The best face in ME2 (Mass Effect 2)
The rules are as follows-we post either the link or the picture with the face of your character and when naberetsya 10 personsthen decide who is the best 1st 2nd 3rd And the same with Ladushki 10 persons.
Cyrus Shepard
URAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Shep so far, that on the 1st place among Femshep on
Daggy The Angry Beaver 04.01.12 16:33
...jpg here is another one check it out ;)
in my opinion the nose is too low for reduced size of the face, the lower jaw seems unnaturally flattened. a person like that is not in harmony IMHO.
MunchkiN 616
I am certainly on a plastic surgeon, and I don't really understand what was going on came up, but criticism is fine :)
my Shep ;) solves the mystery of the Boobs xD
believe me he will reveal! ;))
first thing, the first thing sonically
well, the reapers? well, the reapers then!!! xD
as in part 3 there PPC transfer the appearance of the character namudrili tried to do in part 2 do not transfer Persian as above in the picture, and again looks like even turned out much better than it was :)