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Priys90 15.01.21 08:16 pm

Bed scenes (Dragon Age: Inquisition)

Who got to them? are they even present?
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Zazie 15.01.21

I haven't reached Sera yet, I like Kallen :)

values 15.01.21

for those who do not know how to romance with Josie, you just need to talk very very very very much with her, literally until there are only dialogue options left, goodbye and how they relate to the Inquisition and you will be happy.

Valentina Nikitina 15.01.21

I agree that Solas is not very good. She romanced him in the Vault, I was very tired of Skyhold. I don't know how charismatic his voice is, but his bald head with protruding ears, manner of dress, behavior and gait are so fed up. Plus, he always doesn't like everything. At the trial, you will spare someone - he is against, if you take the Gray Wardens to you - he is again against. Bore, no. Mutila with Cullen, he is calmer, and outwardly better and is normal in behavior. Yes, it gives off as a "good knight", but with him it is simple and calm.

Valentina Nikitina 15.01.21

Fenris is really very good, perhaps only one character could surpass him - Abelas, the elf guardian from the temple of Mital. It's a pity that it is episodic and there are no interactions ((

Valentina Nikitina 15.01.21

The beginning of the romance with Solas in the Shadow. If you don't kiss him there, then on the balcony he "blah blah" and leaves. No kiss. Checked.

Skywinder 15.01.21

Eh ... Something nostalgia pulled me to remember Morrigan. One of those heroines that you will not forget, like Lara Croft or Bloodrain. She was a really charismatic and attractive witch. In subsequent parts, the beauty of the girls only got worse (especially in the last one).
Do you also have a feeling that some LGBT party of characters has gathered in the Inquisition?

tinumbra 15.01.21

Skywinder Are
they touching you? Pester? Offer to join the club? No. Well, live in peace. If you want to romance, say, Sera and are offended that she is a lesbian, put on a mod and enjoy life.
There is so much hate in this thread, especially at the very beginning. Complaints that gays are bue, girls are ugly, Qunari are animals ... And while I was reading the comments, it seemed to me that the commentators were ugly animals. Only inside, and not outside, as supposedly the characters of the game. The characters are good, the appearance is well thought out and matches their characters, history, nationality. Women are like living women (if you forget the horrible animation in bed scenes, yes ...). If you need shiny butts and bow lips, you have chosen the wrong game. Go to Black Desert and other similar games.

МАж0R_VA_GIN_A_T0RIUS 15.01.21
