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nat.mih 09.11.21 09:31 pm

Lowriders: Custom Classics Update 1.33 (Grand Theft Auto 5)

Three new cars from Benny: Faction Custom Donk / Slamvan Custom / Virgo Classic Custom
(The update also includes three more hidden cars: Minivan2, Tornado5, SaberGT2. They will be activated on another day.)

Two new weapons - a double-barreled gun and a shortened AK

New actions and animations.
- Kisses
- Peace
- Nutty

New clothes for male and female characters.

3 new hairstyles for female characters.

New confrontation mode called "Sumo".

New tattoos.
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Gta story 09.11.21

victorzh a
new car, weapons, clothes do you buy for both Persians, or for one?

mister611 09.11.21

Gta Story
For one.

victorzh 09.11.21

Gta Story
I have one Persian.

nat.mih 09.11.21

victorzh It's cool to
have two characters of different sexes. True, it was lazy to download the second, but much faster than the first. All the same, the game is already getting boring, and so it seems there will be something to do - swing at least to 120 level.

victorzh 09.11.21

To each his own. I have come to the conclusion that I do not need a second Persian. I'd rather spend time on my main (and only) Persian, additionally pumping his level and money. And I can't say that without assignments I have nothing to do online. I just love to drive quietly in a good car, without a specific goal. The map is small, but very beautiful, it is a pleasure to ride. By the way, it is a pity that there are no more fans just to ride and enjoy the views. The company is almost always more fun. But with whoever I tried it - in a maximum of half an hour, it starts "let's go through something" or "let's arrange a batch with the cops", etc. Yes, I don’t argue, sometimes it’s fun to go to a race or shootout with friends, but for me personally, this is not what I’m online for.

vatsonification 09.11.21

victorzh Call
me somehow

winni madison 09.11.21

call me too, let's ride nickname XXXtrealXXX

t830x 09.11.21

And me, I'll go on foot: D

nat.mih 09.11.21

Both Persians have the same money. They have one bank account. )))

MiGamer86 09.11.21

victorzh When
I play alone, I often just ride, admire the beauty. Sometimes I play roleplay situations with NPCs.
And yes, +1. Invite too, I am always for a calm fun gameplay.
You often have in SC when it is written on the net that you are playing a single ... I understand that you are just sitting in a closed session?

victorzh 09.11.21

But you and I skated a couple of times in a quiet mode! I will be glad to repeat, I will keep in mind that you are interested in this.

winni madison

Didn't know (due to the absence of the second Persian), thanks for the information.

Yes, I went to the closed again. I played for several days in general - so there is again a trash-frenzy, cheataks put you in a UFO, take away your weapon, people with a reward for their heads do not die, but a Christmas tree grows on you, etc.
NPC is interesting. I have one role-play with them, called "I need your clothes and a motorcycle" :) Well, or please the Persian with the society of the fair sex, so as not to be sad :))

MiGamer86 09.11.21

victorzh You
can also follow a passer-by to a secluded place and take away his watch and iPhone there. )))
Or provoke a fight between NPCs and watch this show, especially if you gather a lot of fighters.
You can also score a lot of stars. Then call Lester and see what the cops do when they lose their target. Oh, how they swear at the same time !!!

t830x 09.11.21

I also make a show of several fighters or wander into a construction site, talk to NPCs and they run after them and swear: D Or I stopped a cargo truck on the road - kicked and such an angry driver jumps out, then I try to infuriate the traffic so that a fighter or several would be hit by a car: D: D

USER_NT 09.11.21

If you skate without the subject of cars, then call me too, but I'm on a motorcycle.

victorzh 09.11.21

Understood what it was about. I also know a couple of such interesting scenarios :)

In my opinion, in order to infuriate the traffic, you don't need to do anything special. It is worth hesitating to start from a traffic light - the car will be knocked like you do not need to do it, and they will also be wrapped up at the same time. Just like in RL :)


t830x 09.11.21

No, it is precisely so that the traffic starts to panic and accelerate, while a fighter who is not afraid on the road, and someone will knock him over and even drag him after the car ...

Gta story 09.11.21

there were some ridiculous deaths. once a moron from a gun store shot a Persian for no apparent reason. it was calm outside. no police. no wanted stars. then I went back and fired the whole clip into him. armory in the area of ​​the nightclub. there is a grocery store in the same area. being in the pass. mode went there for a cola. did not have time to buy anything when shooting rang out, and the Persian began to take damage. at first I thought the player was robbing the store, but then why does the Persian take damage? it turned out to be a resident of the city, a moved aunt with a shotgun. I don't understand why she suddenly started firing? immediately arrived two crews of cops, wanted - three stars. these bastards started shooting at me, and since Persian was in pass mode I did not have time to answer. slammed for nothing, nothing. somehow he ended up in the same area again. decided to join the robbery, turned on autosearch. I am waiting. then an aunt walks past, takes out a pipe, calls someone, and says: hello, do you remember me? did we have sex in the car? and at the most interesting place I was thrown into the mission, so I did not know how they ended up there

Yerdna555 09.11.21

In general, this is some kind of horror, not an update. I now had a Tornado with a convertible roof, which I dimmed a long time ago for full stuffing. I come to Benny and oops surprise - when you click on the purchase of the Custom version, nothing happens. It turns out that you have to throw it in the trash :(

victorzh 09.11.21

Yerdna 555
You will be given a little money "in the trash" for him, do not worry. Somewhere 60% of the investment.

Yerdna555 09.11.21


I know this, but it's still not very pleasant to lose money due to the fact that someone did not correct the program code :)