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NATSU | 28.07.20 11:29 pm

Pirate game licensed games

Good afternoon people, I wanted to know your opinion nashet two factions or pirate license that you prefer one or the other or maybe both write
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Key Ovald 28.07.20

Clint Eastwood
In order to properly play the same Andromeda is necessary in any case to wait a year and a half (half, not the floor), if not two. Until you stop going out DLS, that is, until the game is complete. Then the Repack will be normal. Moreover, Shaw is now such a Repack learned to do better litsuhi (and often easier) to operate. :)
I usually get their sales to the incentive game, who want and who have the 70% discount and more. IL just let them play. Huge savings of both money and nerves.
Over hyped origin sobbing loudly under the table. :))))

PriosDi 28.07.20

License by far!

Vladimir Shu1tz 28.07.20

In fact the Protocols Used for the Game has not changed Much over the Past 15 Years
In the crown is not true, 15 years ago, for the most part was through LAN, not through Internet server, and then Internet play was more something like a hub and not a full-fledged server with its calculations.

In A Pirate Starcraft , Warcraft 3
Via Lan, not through Batlnet.

Ilya Chelpanov 28.07.20


_Y_ 28.07.20

Well, actually when like. First of all depends on finances at the time of release of the game. In the second of so to speak to your network, well, that is multiplayer, co-op, etc. But in General it's a shame that now the developers do not release demos, but because it is not clear how a particular game on your hardware. And the trend is to put the system requirements right up to the release is also not very pleasing. So while 50/50.

TheOwlsAreNotWhatTheySeem 28.07.20

Piracy has a place, because some companies like EA and Activision pushing it a little bit with the assessment of their goods, and low sales have to the right brain. Personally, I only play a license, as does every work must be paid for, developers should be motivated and encouraged to create new masterpieces of gaming industry.

hardpanda619 28.07.20


nat.mih 28.07.20

Pros piratok:
1. The pirate version has a huge plus - they are FREE. (License and distributed free of charge only on junk, but a decent game contests and the lottery, which is almost impossible to win.)
2.Pirate games are NOT DEPENDENT on an INTERNET CONNECTION. (This is also a huge plus, especially if you live in places where bad Internet).
3. Pirates do NOT HAVE REGIONAL RESTRICTIONS! (This is also a huge plus. Because some licensed games not available for our region.)
3 Pirate game you can share with friends, it is easy to COPY. (Though it is copyright infringement, but everyone at this forum not once in his life violated these same rights. So don't be hypocritical about it.)

By cons piratok include:
1.The possible presence of viruses in the cracks. (If you take a Repack from a famous author, the chance to catch the virus is minimal. When surfing the Internet viruses are grabbing millions of times more often.)
2.With the emergence of a new version of the game pirates often unable to update patch and you have to pump the new Repack.
3.Pirates sometimes there are bugs and impassable places that are not in the licensed version of the same game. (It is pretty rare.)
4.The biggest disadvantage of piratok – BROKEN MULTIPLAYER!

Personally, I prefer pirates due to their FREE. The license can buy a multiplayer game, any game that had the pirated version are critical for the passage of glitches or a decent game collection (in order to thank the developers for the good work).

Myasoedov Dmitriy 28.07.20

License better than pirates because when you buy a game and you don't really like most likely you're not brosis immediately play it just because of the money that will be spent in the shuffle and when you longer it it it may be quite playable and pirates you don't pochuvstvuet

Esthetix 28.07.20


FRoZeNFeeD 28.07.20

pirates is nice it is free ,but many games not to play with a friend over the network

Aleksey Chichigin 28.07.20

Of course Steam, but you can specify the folder where you have all the games and install them with one click. ( I'm talking about has already been downloaded)

Slava74oren 28.07.20

License and preferably Steam.

Nomad01 28.07.20

punctuation!!! My eyes!!!

andy1051 28.07.20

Tell me, and if steam activated game (bought offline activation), play offline, and on account of a lot of games, I any game to play with a can on Akka (by download steam rip). Or every game needs first access to the Internet, and then you can play offline?

tuneco7 28.07.20


Aleksandr742 28.07.20


MunchkiN 616 28.07.20

for each license the game in Minya duplicated Krakowiak pirate so that pirate steam games in Minya more
and usually bought a license to play and it downloads the Repack

ghostxxx1992 28.07.20

by far the pros have licenses

Igor-Knight 28.07.20

Support! Ceased to download from torrents on MK x when the patches started to fall, put Steam on it and left! But MK never bought, waiting for discounts, but now there is no official support, not buy at all!
In General, only litsuhi!