The best face in ME2 (Mass Effect 2)
The rules are as follows-we post either the link or the picture with the face of your character and when naberetsya 10 personsthen decide who is the best 1st 2nd 3rd And the same with Ladushki 10 persons.
Cool, you have a past Jet Li is similar.
PS: How do you manage to make not the enforcer?
Hmm..don't Even know what to say:)
I just customized the character by his face:narrow neck,jaw,not particularly extended cheekbones,narrow eyes, etc.
Harmony Of Hell
Again,your Shepard looks like my cousin's cousin:)
Hm damn, I thought the topic was mercilessly demolished, and is just renamed)
Let's get some more m and M individuals, and we will begin to choose that is...
Lady (her name is) Shepard МЕ1:
Lady Shepard ME2:
And pure giggle:
Vote the best vumen-shepherd - Harmony hell, the best of man-Shepard - Vanishing valker.
Don't rush, not yet the full list of participants)
So, on the idea the author want 10 persons. Female, as I understand it, has already accumulated a dozen. Male, like, 4 more left to vote.
Mark. B.
Oh no, don't write it anymore)) Is just mark then)
Well, six already have left to score 4 to vote. Your that you lay out, although he has no chance with such competitors))
5 men, the sixth standard.
From Mc A. S. T standard? I've not looked...
How the vote will take place?
The author firmly dogged it during... Well you can come up with something. As I see it, is typed in 10 (times have already begun in a bunch of m and M throw) persons, then we start to vote - everyone can choose one of m and M candidate; the vote will be restricted to some time interval (for example, a week, given that the topic is not so popular), then the counting of votes. If the subject will continue to live after this, we will begin a new round with new faces (I doubt that pace will be the second round))). Like that...
My voice Shepard-MENA at Black_Guard is a person outshines all the rest!
Superdome from she-wolf - though not very fond of glamorous shepardi should be a brutal woman=)
The She-wolf. So in the face of genconnect balanced and firm facial features. This lady really could lead. Beatrice Shepherd.