USA undervaluation and overvaluation of Russia
Do not you think that we underestimate the USA and what they should cost more, and we, in turn, should cost less?After all, what have they done for us? All. What are we to them? Nothing.
Like water in the sand, all goes, all their actions and efforts against us. Sack of shit - that's who we are. No response from us.
Only the gods do not require return, and people require. They are tired of being gods, and live not for themselves but for others - for us that is. Already can't become, it requires.
well, now with Boeing, let's shit
Spoiler may not now depends on when benefits will drop information
Solarpro Wagner video I threw ...well, for example
in that year, in Siberia, like nuclear power plants ,and other equipment in Germany detected radiation, and so and so and so and so
Follower Perelman
what is this kit?
Who will shit themselves with Boeing?
A group of Wagner — unofficial armed groups.
Can accurate data which NPP was a violent?
And then what ,in Japan slammed Fokusima. Crap Japan is necessary.
What is the logic of your statements, as it is connected with the obsiranie Russia.
That is, if for example Selenski scored on its promises, it is possible to smear Ukraine?
in Japan bahnul fokusima, but they recognized it almost immediately and began to evacuate the population
In Russia the habit to hide
and nedopustit witecki information that would not fall face in the dirt so to speak
I've always found scenes reminiscent of the scenes of Mr. bean when he played a dirty trick and tries to get out something that nobody noticed, but that just makes things worse
Follower Perelman wrote:
In Russia the habit to hide
The facts of concealment be kind enough to provide, your speculation is not about what does not speak.
About the Siberian nuclear power plant about which you hinted.
Follower Perelman wrote:
In Russia the habit to hide
That is why Russia can and need to smear you?
the facts are all in the Hague essesno )
and while waffle is meh on the game website for kids
sleep well dear friends about your sound and carefree sleep disturbed other comrades
while the reasons for panic
>>And finally, the main reason for the plight of my beloved Rasseyushki - its vast spaces it inhabits mostly the wise minnows with a low level of social responsibility before other people, and ourselves. They are doomed to live in filth and poverty, because we are convinced that here comes the king-father is kind and will make them wealthy, you just have to wait. As long as you can afford to behave like cattle - in fact everything is dirty and so. Dependent people that's the main problem of Russia.<<<
Tell us what you did for the good Rossiysky?
That is, in the words
Spolecenstvi offended, and the fact that people called minnows and the country appendage,dirt and poverty in which they live minnows as you called the people of Russia this is a normal criticism?
You provide different arguments in favor of Russia, but still it is not important to you,but it's still bad in Russia.
Then it turns out at any rassklade you will find the reason that everything is bad in Russia.
Wing42 wrote:
KlausBarbie wrote:
Any advances that Russia has made over the almost 30 years?
While only Stakhanov pace punches one bottom after another.
We have to work by the way there is like you Jura name, nickname he is Yura still sucks.
Follower Perelman wrote:
the facts are all in the Hague essesno )
and while waffle is meh on the game website for kids
The international Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia — UN.
Maybe Geneva or Berlin to be?
That is all your arguments in favor of what Russia can and need to insult?
Follower Perelman wrote:
the facts are all in the Hague
Follower Perelman wrote:
waffle is meh
You are very strange, is not it? Please, clarify us about the nuclear power plant in Siberia. Where seen/heard/read, specify, please. And it all looks rather suspicious, well, right to concede it.
By chance I am forced often to be aware of the news on the other side of the border from me. And I was literally sad that I could not cope with such a seemingly easy task, like watching the WESTERN news, and such a loud fact (?) I have not seen. And exactly where in the first place highlights the problems of this kind.
A statement like that and not explaining anything to send to the Hague... It looks too much even for you, Kharkov.
Googly Western news a year ago
the matter was hushed up of course by mutual agreement of the parties
Nevoeiro wrote:
about is all your arguments in favor of what Russia can and need to insult?
I'm not saying don't get don't need to play with words
Follower Perelman
I asked you a specific question that you can insult Russia, you have already answered. Cited a list in your opinion.
By your logic everything.
Follower Perelman wrote:
Follower Prelimination at 16:34 #
this country seems itself suggests that it was crap
what question
we're not in the KGB are
although your mannerisms remind me
Criticism is an insult, not an adequate criticism.
Follower Perelman
Post a question deleted, not that touchy individuals complained