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ilua993 27.10.19 02:26 pm

Preston and Minutemen in Nuka World. (Fallout 4)

The passing DLC has reached the point when it is necessary to capture three settlements in the wasteland, passing this task found that the relationship with Preston fell to max to the point that he doesn't want to talk. I Minety and Preston as if more important than what the raiders, in connection with which the question arose - is it possible somehow to win his trust back without cheats? Or he will still be considered HS a piece of shit and will have to load an old save and go cut all the gang to at least pass DLC?

P. S wonder the logic of the writers of the 4 fouls that really could not give more passing options in the same Harbor Far-e? Yes, banal - to give the job to meet with the Preston / by Mekson / procitam and have them decide what to do with the gangs, no we are forced to go for the raiders like it or not (merchants do not count, because after their passage in the Park most of the feature remains open).
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BlackTigerTK 27.10.19

Radiant quests are not just for grip. There are some options. when you have razobratsja with ghouls / raiders / supermate. Or a kidnapping. These quests do not depend on the number of captured villages. Was last month the radio message of freedom, jumped out of the radiant quest to deal with superate. I just greatly curtailed the frequency of quests. radio freedom I keep not listening.

Dolgovya3yy 27.10.19

She has all the quests or about the collar or someone to soak and all for some reason in a good Neighborhood.-taking the client for the gate of Neighborliness and stupidly offer him a try on a necklace that suits him very well and he stupidly puts on a collar,or water under dialog It ALL Wow what a quests. Shorter quests raiders too primitive to lose for example the line for the Minutemen.

Pepin3d 27.10.19

well, these are the radiants in some of the patches reduced the percentage of generation
I told about the capture and domestication of the settlement

Pepin3d 27.10.19

and who is the radiant quests are interesting?
the Minuteman is interesting though?

I do this procedural shit is not performed never and especially no one imposed

BlackTigerTK 27.10.19

Wild Rider
Quests for capture of settlements gives the Shank. After the whole Nuke-world captured, gage sends to the Shank, and the latter already tells you what to do. And the radiant quests from the leaders of the raiders is another. How diverse can't say. I had three quests from Meg - once to defend a location from attack - shed between the garage Atomic cats and the ruins of the Quincy. Forwards - gunnery. And twice to wear a collar for the first time reutersu apartment in Lexington now and are still hanging - on supermoto in Fallon storadzh. That he wanted a Niche, I don't know. Since I did not yet take the quest.

BlackTigerTK 27.10.19

IMHO, it was just about the radiant quests from Preston. The seizure passes quickly not many of them.
I wrote above that radiant quests, in fact all monotonous.

BlackTigerTK 27.10.19

I have been in other locations - see above.

Pepin3d 27.10.19

The leaders of the raiders is helpful radian quest where you gotta kill the dudes from subway
As usual, dull and monotonous, but you can normally farm some creeps Gauss rifles. And what to do with this pile of rifles has to decide for themselves.

Dolgovya3yy 27.10.19

The Minutemen quests to move the storyline to the raiders quests at all about anything. Unless ,of course, not a new tag added to All Commonwealth belongs to raiders . However, it all comes down to the capture of settlements,which is stupid. Mindenom quests and the brotherhood of steel goodbye! I like early in the game, and have yet to figure out, like with the Institute))

BlackTigerTK 27.10.19

Yes, these hawsawi's nowhere to put:-) In the Luminous sea in the collapsed plane to spawn in a secret Luggage compartment at all times. However, in some of the patches reduced the number. And then 4-5 pieces lying there.

Pepin3d 27.10.19

well, you have what's the player's level 70-80?))
and if dudes level 30?

BlackTigerTK 27.10.19

Quests are so-called Main storyline, which then branch out into faction quests depending on the choice of the parties. Is the fractional radiant quests. The last plot is not touched in any way. IMHO.

On the 30th only you can start the Nuke world.

Pepin3d 27.10.19

well, I described the benefits for those who are just starting
422 this game over the point of playing at this level?

Wild Rider 27.10.19

Clear. So the main content can still be received before issuance of these radiants on the capture of settlements. However, logic is lost: why capture In the World if you still have to shoot the raiders.

So sorrow. Couldn't do it in Dawnguard, DLC with two factions. A gazebo is essentially released one story addition: far Harbor. The others were either too short (Automation) or polyurethane (Walt, Nuka). The rest - all patches for construction. And raised the price two times on the sezonka, when he decided to release instead of 4 DLTS - six. A nightmare, a nightmare...

BlackTigerTK 27.10.19

Anyone. The last time I put quest mods. Well, the line-of perestrioka periodic... and for newskogo fashion had rolled away... minus 12 hours of game time and perestroka in two settlements... I Have the mod, pull-up the levels of enemies to the level of GG, so that's good. Can kill enthusiasm. Plus good weapons from mods. Defended yesterday the cross Country from supermoto - almost killed:-)

Dolgovya3yy 27.10.19

The plot needs to reach to build a teleporter or liberty Prime for getting into the Institute . This requires either subway,or the brotherhood of steel or the Minutemen. So what about the plot-if the Institute has been destroyed (main story completed),then if you want you can put everything on its head and to start the game for the raiders with the capture of the whole Commonwealth . Possible. I like to play for the raiders no desire even for the sake of interest-a game should be fun .)

BlackTigerTK 27.10.19

Wild Rider
In General, Yes, to disperse the raiders and especially there is nothing to do. There is a quest Amoral Combat - there's randomly someone gets into a Gauntlet and I must choose to fight or not. As there are many options - I don't know. I have yet first time. And I haven't yet. There are different enemies, such as Rogue Knight 299 level:-)

Gur1 27.10.19

With these raiders, only one big minus. With them is ridiculous not pass, as a result , the meaning of seizure the Commonwealth is under no raiders..

BlackTigerTK 27.10.19

If an institution is destroyed, it is in fact the end of the story. At least for the minute man I passed, this was all over.
I'm for the raiders only in the location of N world took place as soon as the Shank had wanted to begin expansion in the Commonwealth, they just started shooting:-)

BlackTigerTK 27.10.19

Apparently, assumes that the basic plot by this point is passed.