The game of a lifetime...
Do you have games that you want to replay after you erase his memory?
TES V Skyrim - Mass Effect 2 - Halo Combat Evolved - Saints Row: The Third - Sleeping Dogs - The Stanley Parable - Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Deus Ex Human Revolution - Devil May Cry 4 - F. E. A. R, Hitman Blood Money - Shadow Warrior - Splinter Cell: Conviction - Witcher 2 - Grand Theft Auto IV
BioShock Infinite, Morrowind, Mass Effect 1/2, Dark Souls 1/2, F. E. A. R., Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 Divinity.
Mafia 1. Why erase the memory? I pereprohozhu it so often, not boring
I think I'd like the Witcher and Skyrim to go, and I was 13 again passed, and the second 7 and has jammed these games to the holes.
Resident Evil Code Vedronica X , Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater Subsistance, Devil May Cry 3 Dantes Awakening Special Edition.
I have too many games and without erasing memory pereprohozhu several times. But if I had the opportunity to learn the game again I'd definitely want to play SKYRIM, DARK SOULS (both), WITCHER (all), RESIDENT EVIL 4, DOOM 3, PAINKILLER, PRINCE OF PERSIA (the SANDS OF TIME trilogy)