\"ladder\" the edges of the textures
playing for quite some time..there is a question..many games..with rare exception, sometimes (even at max. smoothing) shows this effect as the ladder on the edges of the textures..there seems to be a small problem,but still was wondering whether there is a possibility somehow to get rid of this defect?could be a driver setting of some kind there?Is.
Yes, Modern Warfare 3 has such an option. Parameter the picture Quality is responsible for upscaling (when the game is being rendered at a small resolution and the software stretch. Console garbage). But it is not the same. Ladders will be present even on very large resolutions.
Yes? And even if supersampling?
Ladders will be present even on very large resolutions. I didn't say anything about supersampling. If you run the game at 7680x4320 resolution (impossible but we say) naturally without any smoothing, then the ladder will still. That is what I meant.
I do not know to rejoice or not, but http://www.iryoku.com/smaa-t2x-source-code-released
Soon will be available T2x antialiasing (SMAA+SSAA). I understand that the first picture arrangerede in two high resolution, then overlay SMAA and then reducing it. Logically, the result should be stunning in terms of performancequality.
stunning in terms of performance\quality
The quality will be, but the performance that will meet two more resolution.
The quality will be, but the performance that will meet two more resolution.
Yes but given that in 2xSSAA ladders usually don't go with T2x we will get as equal 4xSSAA or 8xSSAA even when performance 2xSSAA. This mode is 50% faster than the eightfold of multisampling. Today's videokaraoke can pull 8xMSAA in many games (with rare exceptions of curves and unoptimized).
Here you have all skrinshoty own cooking). Can open and compare. T2x as you can see is not inferior to eight times supersampling on static landscape. Unfortunately in the move I can not estimate to verify the presence of scintillation. Also 1080p can not do unfortunately.
AA is disabled
Т2х color wasted
To be honest, it's not quite T2x, is the way it logically should work. I run the game in 2560x1440 resolution, used PC, please and the editor reduced in 2 times up to 720p, turned double supersampling. Possible saturation fell because algorithm reduce pictures of LANCZOS. Himself T2x should just automate my actions, so the resulting picture is quite competent.
And why are all the screenshots looks way different?
It is under water.
I have enough regular SMAA, I only wish the native support in games no. The injector seems to me a dirty hack (just a feeling, does not need explanation).
the new monitor has not removed this effect..well,you can see the case really just games(
What is the native resolution? In the settings of the injector need to set the permission on which the play (default is 720p), you're talking about this? Still have SweetFX configurator, there is a CMAA and many other color settings (sharpness, saturation, bloom, hdr, etc.)
The injector seems to me a dirty hack (just a feeling, does not need explanation).
Me too, kind of ruin the perception of the game.
What is the native resolution?
In the settings of the injector need to set the permission on which the play
In my version of that configuration, no. Rocked from the official online about three months ago.
Yes, there in all versions is. Open the file d3d9.fx, smaa.h and as needed directx 10,11 the file dxgi.fx. Wheel down a bit and notice the line
#define SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE float2(1.0 / 1280.0, 1.0 / 720.0) Change to #define SMAA_PIXEL_SIZE float2(1.0 / 1920.0, 1.0 / 1080.0) and everything is cool))