Posovetuete old games with normalno graphics and interesting
Posovetuete old games with normalno graphics and interestingSP-minus
the first edge lights passed
throw the pictures of those lower games we can play
the must (quest)
IGI 1-2 (stealth shooter)
soldiers of fortune 2 (2006) (shooter)
Morrowind (RPG supremely better)
oblivion (RPG supremely better)
max Payne 1--3 (ekshon slesar)
stalkery (shooter RPG)
педмак1-2 (RPG-ekshon slesar)
Neverwinter NIC 2 (RPG real-time tactics)
dragon uge 2 (RPG real-time tactics)
quick 1, 4 (shooter)
torn raider underground (uh niznayu a supremely better slashers)
дуум3 (shooter)
X (scici conflict) (space)
anklav (~2003) (ekshon RPG)
Gothic 2 -3 (RPG supremely better)
ARMA 1-2 (shooter tactics real time)
wolds 1-2 (RPG supremely better)
just kauze 2 (ekshon slesar)
timshift (shooter)
knee length Mac RAE dirt (2004-2007) (car simulator arcade game)
dirt 2-3 (arcade simulator)
demon stone (slasher)
ground control 1-2 (real time strategy)
uh, mohaa 2D sprite games
puck vskidku
Star wars: Republic commando. The best game in its genre in my opinion. Shooter with elements of tactics