What parts should I start with GTA? (Grand Theft Auto 5)
Recently I asked one person who's never played in any of the parts of our favorite games, but sometimes have heard of them. So he said that he had free time and asked what part he should start this meeting. At first, I was not soared, said start with any, but then I thought, how best to start playing - as parts, vnutriigrovoy chronology, or, in principle, anyway?anyway
here's an example of my timeline.
Vice city
San Andreas
GTA vc stories
GTA lc stories
In fact, there is no difference at all.. And very strange, now a great variety of games like GTA and no one to play it I think you need to be completely isolated from the world)
I'm sure if he starts with gta 1 or gta 2, it will turn away from this game at all, and given what year it is and what the needs of gamers in terms of graphics then maybe GTA 3 is not going to work... But in any case I think it correct to begin from the smallest capacity to greatest, i.e. from GTA 3...
It is not necessary at four to catch up. Cool game.
Or with the second. Because the first x... pass.
It is best to start with the third.
First and second are very different from the later parts, besides the third part brought the most popular.
If one appreciates the games, not only the count, then GTA III and beyond order. Well, if obsessed with the GAME, then GTA IV.
I would have advised him to download Weiss, San and 4-ku directly. To install them and see which one is bigger he will like that and start playing. These games are after all different from each other and gameplay and features.
Three, I would, if he liked Weiss. Episodes if you'd like a 4.
If it is not grafodrocher, then Vice city or Three. And then the rest of the parts.
Rodrigo 93
It is not necessary at four to catch up. Cool game.
I must be blind. Show me where I said that the game is not cool?
With Four Episodes. To start with them and finish them. The best is still there.
If he's a fan kruzisa and graphics, then four.. If in the game there is nothing except the graphics.