Technical problems with the game (Magicka)
does not start(the game crashes , I Installed Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 3.1 no che has not changed,litsuha, what do I do in the folder with migoy appears this error :
Version: Thread: LoaderThread
System.TypeInitializationException: the type Initializer for Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.Manager threw an exception. ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: could not load file or Assembly Microsoft.DirectX, Version=1.0.2902.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 or one of the dependent components. The system cannot find the file specified.
File name: Microsoft.DirectX, Version=1.0.2902.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35
in Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.Manager..cctor()
Warning: Assembly binding logging is turned off.
To enable error logging Assembly binding, set the registry value [HKLM \Software\Microsoft\Fusion! EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.
Note. Error logging Assembly binding can lead to some performance degradation.
To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog].
--- End of stack trace of inner exception ---
in Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.Manager. GetDevices(DeviceType deviceType, EnumDevicesFlags flags)
Magicka .GameLogic.Controls. ControlManager. FindNewGamePads()
Magicka.GameLogic. GameStates.MenuState. FindNewControllers()
in System. Threading .ThreadHelper .ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
in System. Threading. ExecutionContext .Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
in System. Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
0xffffffff Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.dll-> Microsoft.DirectX. DirectInput.Manager.GetDevices
0x0000 Magicka .exe->Magicka.GameLogic .Controls. ControlManager .FindNewGamePads
0x0000 Magicka. exe->Magicka.GameLogic .GameStates .MenuState.FindNewControllers
0x003a Magicka. exe->Magicka.Game.LoaderFunction
CommonLanguageRuntimeLibrary 0x003b-> System.Threading. ThreadHelper .ThreadStart_Context
CommonLanguageRuntimeLibrary 0x005f-> System.Threading .ExecutionContext.Run
0x002a CommonLanguageRuntimeLibrary-> System.Threading. ThreadHelper.ThreadStart
update DirectX
if that fails then download another Repack
and you have a laptop sluchaem ? I heard that on the laptop the game does not go
DirectX 11 . and I have unfortunately a laptop, but I bought it for a long time played calmly and she never flew!
Tell me here's a fun glitch stupidly I didn't see the use of magic and the scale of the health of the enemy
the battle on the derezhabli held at random and a couple of missions as well. stuck in the city went to sleep woke up and can't see where to go
Help. Does not start Magicka,not strange. On the laptop Wine XP 32,But on the laptop win 7 all the rules and stats on the comp Wine XP 32 too all norms.The game is pirated. All frameworke'and established, for 3.1 and 4.0. Now put a 3.5,but I don't think that will help the work and put the resolution lower does not help,please reply soon!!! WINDOWS XP 32 NOTEBOOK
system requirements all fit ?
Minimum system requirements:
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or equivalent in performance AMD Athlon
RAM: one GB
Video card: compatible with DirectX 9.0, equipped with 256 MB of video memory
Help in a single game everything goes fine but in multiplayer, the download hangs, then black screen with cursor and music is playing and BAM my partner turns into a bot and have it too. In the first mission constantly when floors fail just hangs on a black screen. Played with many players such as garbage. What to do? Answer in the subject of technical problems not found. The computer fits sistemki wood all new.
When playing with a partner( license Steam) in the company the stars are lef crashes, when loading/transition on the trail.location. No errors, just closed the game.
help I downloaded the game and it nemogu to install emboss error"Steam must be running to play this game..........what to do?
the problem with the DotA, who pacojet? I reinstalled Windows, after that when you log in to room and from room in the game comes the message : an error Occurred when initialisierung DirectX obnovite the driver, what happened?
Please help. I litsuha steam, complete pack. I have a problem with finding servers. I'm not good looking servers, but if you go to fast search or says authorization Error, or I'm out of the room prior to the game through 5-10 seconds
whatever the game is less inhibited, put in the settings windowed mode and if nVidia antialiasing set to low.
I have 1.14
game turns on then after a splash of developers appears in red letters Magicka then the screen turns black and nothing happens
in the game file in the errors in recent days written
Version: Thread: LoaderThread
System. Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundExc eption: The given key was not pre sent in the dictionary.
at System. Thro wHelper.ThrowKeyNotF oundException()
at System. Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at Magicka. Graphics.E ffectMa nager.GetEffect(I t32 iHa sh) in G:\Magi cka_retail\code\Magicka\ Gr aphics\EffectManager.c s:line 210
at Magicka.Levels.GameS cene.AddEffect(Int32 iId, Vi sualEffectStorage& i Effect) i n G:\Magicka_ retail\code\ M agicka\ Leve ls \GameScene.cs:line 799
at Magicka.Levels.Triggers.A ctio ns.Spa wnEffect.Spawn () in G:\Magicka_ret ail\code\Magicka\Le vels\ Triggers\Actio ns\Spaw nEffect.cs:line 45
at Magicka.Levels.Triggers.A ctio ns.SpawnEffect.Execute () in G:\Magicka_r etail\code\Magicka\Lev els\ Triggers\Actions\Sp awnEffect.cs:line 27
at Magicka .Levels.Triggers.Acti ons.Action. Update(Single iDeltaTime) in G:\Magicka _retail\cod e\Magicka\ Levels\of Trigg ers\Ac tions\Action.cs:line 156
at Magicka. Levels.Triggers. Trigger.Update(Single DeltaTime i) in G:\Magicka_reta il\code\Magicka\Levels\ Trig gers\Trigger.cs:line 144
at Magicka .Levels.Ga meScene.U pdate(DataChannel iD ataChannel, Single iDeltaTime) in G:\Ma icka _retail\ code\Magicka\Lev els\GameScene.cs:line 970
at Magicka. GameLogic.GameStates.Pla State.Initialize() in G :\Magicka_retail\code \Magicka\GameLogic\ Gam eStates\PlayState.cs:line 1549
at Magicka. Game.LoaderFunction() in G:\Ma gicka_retail\ code\Magicka\Game.cs:line 749
at System. Threading.ThreadHe lper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System. Threading.Execu t tionContex.Run(ExecutionConte executionConte xt xt, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System. Threading.Threa dHelper.ThreadStart()
0x0005 Commo nLanguageRuntimeLibra ry-> System.ThrowHelper.Thr owKeyNotFoundException
0x0023 CommonLanguageRuntimeLibr ary->S ystem.Collections.Generi c.Dictionary`2.get_Item
0x000c Magicka.exe->Magicka.Graphic's.EffectM anager.GetEffect
0x003c Magicka.exe->Magicka.Levels.G ameSce ne.AddEffect
0x0052 Magicka.exe->Magicka.Levels.Triggers.Ac tions.SpawnEffect.Spawn
0x0006 Magicka.exe->Magicka.Levels.Triggers.Act ions.SpawnEffect.Execute
0x0037 Magicka.exe->Magicka.Levels.Tri ggers.Act ions.Action.Update
0x0049 Magicka.exe->Magicka.Levels.Tri ggers.Trig ger.Update
0x0101 Magicka.exe->Magicka.Levels.Ga meScene. Update
0x0d54 Magicka.exe->Magicka.GameLo gic.GameSt ates.PlayState.Initialize
0x004a Magicka.exe->Magicka.Game.LoaderFunctio n
0x003b CommonLanguageRun timeLibrary->System .Threading.Thre adHelper.ThreadStart_Context
0x005f CommonLanguageRunt imeLibrary->System.T hreading.Exec utionContext.Run
0x002a CommonLanguageRunt imeLibrary->System.T hreading.Thre adHelper.ThreadStart
put a few dozen spaces otherwise sends the message so don't be surprised