. From The Lost Legacy and DLC for Horizon experiences did not have much, but are waiting for their release. Days Gone looks not bad, of Detroit: Become Human is also good. But there is one big BUT: almost all of what was shown - we've seen it last E3, or somewhere else. As for those games announced at the conference - Monster Hunter World is not very interesting, but Spider Man is not bad, but I'm not a fan of super heroes, so maybe I'll pass by. As for the new CoD, well shooter as shooter, nothing special. But the return of a beloved setting can not but rejoice.

Anderby 04.09.19

EA - all crap;

Square Enix - KH3 well, the rest is crap. VR-fishing in FFXV is a disgrace, and the idea of the trailer, it certainly was unexpected. Sit back, as usual. Even DQXI is not remembered;

Microsoft - crap. Xbawks Iks is not completely necessary, MS I just want it to masturbate on the numbers as pieceby. Although the new Metro something. Overall, MS persistently poses a good face on a bad game. Not for long they will last.

Ubisoft - all crap, BGE2 hints at co-op and action instead of quiet adventure the first part, fu;

Sony are a total disgrace. Half of the games pulled from E3 2016, DLC, trimmed remaster with PSP and PS2 (support VR? No. PS Move? No, if there was - out. New content? No. At least a couple of games for the price of one? No. Nothing that the PS3 already had a remaster? Nothing.), anything new and interesting. Portable games generally impossible for hospitals to port. CoD WWII a shame. Sony grows thick and fat, from the business point of view, they are right - where all the submarine go anywhere else? XO lost NS&3DS - another audience and iron, PSV - both. Only games isn't getting;

Bethesda - good. Wolfenstein II cheerful, Skyrim for NS will be the most complete among all of Skyrim's (portable, amiibo, motion, still the microphone of the Kinect'and added, but it is unfortunately), VR F4&Skyrim&Doom interesting;

Nintendo - No more, no less I wasn't expecting. New continue, trailers of already announced games, and one unexpected gem. And no ports from the Wii U. Super work guys. Xenoblade 2 is coming soon. METROID PRIME 4!!! Metroid: Samus Returns! Super Mario Odyssey 27.10.17!

It's funny that most of the announcements came from those at E3 who do not come and whose presentation was the shortest.

eng1neR 04.09.19

All I remember
1) pleased a way out, but then all the hype about the game, and I would say the way they presented the game, he is justified.
2) батлфронт2. Scheme postprodakshn as радуга6 come to the right place. What they will do with the game gameplay, this is about as classic бф1 and BF2 in the second and was pumping classes and clones and droids and battles in space and characters a lot. Well and looks nice. Waiting for another adventure at the MINUTE, but as said-it's not her year.
pleased a lot of games, but many came early, and now will be released on the new box, or what you saw last E3.
State of decay 2 waited, but the videos of gameplay yet hard to say is it a worthy sequel or not.
The metro is good but it is PreRender.
Everything we saw last E3 we see today, and things there are no dates. In General, do not like, worse than Mike, the impressions, and the feeling that they zazhralis and sold so many PS4.

In General, the view through the exhibition is twofold, like pokkali-but all have shown previously, virtually no new EA and then even wins for me.
Separately, I do not remember the companies that liked the game about the Fox and moss, but it is vr and I by.
Was waiting for some of the old cyberpunk from the project, info about the PC version фф15, but nothing yet.

AR3E 04.09.19

Learned-remembered the exhibition when it came to an end. The announcement of Wulfila pleased.