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Strinner 26.12.20 01:51 am

Endings (spoilers) (Dishonored)

Finished the game killing 8 people at most, with low chaos. The ending opened, where Corvo became Emily's personal bodyguard and advisor. When he died, Emily buried him next to her mother. Who has other endings? How many were killed? What is the level of chaos?
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Yoshemitsu 26.12.20

Killed all my friends.
Pierrot, Sokolov, Samael, even Emily.
The ending is true. The outsider catches luzles from a dying empire. Corvo dumps off the islands in order to fall into the booze.
At the end, Emily's grave with a mask and a sword.

maks999666 26.12.20

Specially registered to leave a review about this game !! In short, you want to see 2 bad endings at once (chopped everything that you saw), save on the bridge where there are emels with a dude on the edge! And the first (saddest) will be if you just run, he will jump together The second (not so tragic) will be, if you move immediately with the help of magic, then you will have time to save the girl, but she will be angry (and she will say the phrase from which I personally fell into shock) !!! The third ending (I did not saw) (secretly) I know that you will fight the dude and save the girl, she will be kind! The game is just amazing !!!

Melanholiy 26.12.20

The first three missions took place with high chaos, then all the rest were involved, as a conclusion - a low level. In the end he just came and killed Hevok, opened the door and that's it. I liked the ending, that's what I tried for. Though bad / average, too interesting. Music at the end of the whole class. I just sat and listened to it under the credits.

Paul2 26.12.20

I played the game for the first time, I killed everything that moves, and that does not move, I moved and killed, the ending did not work out very well, I will try to pass it quietly ...)

Nighthawkreal 26.12.20

I wonder what will happen if scientists are killed?

padrepepe 26.12.20

everyone who got in my way got a knife in my throat)))) although I did not kill the brothers and I also branded the first dude, and the reginta did not kill him, the head of the assassins was overwhelmed and from behind)))) havlok pradva honored the chetsi with a duel)) ))
As a result, a good ending, the conclusion is not to be fired and not to leave corpses, this is the most important thing !!!

Rushan158 26.12.20

and if opponents turn to dust, does the murder count?

janus87 26.12.20

Good ending - Low chaos. Emily became the empress and Corvo became her bodyguard. He defended her everywhere and everywhere, and when he died, Emily buried him next to her mother, because he was much more to her than a bodyguard. Sokolov, in collaboration with Pierrot, create a panacea for the plague.
Neutral Ending - High level of chaos, Emily survived. Similar to good, but with a more prosaic touch. So, for example, Emily does not become a wise queen, she just rules in difficult times, nothing is said about the emergence of a panacea for the plague, and so on. Simply put, nothing much will change with the coming of the new government.
Bad Ending - High level of chaos, Emily did not survive. Emily is dead, Corvo "sailed into the sunset", and a country dying from the plague is torn apart by a power struggle. According to Alien, Corvo only brought the imminent death of the empire closer.

Metal Boss 0xE 26.12.20

The ending was very disappointing. A short video, and then credits. Just got used to YOBA endings in the spirit of Mass Effect.

SanSanZ 26.12.20

Video. Russian subtitles
Good ending - Low chaos. Emily became the empress and Corvo became her bodyguard.

Neutral Ending - High level of chaos, Emily survived.

Bad Ending - High level of chaos, Emily did not survive.

I went through neutral

Expeller 26.12.20

I do not know. Peaceful passage is easier.)

ALTAIR-95 26.12.20

killed 20 people in the game. There was a good ending

SCAR. 26.12.20

He finished the game without killing and tried to help everyone he could.

Emily ascended the throne and became Empress Emily Wise. Corvo protected her until her death. And when he died, she buried him next to his mother.
The plague has passed. Pierrot and Sokolov were able to create a medicine.
The Golden Age has begun.

Well, they also showed that Callista and her uncle Jeff also survived. And everything was fine with them.
And then everyone drank together in the bar.

Happy ending, yes. : D

Vladimir_312 26.12.20

Passed the game for a good ending. The good ending touched.

yulian1998 26.12.20

Before the flooded quarter, I killed no more than 2 people per chapter ... But Daud's assassins just pissed me off ... As a result, he killed 21 people only in the flooded quarter ... But the ending was great ... The plague was over ... Emily on the throne ... the golden age has come ...

_Draco_ 26.12.20

Passed the game at Good End.

Tula Potsik 26.12.20

He didn't kill anyone, he just carried out the asassins in full force. As a result, the general trashed his friends and I kicked him and everything was fine.

VioO 26.12.20

good ending ... who can explain, I can't understand why, when I come to the end of the admiral ... Martin and Pendleton are sitting ... dead? poisoned? the admiral so wanted to rule alone that he even killed them ?? or what? .about

SteveG8 26.12.20

Yes, Havelock, out of lust for power and money, poisoned both in order to rule alone.

VioO 26.12.20

tin o.o, of course, I guessed that they would betray Corvo ... otherwise everything was going too smoothly ... but in order to poison my ultimate allies as well ... oh, it's not for nothing that I somehow crept up to Havelock and stuck a knife in his throat, and knew that he would betray ... it's just a pity, the game ends xd