What games released this year you've gone completely?
Pillars of eternity, RE, DayingLight, HotLine Miami, OldBlood, Saints Row (something about hell).Completed 3 games and none of them came out this year. And the bulk of new products coming out in the fall. And over time the major projects of GTA 5, The Witcher 3 and Batman. Games require a lot of free time and if not that, then go through them completely is difficult. I for example since the release playing the Witcher 3.and played 40+ hours without being distracted by any other games.
Witcher 3,GTA 5,Hardline,DyingLight,Assassin's Creed: Rogue,Kholat,Wolfenstein: The Old Blood,Assassin's Creed Chronicles China,Black Mesa,Zombie Army Trilogy.
DLS passed to the second postal(which was released in April of this year).Nothing more.
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell (pirates)
Dying Light (litsuha)
Mortal Kombat X (litsuha)
Grand Theft Auto 5 (litsuha)
Witcher 3 (litsuha)
lord of the fallen (pirates)
Battlefield Hardline (pirates)
Mad Max (litsuha)
Metal Gear Solid 5 (the pirates)
Plus there is still ''hot'' November-December, for going to get a new assunt, falaut, the Joost Cowes, rainbow sex.
In the end only Pillars of eternity and DMC4 Special Edition, it entirely on almost all difficulty levels, although not for all the characters.