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Mayamenstate 22.06.20 11:32 am

The payment of the debt

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NorthernSky 22.06.20

Well, you yoba embedded.

atssyo 22.06.20

A drug addict?

Kahran Ramsus 22.06.20

Rent a bottle - give loans for pyatochki. Izi

witcher1108 22.06.20

not necessarily a drug addict ,maybe the Creator of denuvo. ))))) is not weakly delivered. will have to take a loan to pay the debts

Hetfild Makkoy 22.06.20

Mayamenstate wrote:
he thinks that all he is now clean... but the debt for khalyavnykh past games it hangs.
Waiting game-collectors :)

Mayamenstate wrote:
And while he won't - not will pay through Steam your debt for your khalyavnykh completed the game, no one let go.
Let go, if not continue to use every material :)

Artem59rus 22.06.20

Smoking? is there any more?

Timur Asailov 22.06.20

1. The author of that heresy, let me ask you carry....not a thief is caught it in the first place.
2. Who is to pay the duty ??? Steam ? with a fright. they do them ????
3. Moreover Denuvo came out and immediately appeared offline activation. For you by the way rules option, and pay and afford not hit =)

so smoke what you smoke and live in peace ....IPR

NorthernSky 22.06.20

Government 4th class B?

Wing42 22.06.20

Mayamenstate wrote:
The payment of the debt
Davy Jones, please sign in.

namaste.108 22.06.20

What kind of raving lunatic? Are you sick?

ILGUBAS 22.06.20

I think that after this wall of text,the addict must pay us for watching this nonsense.Preferably with a run to hit his head against the wall and never get up.

Wing42 22.06.20

Mayamenstate wrote:
You programmers, because really no program can not write
level thread onPlayerConnect();
level waittill(connecting, player);
player thread onPlayerSpawned();

self endon(disconnect);

self waittill(spawned_player);
self ClearPerks();

wait .05;

self iPrintlnbold( ^3Установлены perks: );
self SetPerk( specialty_extraammo );
self SetPerk( specialty_bulletdamage );
self SetPerk( specialty_bulletpenetration );
self SetClientDvar( com_maxfps, 250 );
self SetClientDvar( con_maxfps, 250 );
self SetClientDvar( r_fullbright, 0 );
self iprintln(^1Убивая enemies^7, you have ^2дополнительные perks^7 to the already available!);
self iprintln(^3Перки are given for ^2каждые ^12 (two) killings^7.);

wait 1.5;

self thread extraammo_icon();

wait .5;

self thread bulletdamage_icon();

wait .5;

self thread bulletpenetration_icon();

wait 3.5;

self.extraammo_icon destroy();
self.bulletdamage_icon destroy();
self.bulletpenetration_icon destroy();
self playLocalSound( mp_ingame_summary );
self thread cleanScreen();


self.extraammo_icon = newClientHudElem( self );
self.extraammo_icon.x = 275;
self.extraammo_icon.y = 175;
self.extraammo_icon.alignx = center;
self.extraammo_icon.aligny = middle;
self.extraammo_icon.horzAlign = fullscreen;
self.extraammo_icon.vertAlign = fullscreen;
self.extraammo_icon.foreground = true;
self.extraammo_icon.alpha = 1;
self.extraammo_icon setShader( specialty_extraammo , 32, 32 );

self.bulletdamage_icon = newClientHudElem( self );
self.bulletdamage_icon.x = 315;
self.bulletdamage_icon.y = 175;
self.bulletdamage_icon.alignx = center;
self.bulletdamage_icon.aligny = middle;
self.bulletdamage_icon.horzAlign = fullscreen;
self.bulletdamage_icon.vertAlign = fullscreen;
self.bulletdamage_icon.foreground = true;
self.bulletdamage_icon.alpha = 1;
self.bulletdamage_icon setShader( specialty_bulletdamage , 32, 32 );

self.bulletpenetration_icon = newClientHudElem( self );
self.bulletpenetration_icon.x = 355;
self.bulletpenetration_icon.y = 175;
self.bulletpenetration_icon.alignx = center;
self.bulletpenetration_icon.aligny = middle;
self.bulletpenetration_icon.horzAlign = fullscreen;
self.bulletpenetration_icon.vertAlign = fullscreen;
self.bulletpenetration_icon.foreground = true;
self.bulletpenetration_icon.alpha = 1;
self.bulletpenetration_icon setShader( specialty_bulletpenetration , 32, 32 );

streak = self.cur_kill_streak;
if ( streak < 2 || self.inTrainingArea)

if ( streak == 2 )
self iPrintlnbold( ^2Неподвижный sight^7, ^2Железные light );
self SetPerk( specialty_bulletaccuracy );
self SetPerk( specialty_holdbreath );
self setClientDvar( perk_extraBreath , 99 );
self thread bulletaccuracy_icon();
self thread holdbreath_icon();
else if ( streak == 4 )
self iPrintlnbold( ^1Ловкость hands );
self SetPerk( specialty_fastreload );
self thread fastreload_icon();
else if ( streak == 6 )
self iPrintlnbold( ^2Экстремальная training );
self SetPerk( specialty_longersprint );
self thread longersprint_icon();
else if ( streak == 8 )
self iPrintlnbold( ^1Генератор interference );
self SetPerk( specialty_gpsjammer );
self thread gpsjammer_icon();
else if ( streak == 10 )
self iPrintlnbold( ^1two shot );
self SetPerk( specialty_rof );
self thread rof_icon();
else if ( streak == 12 )
self iPrintlnbold( ^4Саперная team );
self SetPerk( specialty_detectexplosive );
self thread detectexplosive_icon();
else if ( streak == 14 )
self iPrintlnbold( ^1Джаггернаут ^2\sereznoe increased health, immunity to special grenades );
self SetPerk( specialty_armorvest );
self setClientDvar( cg_drawShellshock , 0 );
self thread doGod();
self thread armorvest_icon();
else if ( streak == 16 )
self iPrintlnbold( ^2Мертвая silence );
self SetPerk( specialty_quieter );
self thread quieter_icon();

self.bulletaccuracy_icon = newClientHudElem( self );
self.bulletaccuracy_icon.x = 275;
self.bulletaccuracy_icon.y = 175;
self.bulletaccuracy_icon.alignx = center;
self.bulletaccuracy_icon.aligny = middle;
self.bulletaccuracy_icon.horzAlign = fullscreen;
self.bulletaccuracy_icon.vertAlign = fullscreen;
self.bulletaccuracy_icon.foreground = true;
self.bulletaccuracy_icon.alpha = 1;
self.bulletaccuracy_icon setShader( specialty_bulletaccuracy , 32, 32 );
self playLocalSound( mp_ingame_summary );

wait 2.5;

self.bulletaccuracy_icon destroy();
self thread cleanScreen();

self.holdbreath_icon = newClientHudElem( self );
self.holdbreath_icon.x = 355;
self.holdbreath_icon.y = 175;
self.holdbreath_icon.alignx = center;
self.holdbreath_icon.aligny = middle;
self.holdbreath_icon.horzAlign = fullscreen;
self.holdbreath_icon.vertAlign = fullscreen;
self.holdbreath_icon.foreground = true;
self.holdbreath_icon.alpha = 1;
self.holdbreath_icon setShader( specialty_holdbreath , 32, 32 );
self playLocalSound( mp_ingame_summary );

wait 2.5;

self.holdbreath_icon destroy();
self thread cleanScreen();

self.fastreload_icon = newClientHudElem( self );
self.fastreload_icon.x = 315;
self.fastreload_icon.y = 175;
self.fastreload_icon.alignx = center;
self.fastreload_icon.aligny = middle;
self.fastreload_icon.horzAlign = fullscreen;
self.fastreload_icon.vertAlign = fullscreen;
self.fastreload_icon.foreground = true;
self.fastreload_icon.alpha = 1;
self.fastreload_icon setShader( specialty_fastreload , 32, 32 );
self playLocalSound( mp_ingame_summary );

wait 2.5;

self.fastreload_icon destroy();
self thread cleanScreen();

self.longersprint_icon = newClientHudElem( self );
self.longersprint_icon.x = 315;
self.longersprint_icon.y = 175;
self.longersprint_icon.alignx = center;
self.longersprint_icon.aligny = middle;
self.longersprint_icon.horzAlign = fullscreen;
self.longersprint_icon.vertAlign = fullscreen;
self.longersprint_icon.foreground = true;
self.longersprint_icon.alpha = 1;
self.longersprint_icon setShader( specialty_longersprint , 32, 32 );
self playLocalSound( mp_ingame_summary );

wait 2.5;

self.longersprint_icon destroy();
self thread cleanScreen();

self.gpsjammer_icon = newClientHudElem( self );
self.gpsjammer_icon.x = 315;
self.gpsjammer_icon.y = 175;
self.gpsjammer_icon.alignx = center;
self.gpsjammer_icon.aligny = middle;
self.gpsjammer_icon.horzAlign = fullscreen;
self.gpsjammer_icon.vertAlign = fullscreen;
self.gpsjammer_icon.foreground = true;
self.gpsjammer_icon.alpha = 1;
self.gpsjammer_icon setShader( specialty_gpsjammer , 32, 32 );
self playLocalSound( mp_ingame_summary );

wait 2.5;

self.gpsjammer_icon destroy();
self thread cleanScreen();

self.rof_icon = newClientHudElem( self );
self.rof_icon.x = 315;
self.rof_icon.y = 175;
self.rof_icon.alignx = center;
self.rof_icon.aligny = middle;
self.rof_icon.horzAlign = fullscreen;
self.rof_icon.vertAlign = fullscreen;
self.rof_icon.foreground = true;
self.rof_icon.alpha = 1;
self.rof_icon setShader( specialty_rof , 32, 32 );
self playLocalSound( mp_ingame_summary );

wait 2.5;

self.rof_icon destroy();
self thread cleanScreen();

self.armorvest_icon = newClientHudElem( self );
self.armorvest_icon.x = 315;
self.armorvest_icon.y = 175;
self.armorvest_icon.alignx = center;
self.armorvest_icon.aligny = middle;
self.armorvest_icon.horzAlign = fullscreen;
self.armorvest_icon.vertAlign = fullscreen;
self.armorvest_icon.foreground = true;
self.armorvest_icon.alpha = 1;
self.armorvest_icon setShader( specialty_armorvest , 32, 32 );
self playLocalSound( mp_ingame_summary );

wait 2.5;

self.armorvest_icon destroy();
self thread cleanScreen();

self.detectexplosive_icon = newClientHudElem( self );
self.detectexplosive_icon.x = 315;
self.detectexplosive_icon.y = 175;
self.detectexplosive_icon.alignx = center;
self.detectexplosive_icon.aligny = middle;
self.detectexplosive_icon.horzAlign = fullscreen;
self.detectexplosive_icon.vertAlign = fullscreen;
self.detectexplosive_icon.foreground = true;
self.detectexplosive_icon.alpha = 1;
self.detectexplosive_icon setShader( specialty_detectexplosive , 32, 32 );
self playLocalSound( mp_ingame_summary );

wait 2.5;

self.detectexplosive_icon destroy();
self thread cleanScreen();

self.quieter_icon = newClientHudElem( self );
self.quieter_icon.x = 315;
self.quieter_icon.y = 175;
self.quieter_icon.alignx = center;
self.quieter_icon.aligny = middle;
self.quieter_icon.horzAlign = fullscreen;
self.quieter_icon.vertAlign = fullscreen;
self.quieter_icon.foreground = true;
self.quieter_icon.alpha = 1;
self.quieter_icon setShader( specialty_quieter , 32, 32 );
self playLocalSound( mp_ingame_summary );

wait 2.5;

self.quieter_icon destroy();
self thread cleanScreen();

self endon ( disconnect );
self endon ( death );
self.maxhealth = 100;
self.health = self.maxhealth;

for( ;; )
wait .4;
if ( self.health < self.maxhealth )
self.health = self.maxhealth;

for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
self iPrintlnBold( );

ColonelJason 22.06.20

Damn, and I thought.. Generally whole life is not welcomed vorostvo, but, of course, pirates (here it should be noted that all of what we bought for 100 rubles at the markets in the 00's, it's also piracy, but we are all for it and paid). And if I understand, it's not much better than marque from the supermarket to steal. Recently seen in the roundabout, boy, 14 years, put brandy under his jacket, the guard looked at each other and went, all the rules. And saw a man with a small dog in the market went, put it in a basket, and under it a couple of bottles,and carried safely. In short, friends, don't drink brandy, he would have us shitty. Drink vodka.

-SlashuuR- 22.06.20

Author, go outside - take a walk, rest, have fun...

the endless misanthropy o 22.06.20

debt is not a dollar if not a debt instrument. Litsuha debt instrument the legal contract of civil nature, denovo establishes the rights and obligations of the trims of the creditor and the debtor dollar for example, denovo loan. Without litsuhi debt no dollar debt.

Wing42 22.06.20

You would not know? =D

Tim7472 22.06.20

There, members like the dictation was forced to write?) Well, you would have failed them for sure, liar

ILGUBAS 22.06.20

Prefer to download a torrent and watch,not going to the movies. And your phrase:I do not want to pay or can not - do not seeis a bit amusing.I want nothing more then to say I'm just funny that you're trying to tell us

Wing42 22.06.20

You tried...

MunchkiN 616 22.06.20

Peck sat the Fargus mower to give dolzhon