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pavelviktorov 20.07.20 10:30 pm

About new laws

Hi all.
Guys what do you think about new laws this year?)
Saw something you really need for the people?
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retaalexander 20.07.20

There's nothing to think) to Read the news to be shocked, and only https://myprezident.com/politika/vse-o-detskih-posobiyah-novye-zakony-v-2020-godu-ot-putina for example)

legusor 20.07.20

no need of the law since 1985.

zdrastE 20.07.20

pavelviktorov wrote:
Saw something you really need for the people?
the laws are published not for the people, and for the government as a tool which you can control this most people.

masha 20.07.20

What are the laws? To be more specific.

yariko.v 20.07.20

The amendments of the Constitution particularly plohovo no. In addition, the adoption and implementation is not always straightforward. But better to let it be.

MelShlemming 20.07.20

And zeroing?

Gauguin 04.10.20

Two interesting ones were the priority of Russian law over international and family and marriage law.

zdrastE 04.10.20

Gauguin wrote:
Two interesting ones were the priority of Russian law over international and family and marriage law.
The ECHR, South Korea and the United At the United Sea however, to whom he surrendered this European Court of Human Rights, if the Russians have their own, the most ...

Regarding the second...
"Protecting family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood; Protecting the institution of marriage as a union between a man and a woman; creating the conditions for the decent upbringing of children in the family, as well as for the fulfilment of the responsibility of adult children to care for parents."
and I think the Russian leadership will now have to take care of the elderly, shifting all responsibility for their maintenance on the shoulders of their children. Yes...
I wonder how the will be punished if suddenly one of them, contrary to the state doctrine of marriage, heavs his own relationship between a man and a man to call marriage? will they shoot or just burn?

masha 04.10.20

And how not tired of these Soviet films, constantly insert pieces of these films.

Gauguin 04.10.20

He wrote:
however, to whom he surrendered this European Court of Human Rights
Look at the root, father.
He wrote:
I wonder how the will be punished
From the administration to the corner, depends on the severity.
the moss
Because the movies were good, obviously.

masha 04.10.20

Gauguin wrote:
Because the movies were good, obviously.
There are certain political video channels on YouTube (I will not list, there are many), which post patriotic videos, and they have through all the videos through scraps of Soviet films. There are dozens of videos from the movies, in one video. They have videos every day.
And the good gets boring.

Denis Kyokushin 04.10.20

Gauguin wrote:
Family and Marriage Act.
I wonder the girls are dancing: and who is trying so fiercely on our families, if to protect them need amendments?

zdrastE 04.10.20

Denis Kyokushin wrote:
and who is trying so violently on our families if amendments are needed to protect them?

Protocol10 04.10.20

Did you really think you were right for the people?

Gauguin 04.10.20

Denis Kyokushin
Liberal propaganda, obviously.

Denis Kyokushin 04.10.20

This amendment is dust in the eye

I also against the homosexual and did not see on the streets men in skirts in lipstick even without amendments.

MAzh0R_VA_GIN_A_T0RIUS 04.10.20

It smells of propaganda!

zdrastE 04.10.20

Denis Kyokushin wrote:
I also am against the homosexual, and I have not seen men in skirts in lipstick even without amendments on the streets.
now, after the amendments, there will be...

VOVAN WOLFovich 04.10.20

I looked at these amendments, in principle on the delights and left. It's funny that here the priority is remembered, when the main - give-ts such as fixing MROT, maternal capital. Everything else was mentioned much less frequently. The process itself is appalling, voted anywhere and as it pleases. Although it was called "approval" and no one chose them in principle, they have already been accepted. I wonder what, but how did they live without amendments? And why did they suddenly need. And before nothing really worked, from what suddenly now it should work. It is clear that the priority hints at the possibility of throwing Russia out of the Council of Europe and of course deprives the Russians of the last hope for justice. Russia is the leader in complaints to the ECHR. The main violations are the right to life, the right to humane treatment, the right to freedom and personal integrity. And of course, in general, in cases in European courts and refusal to perform, it will greatly shake the rating in the world space.
And against the backdrop of economic collapse, how much they were in a hurry, how they knew, although it is obvious. The procedure itself was hasty, such horror I watched. All political institutions are privatized by the environment of the main. All these amendments are dust in the eye, to distraction, that in fact there is no authoritarian ruler, that there is a semblance of democracy or choice.
In fact, the law has long established in the law a priority on international rights, the amendment repeats it. I suppose there's an economic subtext. When deals are made on foreign terms, and everyone knows that a large share of the proceeds from the sale of resources. This article undermines Russia's economy, for treaties on their own terms, "shot yourself in the foot." This rule in principle does not work and will not work.
In general, under Russian laws, the Constitutional can be changed as much as you want and when it is pleasing, and it does not need any votes. Raw amendments that require a serious approach as a document should be protected. Changes have been made before, such as the president's term of 4.6.

zdrastE 04.10.20

VOVAN WOLFovich wrote:
I suppose there's an economic subtext. When deals are made on foreign terms, and everyone knows that a large share of the proceeds from the sale of resources.
Well... any deals are made on the terms that both parties are satisfied with.
heh, he... and the fact that Russia concludes them on "foreign terms" speaks only of its weakness in the international arena. selling the juice of the Earths Russian, this flammable slurry, as well as the products of gas formation of underground dragons is becoming more difficult - the supply of these goods far outpaces the demand for them.
VOVAN WOLFovich wrote:
And before nothing really worked, from what suddenly now it should work.
like a be... it is no secret that the real reason for the rapid adoption of amendments to the Russian Constitution is no secret. heh, he... and this reason has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that after the adoption of these amendments in russia something !!!! Suddenly!!!! It's going to work, yes...