Who tests runeword Plague? (Diablo 2)
Your feedback? And why such an expensive rune required? 2 all skills? And this is the best. There's even ias no.Plague
3 Socket Weapons
Cham + Fal + Um
20% Chance To Cast Level 12 Lower Resist When Struck
25% Chance To Cast level 15 Poison Nova On Striking
Level 13-17 Cleansing Aura When Equipped
+1-2 To All Skills
+260-380% Damage to Demons
-23% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+(0.375 per Character Level) 0-37% Deadly Strike (Based on Character Level)
Freeze Target +3
+10 To Strength
25% Chance of Open Wounds
Well, OK. Here in Prague there is a negative poison RES. You can say MB it on poison necro to wear. And death web is too. Do we need it? LZ is not sufficiently relieves cuts? Is there any point in dressing tuzhu death web?
edit: konew eto mozhno bilo i samomu razobrats9k, no mne len :D Ny i kol prosite
edit2: Because most likely 6 poison Nova 2 socket 5/5 jewely will be better on necro than death web. But they have something no one can boast.
Koh2fds, agovic easy to take (much cheaper) dw with shield and he will throw LR, all right. MB in runmode there is some hidden potential, invisible to the townsfolk? :'( I was hoping that you, as an expert mpq-content will shed the light of Truth.. ;-)
ixdon wrote:
You guys have lifted with his transliteration.
;C znaew 4to! sreng, Schwarze!
ixdon, the reaction is very timely! ;D but alas, the old-timers of this forum, rather believe in the ban for Kalinkov Picchu than these two of sedoanalgesia. ;D
RV for asasina ) it's clear as day) it would be cool to acare this RV to usnote, sorry he is not there introduced