Disliked good game
"Favorite bad game" [url] http://forums.gamemag.ru/lyubimaya-plohaya-igra-vt834224.html [/ url] turned out to be a brilliant topic, which is why I launch a similar topic with the opposite meaning.The world is full of games, from which the press squeaks in delight and which are snapped up by players, but at the same time, these games do not insert a single drop for you personally.
Write about them here. Just pliz, without holyivor and do not offend MGS fans (and any other series - indicating why you did not like this or that popular hit, do not forget about its fans and do not offend them). And do not write about outright trash or middling - indicate here only games with the highest ratings that have not hooked you in any way.
I'll start with myself, I'll add further along the way:
Psychonauts by Tim Schafer.
I am a fan of his old quests, but this creation and the hysteria around him of the press and the hardcore players did not understand at all. Plus, I would never buy a game with such an acidic cover and a similar protagonist on it:
[url = http: //hg101.classicgaming.gamespy.com/psychonauts/psychonauts.jpg] http: //hg101.classicgaming.gamespy. com / ... onauts.jpg [/ url]
I understood the meaning of the topic. I consider all these games to be either threshing floor or average
Final Fantasy XII
Kingdom Hearts
Grand Theft Auto III
Ratchet & Clank
The Darkness
Devil May Cry 3/4
God of War
Blade of Darkness
Prince of Persia Warrior Within / Two Thones
Resistance 1/2
Doom 3
Splinter Cell 1/2 / 3/4
Quake 1/2
ACE, What do you play then? : wink:
In general or now?
now - in Halo 3 on the maps the legends of the mep pack, weights 2 are also in the cartoon and just passed the killzone 2.
in general - a lot. list of favorite games - http://www.gamemag.ru/users/ACE/
Gears of War, Halo 2-3, Fallout 3, Splinter Cell 1-4, Prince of Persia, Doom3, Bioshock, GTA4,
My opinion almost always coincides with the assessments of the press. And if I don’t like the game, it doesn’t mean that it’s bad. But still, in my opinion, these games are overrated by 1-2 points:
Resistance 1/2
Gears of War
Resident Evil 3 / Code Veronica
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Onimusha 2
Dead Rising, Lost Planet - The biggest misunderstanding. I'm afraid RE5 will go there too. Karoche - bring Kapkom.
The whole carrentgen, with the exception of a couple of games.
[b] Voldo [/ b], onimusha 2? true game ... 8)
[b] - = saZe (R) [/ b], pe5 and did not stand next to the masterpiece de-rizing
All old gene, past gene, carrent gene and next gene, with the exception of a couple of games: agree:
[b] Crash-Override [/ b], They are all of the same berry field. I just threw away the money. I will not sponsor Kapkom anymore. : razz:
Means me)
Starcraft = poor design, gray tones in your units are just creepy.
Diablo 2 = look at Starcraft =]
Mass Effect = stupid dialogues, stupid characters, banal story wah horror, dialogues like from a porn movie!
Counter Strike = watch encyclopedia drama)
Half Life = nerds headcrabs horror
Tekken = well, everyone's clear)