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Chempion2016 27.05.20 10:28 pm

Master save game GTA III (Grand Theft Auto 3)

Master savegame ("Trowel", Master or Ultimate Game Save Starter) is
the passage of a greater number of additional jobs at the earliest
available point in the game. In GTA III the master save is the passage of the
similar to the beginning of the first mission – Give Me Liberty.
General information:the Conditions of passage:
— To pass without deaths and arrests
— Do not use cheat codes
— Play without extra efforts to do missions, that is, to pass everything the first time.

Moving between Islands:
1) From Portland you can go to Staunton Island using the hole in collisions
near the tunnel. Suitable Mr. Wongs, Patriot and Borgnine. (by Mustein)
2) From Staunton Island to Portland can be reached using the boat.
3) From Staunton Island to Shoreside Vale and back, you can get the Porter tunnel.
4) From Shoreside Vale to Portland you can also fly the Dodo parked
in Francis International Airport. Video absolutely all ways of moving from Portland to Staunton Island: terms Used:1. The mission of the taxi to memory (MTP)
You can perform the taxi mission on any civilian transport. For this
you need to sit in a taxi, hold down the "look back" to exit the taxi, get
in an arbitrary machine, release the button. The mission starts (by AlSar, KAS).

2. Intangibility and aDP
Artificial Dent Proof (aDP) – an artificial crease-resistance obtained by
truckas the heat exchanger. Almost any car can do nesminaemoy, and
to sohraneniyu garage and intangible, using a heat exchanger. Protection, fully
similar to conventional DP, called aDP. To install it just impossible
on cars that do not accept garbage, namely: Blista, Bus, Dodo,
Firetruck, Rhino, Roadtrain, LineRunner. The only requirement is that in the car
the front seat needs to be a passenger. First, use a bug "Mission
taxi in memory". Then, when the passenger sits in the right car, going to the garbage
and pressed against the wall of the driver's door. Exit the car, hold
click "View back", with Claude "fit" through the passenger and out
through the right door, and the car will start to raise the crane. Immediately sit in
the car again (after planting, the button can be released), the crane reset it.
After that, the car will be intangible. And after saving in the garage will be
nesminaemoy. It is worth noting that if you get out of the car to sit back in
intangible option does not work (by CA). In addition to the heat exchanger, intangibility machine you can give with a crane
import-export. For this, bring you car to the crane at the docks
leave with the door open, run on foot and catch a taxi at the entrance to the docks.
Go to the crane needed to get the intangibility of the car. Near crane
cpuunits the truck, pushes it into the loading zone by Claude, and then using
bug "the mission of the taxi to memory", launched on we need the car mission taxi
take the passenger. Next, turn the driver's door to the truck,
shoot at it from a Micro Uzi. When the truck lights up, drive off to
to damage the vehicle. Then we drive very tightly to the truck and
looking back, we leave and immediately go to the car. A crane will lift it,
the vehicle is intangible. Leave the vehicle in that
when the Colombian will pull us out of the car (by LATE).

3. The "displacement"
The displacement is the pushing vehicle through the texture on the roof of an underground
line of subway or Porter tunnel to take between the Islands of Liberty City (by Mustein). 4. "Mark"
You can protect vehicles in the game from disappearing after commercials
and after cleansing of the territory from the machines by the method of "label". "Marked" car
in any cut-scene in a game will not disappear. In addition, since "marks"
10 vehicles, traffic in the city will disappear, and after the 25 "marks"
you will no longer receive passers (by Mustein).
There are 2 ways:
1) If driving Claude, you need to take the help of a gang of hijacker. When he
want to sit in our car, pressed the driver's door to the wall, and in that moment,
when the hijacker will sit down, press "redo" (F1 or F3). 2) For "tagging" the car from the traffic it overlaps the left door (better
at the traffic lights). Then you need to get in the car through the right door, and at the time of landing
enable-disable "repeat". After these steps the driver
becomes transparent, and the machine – "bullseye". If "tags" Claude
"zaglyuchit", then you need to jump up and he will "come to life".Get in already "tagged"
the car through the passenger door can not, the machine needs to push to
to sit through the driver's door. 5. Saving the game during the rampage
If sitting in a taxi, hold down the "a look back", out of the taxi, starting a rampage and release "look back", the game can be saved during the rampage.

6. Special transport
There are vehicles that have unique properties
or not found in traffic for the game. In the framework of the master saves consider
two types of features:
RM — Rare Model (Rare model)
NE — No Extra (the Absence of any details because of the glitch)
More detailed information in the relevant subject:
Unique and rare transportation

7. Downsizing of repetitions:
RR — Rampage Replay (Selection of truck rampage in "repeat")
RFR — Rampage Failing Replay (Enable the "retry" abolishing rampage)
If during the passage of the rampage enable (F3) replay, in which game
the time is 2 hour more than the current game where rampage takes place, it will fail.Start the master saves:to stay in a prison uniform, you must start the game from the failure of the first
mission – Give Me Liberty. Watch the first movie, sit in the car Kuruma.
Not passing forward, overturn it on the curb on the right, quickly crawl out of
machine and jump into the same curb. Claude hit and at the time of the blackout
the screen will take a step back, and the mission re-starts. We will be
prison clothes on the bridge Callahan out of the mission, to themselves.
Claude will not be able to sit in the car, but it eliminates the usual Bouncing.
The door to the apartment closed Portland to remain, there just will not work. However
it is fixable, the door can unlock it. To do this call inside the room
intangible car and leave. The game continues, and the door after
this will be open and we will be able without problems to save the game for Portland.
When you want to start the mission again, you need to jump on that
the place where it should stand Kuruma, but now we have not before... the List of what can be accomplished in the master saves:Information about location of hidden packages, unique jumps, rampage,
garages, import-export, racing missions, missions RC Toyz widely available on the Internet.
In this section we will pay attention only on particularly complex at the time the master saves the cases.

1 Collect hidden packages
May be difficult with the selection of the package at the top Sarsadskih
lifting of the bridge connecting Shoreside Vale and Staunton Island. To take
this package flies on the raised part of the bridge at Dodo, puts
the plane to the curb, jumps on him and take the package. 2. Performing unique jumps
In this passage the execution of a jump on the Callahan bridge is difficult because
there are still fragments from the explosion. But to perform this jump is possible. 3. Import-export of Portland
If you upload a replay with the required car, guaranteed this
the model will be loaded into memory of the game that many times will increase
the chance to meet this car.
— Moonbeam, Linerunner, Pony, Rumpo, Bobcat, Coach,
Mule, Yankee, Patriot parked in Portland;
— Securicar, Flatbed, Trashmaster, Bus – ride in Portland, but they appear
in the game only if Claude is in the territory, marked
blue, green and red colors on this map;
— Dodo – parked at Francis International Airport in Shoreside Vale.
Fly out to Portland and export;
— Mr. Whoopee – never parked, you can get the mission fire,
where it can sometimes present, put out and otveta for export. On the street more often
just model goes to district Portland View, increase the chance to meet, if
review the replay with this car. (by Nick007J)
— Blista – is found in Portland mission of the fire should be extinguished and to take on export.
She also parked in Staunton Island, then transported to Portland is using the "displacement".
From this place we begin to push. As soon as the car hits the roof of the Porter tunnel, you need to immediately
click "forward", otherwise it will roll backwards and fly off the roof. Next, go in the direction of Portland
on the roof of the tunnel, a step that we meet, we travel along the edge of the tunnel. When we come
to the island, off the roof – Contender will fall into "blue hell" and will appear on Portland (by Mustein). 4. Import-export Shoreside Vale (part)
— Cheetah, Bobcat, Stinger, Banshee, Infernus, Taxi,
Esperanto, Manana, Sentinel, Infernus – Shoreside Vale parked on;
— Idaho – parked in Staunton Island;
— Cabbie, Perennial, Stallion – parked on Portland, go
in Shoreside Vale. You can ferry from Portland using intangibility;
— Stretch – goes on Shoreside Vale;
— BF Injection – on time master-saves are unavailable,
only appears after the mission Sayonara Salvatore.

5. Import-export service vehicles (part)
— Police Car, Ambulance, Fire Truck – parked on Portland;
— Enforcer – you can get four wanted stars in Portland;
Also parked in Staunton Island, you can ferry to Portland, using the "displacement".
This place is back, after punching going on the roof of the Porter tunnel
right before the turn, where we turn off towards Portland. Along the way there will be several
borders that go round at the edge of the roof of the tunnel. Approaching the wall,
obstruct the passage, and jump into "blue hell". We will be on Portland. — Barracks OL – parked in Staunton Island, you can ferry to Portland, using the displacement.
I rent from this place back when the car starts to get stuck and to spark, click "forward"
and right, and fall through the roof of the Porter tunnel. Sometimes the machine may roll over.
After that, going towards Portland, on the way to round two of the invisible border,
located in the middle of the tunnel, on the narrow edge, then drive up to the wall, blocking
passage, and jump into "blue hell". We will be on Portland (by d00m41k); — FBI Car, Rhino – at the time of master-saves are unavailable, FBI Car appears after opening
Staunton Island (the Last Requests mission), Rhino – you can attacat to the garage base with Phil Cassidy during the mission Arms Shortage, as it appears after the opening of Shoreside Vale (the mission A Drop in the Ocean) and spionida on the basis of Phil Cassidy (after the mission The Exchange).

6. The mission of taxi driver
In order for the amount of money was more, you should take all 100 passengers for
Easy ways of transmission:
1) you Can pass the mission on any vehicle using MTP;
2) you can Also put on the car aDP;
3) you Can partially or completely remove traffic;
4) is There a way to disable the mission timer, you need to put the passenger
a taxi to the very last second. 7. The mission of the paramedic
Easy ways of transmission:
1) you Can put on the car aDP;
2) Can be partially or completely removed traffic.

8. The mission of the fire
Want statistics do not record unnecessary blown up the car, after extinguishing the last
the fire should immediately disable the mission or get out of the fire truck.
In Shoreside Vale you have any difficulty passing this mission in one go, as
the game calculates the time to extinguish a fire without taking into account the planning of roads and water barriers.
Go at once only if you get lucky with the fallout of the first few fires. Easy ways of transmission:
1) After switching-off to "snooze" the fire extinguished automatically;
2) With a crane export at the docks in Portland, the Fire Truck can give
intangibility. It is worth noting that Fire Truck is not disposed, and only
way to get noclip is tap export, which becomes
not available after exporting Fire Truck. After receiving the intangibility below
the game slowed down, starting a fire mission, we do a unique jump
and cancel the fire mission;
3) Can be partially or completely removed traffic.

9. The mission of the police (vigilante)
Light the way through:
1) If in the criminal to turn off "pause" (Esc), then it will stop
and out of the car (if at work, try again after a certain time);
2) you Can put on the car aDP;
3) Can be partially or completely removed traffic.

10. Execution rampage
With the help of rampage in the game you can do "overlay" missions.
In addition, considering that during the mission The Exchange the player takes the weapon
and it will have to gather again, not recommended in a master save to pass
rampage all types of weapons to be able to quickly collect weapons.
Given that Pistol to be collected at hideout is appropriate
not to go rampage just these types of weapons: Shotgun, Sniper Rifle,
Rocket Launcher, Molotov Cocktail, Grenades (see paragraph 14)

11. Off-road racing
— Patriot Playground;
— - Level Multistorey Mayhem;
— A Ride in the Park;
— Gripped!
The repeated passage of these missions in the statistics will be added extra
attempt the mission, therefore, to put the best score you want the first time.
Easiest way of passing the mission:
If you pick up a checkpoint at the last moment, the mission timer will be disabled. Also, this bug allows to improve the results of the race. So, if you remove the timer
the second marker of the mission, that is, those who first after the appearance of the timer
the minimal results from here are missions: Patriot Playground — 20 seconds
- Level multistorey Mayhem — 20 seconds of A Ride in the Park — 10 seconds Gripped! 15 seconds.

12. RC Toyz missions
Diablo Destruction;
— Mafia Massacre;
Casino Calamity;
— Rumpo Rampage
The RC Toyz missions, the maximum value is 32,767 blown gangster
cars. To achieve this result as follows: the game takes into account
in the statistics of all the explosions of the vehicles, which have been reproduced in
"repeat". Thus, if during the mission one-time use,
for example, "replay" with 16 cars blown up by bandits, as well as 1213 times
to view replay 27, the amount of 32767 is reached. Even more important is
note that if you set the value greater than 32767, it will go into minus.
13. Earning money
The maximum value of the in-game money – $2.147.483.647, if exceed this value,
the amount will go into minus. To avoid this (and ahead of the rewards for all the story missions
and tasks a total amount of $2.000.000), you need not type this value, and two with small
million less
The first method:
Pass unceasing mission fire. About
after 4100 fire is reached to the desired amount.
The second method:
Continuously to fulfill the mission of the police (vigilante). After
the murder of about 1,700 offenders required amount will be obtained.

14. Weapons collection
After the RFR, or save the game during a rampage, the player will be added 30,000 rounds of that type of weapon
which has been involved. Thus, to achieve the maximum number of
cartridges to 99.999, you need to fail a rampage 4 times (by champion 2008). You can also add a remote control if you put
car bomb in Shoreside Vale.
The only weapon that is missing from Robocop Pistol, you need
gather near hideout after collecting 10 hidden packages.

15. Improve shooting accuracy
If you shoot the M16 with the first person, the game will not be taken into account
these bullets, as vystreleneho, but hit the target they considered.
Shooting thus, it is possible to raise the accuracy to 100% and unlimited
above. To the rate of fire was above, you need to disable the frame limiter. 16. Increase criminal rating
Maximum in-game Boss title achieved with a set of 5000 points. However, how many
points you scored in the master save game crime rating stops at
the level of 3521 and rank Right-Hand Man. In the future, after you open Staunton Island
(the mission Last Requests), this limit is moved to 4552 points and the rank of Capo.
Well, after the opening of Shoreside Vale (the mission A Drop in the Ocean) you will be credited
all the gained sum. However, think about the total crime ranking
is already in the master saves. Earnings the maximum number of money ($2.147.483.647)
will bring about 429,496 points. Further, it is possible to increase manually.
The most effective ways:
— Improve shooting accuracy: 5 points for each percent
(it is possible to obtain an unlimited number of more than 100%) if fired at least 101 cartridge.
— The destruction of the police helicopter: 30 points for every downed helicopter;

17. The preservation of the unique hints
There are game tips that will not appear again
after reading them, picking them up is not recommended.
— A hint at the Portland hospital;
— Tip at the police station Portland.

18. The preservation of special transportation
In the master save, you can save a few samples of special transport.
Description and methods of producing these vehicles in the relevant subject.
— Taxi (NE);
— Hoods Rumpo XL (NE);
— Toyz (RM);
— Mr. Wongs (RM);
— Mr. Whoopee (RM);
— Barracks OL (RM);
— Panlantic (RM);
— Borgnine (RM);

19. Improved statistics
On their own, you can improve the statistics of the game:
The time of flight of the Dodo;
— Delivered passengers in mission of taxi;
— Earned money in the mission a taxi;
— Saved people in the mission of the physician;
— The maximum level of tasks in the mission of the physician;
— Killed criminals in the mission of the police (vigilante);
— Extinguished fires in the mission of the fire (vigilante);
— The length of the best insane jump;
— The height of the best of the crazy hop.
— Coups are at best insane jump;
— A turn in the best insane jump
Statistics stunt car is the easiest way to improve using the glitch train
who travels on an overhead line of metro Portland. When the train crashes into
a car standing on the rails, it can give a strong impetus, with the result
which the vehicle can fly up high and far away horizontally,
for example, fly to Staunton Island. The only point statistics, which is very difficult to improve using a glitch
the train is the number of revolutions. The item statistics can improve
as follows: put in Francis International Airport on the ramp to Barracks, thus
to it before stood on the edge, and the rear was on the design.
Then take the Infernus pre-prepared, highly dispersed,
and crash in front of the Barracks. After the incident shock, Infernus the most
cases much flies in the air and can be repeatedly roll over through the roof.

20. The name of the save
The name of the save game that is displayed when you select a slot when saving and loading the game,
depends on the last completed mission. You can select from the following list:
— Patriot Playground;
— - Level Multistorey Mayhem;
— A Ride in the Park;
— Gripped!;
Diablo Destruction;
— Mafia Massacre;
Casino Calamity;
— Rumpo RampageОтдельное thank you:Nick007J:
For finding a quick way of finding vehicles for their exports with the help of replay.
For determining the areas where the easiest way to find the vehicle that you want to export.
For explanation of the operation of scripts and game mechanics.
For help in processing the text and making changes in this guide.

For assistance in compiling and editing this guide.
For finding the way of completing the mission taxi on any vehicle.
A survey of illustrative screenshots.

For video recording, learning to cancel the timer in off-road racing and mission of the taxi.
For the discovery of a way to improve results off-road missions until the best result.
For video recording, showing the most rapid way of obtaining ammo.
For video recording, demonstrating the possibility of obtaining large numbers in the RC Toyz missions.
For video recording, a method of improving the statistics of the stunt car.
For video recording, quick method of obtaining the Mr Whoopee for further export.

For finding a way to "produce" Barracks OL.

For finding ways of obtaining "intangible" Firetruck
Record a video demonstrating one way of completing the mission
firefighter on Shoreside Vale.
For video recording methods "produce".

For opening simple way to move from Portland to Staunton Island.
For opening method "of produce" and transference with his car on the other Islands.
For the discovery of the method of "tagging" cars.

For finding the method for obtaining NE-machines.

For a description of how the mission taxi on any vehicle.
For the discovery of the method of producing aDP and "noclip".
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Chempion2016 27.05.20

Variants it is a lot of all invented, but it seems to me the most rational.
For example, this
And when you have 80 packages and passed the taxi mission, you can jump on Starfish by taxi and from there to fly to sisbarro.

what you have written I personally would not began to use, because it is too long)

Wildstylo 27.05.20

I just showed one way)on the rationality of the ways was not a word)himself yuzal method with your video,which learned from the journal LKS almost 10 years ago)way for the drowning pool thanks,right now I will include =D

Chempion2016 27.05.20

no, this video is not mine, found on YouTube.
about the way I read somewhere, a long time ago

dimon-alfa 27.05.20

I wonder who will be first

AlSar 27.05.20

Something realized with the Champ, soon to be on Weiss already :)

Cool video, cool edited.
It means you were previously under the name DJ KOT, right?
In General, Yes, ways weight, but interested in the most effective.
That is, that after moving to another island the player had the vehicle,
to not have anywhere to jump the clock, anything to look and steal.
On sun 2 optimal ways to do this:
1) nothing is Yet completed: PCJ-600 + Packer at the Studio, as in the video.
Quickly, no problem, get the vehicle
2) When there are packages and passed taxi: + jump - Starfish, and there's a helicopter.

In the first sense, the past trowel?
The same Champ already passed, and not once.

Guide edited, a slightly modified structure,
added video, changed the style,
modified typography.
It remains to add a few more videos and it will be completed.

Wildstylo 27.05.20

no,I also found the first video on YouTube,it's a coincidence
DJ_KOT is here http://users.playground.ru/643935/

Nick007J 27.05.20

Sorry for offtopic, but since we are talking about how to get to the second island in the sun, we suggest that this method:

You may need a little practice, but it is very fast and efficient method that requires only a PCJ-600, seems to fit and Sanchez, but the first is elementary to find.

AlSar 27.05.20

Heh, funny coincidence.
Well, we all, you and I, and he's about the same time of registration.
So I remember this user, so I thought you.
You just said:
my second method on the video to watch with 2.55
I thought that your video.

Well, if this is feasible, it is really the best method.
Write that on a PC does not work, however.

Nick007J 27.05.20

Checked on what was at hand: the iOS and Steam versions, and there, and there happened. Since you recorded the video.

Moreover, about a year ago was tested for the standard version, it was all clear.

AlSar 27.05.20

Made final edits.
Achieved correctly display both the new GHG and GTA.ru.
And the game finally mastered the mission of the taxi driver, no one is asking :)
Set a record of payment is $951, someone has more?
Pumpers Portland and Staunton passed easily, but what to do with Sorsogon?
The question of how to get this through in one approach, not yet resolved...

GTAman 27.05.20

Cool. Packages and I still haven't got :)
About Soraida: I propose bluntly to score, because the player is not guilty, that he is given time, not commensurate with the real path to the goal.

AlSar 27.05.20

I offer stupid score
Well, score is always possible.
Gotta figure out a way to remove the timer.
Mustan up, but beating the mission police.
This is not an option. In GTA III all you can, and it can be.
The only way to be understood.

GTAman 27.05.20

Well, if only Mustan and will find some loophole, and without pagousena is unlikely the problem can be solved.

Chempion2016 27.05.20

in gtasa is there a way to remove the timer in the race, if the call in the marker when the time ends, and then you can

and without pagousena is unlikely the problem can be solved.
what is there is not built on bugs? even the start-trowels - bug.

LATE 27.05.20

without pagousena is unlikely the problem can be solved
Don't need no pagousena. All of the time and so.

Spoilerville useful tips before the mission:
1. Turning off the frame limiter. This will save a few seconds.
2. Before the mission, put it in the garage any car in case I have to reload the save game.
3. During the mission bottom of the screen, tooltips are shown where the burning car. Don't forget to read them (they can also be viewed from the menu), because on the radar it is difficult to determine the target location.
4. You need to remember that incorrectly selected path to the goal in most cases is tantamount to a failure of the mission.

Start the mission of the fire here:


You want the first burning car was located in Pike Creek. If not, reload the save game. In the beginning, every time, so you need as quickly as possible to extinguish the first 2-3 cars to dial (time is added).

The game has a lot of hidden shortcuts. Here are the main ones:


Unique jump. If you don't want to do it during the fire mission, do it in advance.
It is important to call on the springboard on the right side, then when landing press both ordinary and hand brake. Stabilize the fire station by the rotation of the wheels in the opposite roll direction.


On this slope in the rain fire brigade can not go, so there is risk of losing time or flip the car.


One more unique jump. When landing press both ordinary and hand brake. Stabilize the fire station by the rotation of the wheels in the opposite roll direction.


Simultaneously press both the brake.



In both cases, there is a danger of a coup on the roof. If the fire station would roll over on her side and completely stop the mission can be considered failed.


The next cut. Any difficulties.


Yes, in the tunnel. In a hurry about it and forget. It is the shortest route from the place on the screen to areas of the airport. However, the shortest takes almost a minute.


One of the options to go down quickly. You can also use the slide next to savijauta.


A safer option to go down, than the next.


Gently slide down. If to be dispersed, and the water to fly out.


One of the most important srepok.


Quick way to get to the path on which dispersed on the trampoline.


Another cut-off function, but it is unlikely to be needed.
Video. Demonstrates some srepok: EDIT
For people with iron patience to complete this mission you can use the trick Adrenaline in the car.
Do pozharku intangible: fit it to the crane at the docks, leave the door open, run on foot and catch a taxi at the entrance to the docks. Still need to get some ammo for the Uzi. Go to the fire station, next to the crane spionida truck, pushed it to the loading zone by Claude launched on the pumper, the mission of the taxi, take passengers. Now, turning the driver's door to the truck, shoot him with the Uzi. When it comes on, you drive off to themselves not to explode. Again approaching very tightly to the truck and, looking back, we leave and immediately go to the fire station. A crane lifts her car intangible. Go to the Shoreside, turn on the fire mission, do the unique jump, cancel the fire mission. It's very much slow. Turning off the frame limiter. Choose a convenient place to start the mission and run it. To get out after the mission will be possible only if the Colombian will pull Claude out of the car.
In the end, will have one once again to start the mission of the fire barriers does not exist, in some places under the ground may be water (risk of drowning), the time of passage of the mission will be extended many times, braking distances of pumpers increases in a tunnel is better not to meddle. But now because of the possibility of greatly shortcut the time constraints will be felt only on the first level.

AlSar 27.05.20

Don't need no pagousena. All of the time and so.
A subtle point there.
For example, I would not knock the skin fundamentally.
Of course everything is doable, but complicated.
Here's your video looked - siskami cutting, I also cut.
But with the loss of the first fires you fared well.

funny Adrenaline in the car.
This is interesting, Yes.
The only item on the truck in getting noclip is not understood.
This is what and why, if MTIT and so everything is fine put?
Speaking of intangibility didn't think at all, definitely try.

A, don't try it, I already exported drove her, it is not about the heat...
With the truck partially realized - the door to block it. Why blow up something?

LATE 27.05.20

not knock peds fundamentally
Don't even try to pass. On Shortage this is not possible (when passing in the usual way for the 1st time).

But with the loss of the first fires you fared well.
This is because I started in the airport with first car in pike Creek. I already wrote about this. And even if the second car was immediately over a crest, it would not be very complicated task.

Why blow up something?
So Claude did not suffer from a moral dilemma in which car to sit, and quickly and decisively threw out the passenger.

Chempion2016 27.05.20

you can still remove the traffic and peds using the mark

LATE 27.05.20

Can. But one thing in case of failure, simply reload the save game, and another after each fail, aim for 25 (or whatever?) cars. Easier to re from the place where the fire has not been put in the docks, I think.

Chempion2016 27.05.20

well, you can't restart the game every time is not the area that you need at the beginning, and just cancel and start the mission again. failure is not give. will add is that the blown up car, but lol, and so will be typed later. well, there will be 5 more...