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Jayce Blueberry 05.04.20 10:36 pm

Share opinions (E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy)

Well, that's another representative of the complex philosophical genre, first, I hope everyone knows. On E. Y. E., you should pay attention only because she is as two drops of water similar to Deus Ex. French Streum On has decided to do something similar, or something completely different other than standard cyberpunk. At first glance we have a typical shooter on the engine, but if you go into the details, we can see that this is a thoroughbred RPG with nonlinearity full freedom of choice, and a huge number of perks. Yes, the first impression is deceptive, but for games of this genre is common.
Well, what about the story? Here I think it is unnecessary to wonder: dystopian future, political intrigue, conspiracies, opposition to corporations implants. Deja vu? Do not be afraid, because this is a typical cliche of cyberpunk. And Yes, the story promises to dilute the inadequate mentality of the protagonist, which, in turn, is the special unit of monks-murderers, mystical sects, and of course many colorful characters. It is also worth to emphasize the overall visual style - something between Deux Ex Human Revoluton and Equilibrium. To be honest, I have been waiting for. Remained some few months, the most it to pass the time until you know what.
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polyhedral 05.04.20

in short, I got tired of waiting and climbed up to explore!!!
add not verbose.
sometimes, there are instances, well who have their own aesthetic category.
I haven't touched, but that's soon going to do it.

in short, I put no dick is not understood. I'll wait for the boy even used a thread!

puzatik345 05.04.20

How this game is to remove?

atmaROZ 05.04.20

So watt they experienced modern Ugric...
Do not understand what it was,but fuck it demolished immediately,decisively and ruthlessly)))

Rychaa 05.04.20

And the world press thinks the game very well.
Probably because they know English ;D

atmaROZ 05.04.20

Snarling [Rycha]
They also think on it)

DSDims 05.04.20

In my opinion, a great game. Watched video in the list after played in Deus Ex thirty-Steam spat out a window that maybe you will like this game, because here this long you played. Thus found out about this game, and that PR got it due to Deus some.
threw them with card 299 scars and while I was sitting an hour later it was downloaded (about 5 gigs who have the speed to quickly then perhaps 20 minutes she swings)
I first bought the game through steam has been very convenient since you wouldn't know about it, here on the site who didn't hear about it are unlikely to stumble on its description
everyone would be callofduty Yes blackops ))))
Started playing , happy atmosphere, lots of all sorts of twists and surowski engine by the way is not bad., it's nice that I come up with something of their own logic and design, peculiar music, what a special atmosphere
and that many games are now playing and look who stole it logical or visual solution
for example, the same Deus Ex in this e-book is very mind recalled the book from F. E. A. R. 2

P. S. Long was going to improve his English, could not bring myself to do it. on the passing game I feel I will be free to read simple texts and communicate. Play the English version like all, next put the laptop opened Google translator
dialogue on the big screen of a computer running the game when you can't understand until the end - I fill the text in the translator
while stuff five times its read and recite as you like translated immediately see how the meaning and connotation of the phrase
learn English !!!!! without tension !!!! nice spending a couple hours at a time playing
here is racocha parents who want the kinder to get to learn the language, Seregi account steam pump from England games and let the baby sticks

CoD PyLuT 05.04.20

and in the game saved?

PolaC1 05.04.20

Who sohranki pirates work ?
It is NOT clear sohranki is, and when you start a new profile is not visible, who faced help...

Infiltrator 05.04.20

The darkness is one of the reasons why are not removed.

R_B_J 05.04.20

finally Rusik finally bought the incentive. finally play) the game is good. the plot is good. but... the stealth in the game - dream or reality?) well, nothing is impossible, especially when enemies spawn right behind me

Aloncer 05.04.20

The game is some sort of crazy. and outdated as hell.

freisnd 05.04.20


Protectorus 05.04.20

Of this MIRACLE is the second dihanie after the first Deus ExC!!!....awesome, VERY atmospheric....shooting interesting....never know who and where....klassnie imenti and hackersa pieces.....play offline and happy...where I slept when she Wisla??? O_0)))and moii lubimie ogromnie space....Yes, it's PARADISE!!!!!!!:))))to exit Dishonored - best and can not be beat!!!

Dreamcatcher SSDD 05.04.20

Now to the incentive stock until July 27, 2012, the game can be bought and installed through steam for 2.39 USD.
In each case, to up normally to put a new crack from ZoG.
Online unfortunately few Russian plays(not all of each case, to up).
But to play very well online on the highest difficulty level(when you create the server settings all can be set), especially now that the entire text is translated and the menu is good and clear.

Danny Lamb 05.04.20

A game with large inclinations, or, as an example the fact that the budget still need at least some (indie)game.

Very cool location, atmospheric. The authors clearly admired the films Blade Runner, Aliens. Sometimes stylish and Noire. Especially in the Asian quarter, or an abandoned factory.

Training is awful. On playing so many things at once falls that the first world 3-4, you are guaranteed to run without powers, simply not knowing about them. This is the main disadvantage.
The Central temple is a huge and dull to a disgrace. I understand from the developers that work for gingerbread, went to demand locations in the spirit of Scrapland, Deus Ex, or Unreal 3, but still.
Shooting interesting. Honest the possibility of nonlinear pass the game.

One way or another, just boring and pointless to run this game. All missions are ground under the coop. Holders of steam version of this problem is not terrible.

Often blurred save. For example I have already 2 times randomly erased, which is somewhat disappointing. If anyone find the solution - write.

musbob 05.04.20

Again put this game - like with the new crack to play. Cool, after all this game is a Dishonored man.
And this is what the new Daysex second time play not hotstsa...

Vortigaunt256 05.04.20

The game is very interesting for fans DeusEx, which the original lacked multiplayer and sandbox.

But nobody plays. The server is constantly empty.

BioGen 05.04.20

The game is not for everyone, with a very profound and atmosphere, sometimes dark, sometimes absurd but most importantly alive! All your actions bear consequences in the game that reminder is like a red line along the whole duration of the game.